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Marshall Mathers

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Posts posted by Marshall Mathers

  1. These are my 2 thoughts, and thats all I'll say about it after coaching 2 years in a small school setting. 

    1. Private school athletes typically have more opportunity than public school athletes. Many private schools are located in an urban/suburban area, with AAU and trainers at their doorsteps, and the means to afford it. Many of our small public schools are located in rural areas, with AAU/Trainers 45+ minutes away. Once again this is not the case for EVERY athlete, because some private school families can't afford it either. Overall, in my opinion, athletes that are enrolled at a private school typically have more opportunity than those in a public school.  

    2. Recruiting.. In my opinion both levels recruit in some way. The kids that live in urban/suburban areas have more schools around, which could make it easier to find a school of their choosing, but could go either way. I don't know the exact rules, but it does seem that private schools follow a different recruiting rulebook than public.. but I could be wrong.

    I like the way Illinois does their private schools with a x1.65 student multiplier. This would take a few of the top dogs out of 1A, but not all of them. 

  2. Mid year update...


    PH - 10-3 (1-0) - Only losses are to bigger teams, and a really good Park Tudor. These guys are the real deal from what I have seen. They easily beat SV @ SV in round 2. I think they will sweep conference without a problem. They legitimately have 3 future 1000pt scorers on their roster. Id venture to say that hasn't happened more than a handful of times on any team ever. Their only downfall will be a potential lack of size, but it seems Crum is holding his own.

    SV - 7-6 (1-1) - Started off the year really hot, and looked to be a top 25 team in 3A. They had a pretty bad showing at the classic, and have still not really recovered. They picked up a road win at Seeger, (even though Seeger was missing their best player). Not sure what has happened to them, but on paper they have a ton of skill, and at least 3 all conference players. I have them finishing 2nd still, but it won't be as easy as I thought originally.

    Covington - 7-7 (2-0) - Lost to Seeger by 5pts. No real notable wins, I think they are winning the games they should win. They have at least 2 all-conference players, and a big kid that can scare away some drives. I have them finishing 6th now, originally 5th.

    NV - 8-5 (1-0) - Looks like this is NV's best start in a few years. They haven't beaten anyone great yet, so I am still unsure about them. They do look to be scoring a lot more points this year as well. I think my prediction with them at 4th is still correct. They have the guard play to compete well enough offensively and defensively with other teams, and a couple good bigs, so they could easily be top 3.

    FC - 6-4 (2-0) - These guys are VERY 2 dimensional right now. If you can stop Harmon from catching and shooting freely, and limit Gayler, they struggle. I was able to catch their game with North Putnam, and they looked like they had no fight. If that team shows up against other conference teams I see them finishing 6th. 

    Seeger - 6-4 (0-1) - Beat Covington by 5 and lost to FC by 6. I think they can compete with every team in the conference. 

    RP - 2-0 (0-2) - They play very hard, but still lack skill in a lot of areas. Robins looks to be their best player. I have them at 7th still, finishing above Attica. I think they will beat them by 15-20.

    Attica - 1-10 (0-3) - Attica is very young, but have a couple pieces. They just don't score well enough to compete right now. 

  3. Fun early start to the year. 

    PH - 4-2, with losses to a large and good Evansville Harrison squad, and a really good Park Tudor squad. Still look to be the front runners. Lots of people that can score. Watched a thriller of a livestream against SV. That will be a very fun game to watch in conference play in Clinton. Maybe the deciding factor for conference?

    FC - 2-1 Carried by Harmon and Gayler like I predicted. If you can limit these two, you can beat FC. They are scoring over 40 points themselves. Ill be interested to see how the far in conference.

    SV - 3-1 Lost a tough one against PH at Rockville. Had the game in the bag, and unfortunately got a technical that lost them the game. They could easily win conference. They have some weapons, and are top 30 in 3A. Bush and Schultz have been very good for them.

    NV - 3-3 Lost badly to an OK West Vigo team. I still see them at middle of the pack. Not sure who is performing well for them. They do look to be the tallest team in the conference. 

    Seeger - 3-1. Lost by 19 to an undefeated CP team. They did beat Northmont, whom FC lost to by 2. I am not sure who is leading this team anymore. I think they have some good role players than all contribute. 

    Attica - Another rough year for them. They do play very hard though.

    RP - Picked up a couple early season wins, and played NV pretty close early. They play very hard, just lack a lot of skill. I do think they will beat Attica any 10-15pts. 

  4. ITS TIME! 

    I am going to try and predict the WRC again this year. 

    Last Years Picks

    1. Seeger // 2. FC // 3. SV // 4. PH // 5. Covington // 6. NV // 7. RP // 8. Attica

    It went..

