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Posts posted by Yuccaguy

  1. 6 minutes ago, Komets2727 said:

    Kind of a more severe measure as to what I thought Snider was going thru until this past year when they cut playing 9 SAC games to 7 SAC games and allowing teams to schedule 2 out of conference games. My pipe dream would be that Snider just played Carroll, Homestead, Dwenger, Luers, and North Side in the SAC and play 4 out of conference games against similar skilled opponents. 

    That NS game should be a "floater". 

    Not so sure that the situation is a permanent one with the belief of them being a Top-Tier SAC team.   

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, NLCTigerFan07 said:

    I promise I'm not trying to completely discredit the Warriors here... but the Tigers played their worst game of the season that week, the majoirity of which was self-inflicted. Yes, one could argue Wawasee made some of an impact on that, but truly much of that game was Warsaw playing just downright awful, and not necessarily anything that Wawasee was doing over impressively.

    I truly hope that the Wawasee Warriors are back on point, as I have them a few times in the ensuing seasons.

    I am not sure what "fans" think about the schedules that officials try to craft....But the excitement that yawl have, is the same as we have for Friday nights!   

    The Tigers are formidable, and I am sure that JUST LIKE US ... no one is prefect.  Every game has its' ebbs and flows.  

  3. 6 hours ago, Komets2727 said:

    Eastside the last few years yes, not this year. Bluffton has improved greatly the last few years, but I did not see them beating Luers this year, some others did though.

    Woodlan had some really good teams when Haydock was there, not so much after he left for Wayne. Churubusco was really good for a 5-10 year period and then the bottom fell out.

    Really interested to see who steps out of the shadows with Luers gone for at least 2 years. My money is on Eastside, Adams Central, and Bluffton until someone proves differently 

    Ya know it was a 4 point game...  

  4. 13 minutes ago, Komets2727 said:

    Lots of discussion about how down 2A was this year. I thought it was the worst class of football in Indiana this year by a wide margin

    May have been in the Southern Region.  But in NE Indiana, you have to admit, that it must have given some pause when Eastside and Bluffton came to town?

    Now that BLHS moves up to 3A, perhaps the Blazers/Tigers can carve out their own journey to LOS?  AC and SA may also have something to say....

    2A, honestly is not a class that is "meaty" in this area.  FW has been wonderful in the classes beyond 2A for a decade.   It's just enrollment #'s that have made that so. 

    Let's not forget the 2A juggernaut a few short years ago in the area was: Woodlan.  Before that Busco.  Before that....hmm. "BLHS"? 




  5. 2 minutes ago, PHJIrish said:

    I wish I was able to donate to the GID but I'm 80 years old and on a fixed income.  I can still make it to the games, but there's not much left after paying the bills and going to the games.  

    PH, of all the legends on this blog.  I think that YOU would get an understanding that others would not receive!

    God Bless, and stay healthy.  

    Ya know WHO I am....lol

  6. 5 hours ago, FastpacedO said:

    Pass interference is called if the defensive player contacts the offensive player while he is trying to catch the pass, unless the defender has turned his head to face the oncoming pass and is attempting to intercept it. Accidental, glancing contact is not penalized.

    To me it wasn't ticky tack and was the correct call. @Bobref and @Yuccaguy can correct me if I am wrong. Had he not grabbed a handful of Brotherton's jersey he probably would have been okay. He did somewhat look back to the ball so contact could have been deemed accidental, but when you grab the jersey that will be called regardless (see photo)


    Based upon the snapshot;   It probably was.  

    But remember, here in good ole Indiana.  We are still using 5 guys to cover a field of play with teenagers (not like we used to be) running RPO and fast all all get out.  

    Sometimes things are missed, sadly.  

    I've suggested that following the Sectional Finals we use 7 man crews....  immediately rebuffed by the powers that me.   

    With a FJ and a SJ right there...  I'd guess that that ability to more clearly adjudicate things like this would be handled better.  Not perfect, but better.  

    • Like 1
  7. Just wait until next weekend when Michigan puts an absolute a$$ whooping on Iowa. 

    The Big18 is a complete joke.  At least Allen is gone in Bloomington.  But something HAS to be done to create some semblance of parity/competition between the divisions.


  8. 30 minutes ago, Rodney said:

    I'll be rooting for cp foolishly from the north endzone


    However I dont expect much

    I always root against the usual suspects in 6a but they always end up winning

    5/6 guessing state championships this year so far


    6/6 last year


    6/6 the year before and the year before that


    Hell I ain't been wrong since David came in and upset goliath 

    You are ONE vote less than 10 million when i get a chance...😀

  9. 1 minute ago, LuersMom5 said:

    Well...   It is absolutely true that there have been years that the Luers team have been better than some college teams. Especially some of those "juggernaut" teams.  

    But worth noting:  No one is claiming that said college teams were D1 sides themselves.  Lol. 

    Having had Luers this year.  I am not at all shocked at their winning a State Championship.  

    In specific positions, they clearly were the most complete team in class 2A.  After the Eastside contest, cleaning up the things on the egdes...they should have been favored 

    Not sure what collegiate teams that you could espouse...  again, let's not get ahead of ourselves with the superlatives.

    May want to remember that the Knights had 3 losses during this season's journey!




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