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    Ben Davis
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  1. Maybe. Use proper grammar dumbass. Some might actually take you serious. You are two walking pieces of s... Enough said there. Show some maturity please. Don't be turds all the time.
  2. Don't continue being a POS either. Facts are facts.
  3. Don't have any children retard. Get your facts together before you call me out. POS.
  4. Your grammar shows your intelligence. You are clearly a Mensa International member. You two are the 2 biggest retards on here. I don't have kids. Hope your kids have better luck than you 2. Inbreds.
  5. Well we aren't cutting BD's enrollment in half. Poor comparision for someone I thought had more common sense. Don't be a douchebag.
  6. Nobody likes a DB Rodney. Be an adult and post as one. Don't be a worthless POS as you are. Grow up.
  7. And they haven't won much of anything. A few titles in minor sports.
  8. So enrollment is why they are good? Nothing to do with program or feeder system. Same reason BD is horrible at baseball, softball, track, golf, swimming etc. They have 5000 kids. It's about a program and feeder system. It's amazing how some of you think
  9. So socioeconomics is why CG has cracked the code?. So if you are a wealthy school. you can compete at a small school like CG? And yes small school, compared to Carmel and BD. No one wants to say having a program and feeder system is why they are good. If it's Carmel or BD, it's because of numbers, if it's CG it's because of socieoeconomics. Poor excuses folks. It's called programs and feeder systems. Wake up.
  10. Hahahahahahaha. That's too damned funny. I guess enrollment means so much. Homestead would dominate with 5000 kids. Not just swimming, but FB and others. Their programs and feeder systems are just that superior. Pathetic comparison btw. Just short of students or they'd win. My god lol. Homestead is lucky to have won they titles they have. Enough said.
  11. Fort Wayne is zero comparison to Indy FB. All little bitty schools. Not a fair comparison. You beat Warren on a down year and now your schools are national powerhouses. Lol poor comparison.
  12. Here we go again. Enrollment. If you have 4500 kids then why isn't BD good in baseball, softball, track, soccer, golf etc. Explain your argument? Got an answer?
  13. So to your defense, enrollment means zero in the country club sports, just FB and basketball? So big schools being crappy in country club sports is the norm? It's all about wealth and social status? So big schools with a highly reduced lunch rate can't be successful in country club sports? No nostalgia, truth is a hard fact to dispute. It's been done before. Explain why rich schools like Munster, HSE, Fishers and others can't beat Carmel girls swimming. Is it $$$ or the program? Please explain??????? I'm waiting. It's called a program. Those schools have the funds to be as good as they wanna be. Why they aren't?....Program and feeder system.
  14. Keep defending temptation. I respect it. I love your posts btw. 3 titles in track and a couple of volleyball Avon titles and what do you have for those 3 schools? Not much. The expansion of the westside has hardly affected BD outside of their band, which is now a small shell of itself. The point of my whole conversation is, build a program and a feeder system and you can be successful. Scott Williams ran a successful BD CC program in the 90's. Carmel wasn't poor then, BD beat them in 89/1990 my sophomore year. Times have changed for sure. Look at LaPorte baseball. Great decades ago, horrible now. Hobart football. Gary track and field decades ago. You have to have a program and feeder system. It's not hard math.
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