    1. FC // 2. PH // 3. Seeger // 4. Covington // 5. NV // 6. SV // 7. RP // 8. Attica


    1. Parke Heritage -> They return just about their entire team that went 19-10. They had some youth last year, and those guys will only improve with experience. I can see this group making a tourney run in March. They have the best player in the conference returning in Treigh Schelsky. They also have Renn Harper, who would be most other teams #1 option. They have some great shooters surrounding those two guys. The only weakness I see in this group is their lack of size, which the WRC doesn't have a ton of overall, so they will probably dominate. 

    2. SV --> I put this group at 3 last year, and they underperformed. They still have a TON of athletes, and a returning all-conference player in Bush. They lost some really close conference games last year. They graduated a couple of role players, but return their core players. This group now has a full year with their coach, so I think they will be more likely to finish those close games.

    3. FC --> I was torn on where to put them for this year. They graduated a great leader & possibly the best defender in the conference in Foxworthy. They also graduated Larkin, whom I bet most teams had to put a significant amount of preparation for, as well as a rim protector in the WRC. They won some VERY close games last year in the conference. Harmon came up big for them in a lot of these games. Harmon is probably going to get face guarded completely every game, so the other players like Gayler and Acton are really going to have to step it up this year for them to win. 

    4. NV --> NV has been down for a few years, but I think they have a chance to be near the top of the conference this year. They managed to get two unexpected conference wins last year. They only graduated 2 players from last year and they return an all conference player in White. NV has a TON of size. I was very surprised by their size in both levels last year. I expect this to give them an advantage against a few teams in the conference. I am interested to see what their pace of play will be this year. 

    5. Covington --> They graduated 3 seniors from last years 12-13 team, and around 20PPG. They still return one of the best shooters in the conference, and a very good guard in Ferguson. They have a very tall sophomore that ended up getting some minutes for them last year. I will be interested to see how he develops. This team is going to rely HEAVILY on Stein and Ferguson's scoring output if they want to be successful. 

    6. Seeger --> They return a few of their group from last year, but graduated a 4x all conference player in Snedeker. I have heard rumors that Winchester was not on their roster for the year, but I am not 100% sure. If Winchester is playing for them I will put them above FC, if not they are below in my opinion. This team plays well together as they have been playing about the same group for the last 2 years, but I think it will be a different look without Snedeker and possibly Winchester this year.

    7. RP --> They graduated their three best players, one of which was a top 5 player in the conference, and won some games himself last year in Hazzard. I think they only return 1 starter, and the rest will be very new varsity players. They also have a new coach this year, so I expect this to be a complete rebuilding year.

    8. Attica --> I think they return most of their team from last year, but lack a star player, and role players.They have struggled the last few years, and I don't think this is the year they flip the switch. 

  5. I have been quiet this year thus far. Not really a lot of fun up until now. Seems the conference is pretty down besides two teams.

    Attica @ (PH) - Yikes

    (FC) @ Covington - I had higher hops for the Trojans this season, but after last week's beatdown I am worried. FC is coming off a solid win, I take them in this game. Their QB is pretty impressive.

    (Seeger) @ RP - Word on the street at the Mecca Tavern is the RP boys are hurtin. Seeger will out physical them, and it won't be close.

    NV vs (SV) - This will be the conference decider. For the simple fact that it's at home, I'm giving the edge to SV. I think NV will be more prepared and better coached, but fall a little short due to athleticism/talent. 


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  6. My favorite time of the year is back! It is time for some WRC basketball Pre-Season Rankings. I was not very accurate last year, but let's see try it out anyway. 

    1 or 2 could go either way..

    This might be the most fun year of WRC basketball in awhile, because there is no CLEAR favorite to win. I think it could swing a bunch of different ways.

    1. Seeger -->  They return a 4x All-Conference player in Snedeker. (Who is probably a top 3 player in the conference) I look for him to have another great year, and provide leadership. If I am not mistaken, they also didn't graduate any starters, or even guys that got a lot of minutes. They went 8-13 last year, but lost to some good teams in close battles. I think they will get over the hump this year and be the team to beat.

    2. FC --> They are also returning all of their key pieces. I think they lost a little more than Seeger, but may have more individual talent. They have the tallest Center in the conference, and a top 5 player in Harmon. Gayler could also have a good year as well. 


    This is where it gets really interesting..

    SV, NV, PH, RP, could fall in any place.. but my predictions

    3. SV --> They have a top 10 player in Wallace, and a respectable, probably top 10 player in Bush returning this year. I see them pressuring, and spreading the floor out for drive and kicks. They have some guys surrounding those 2 that can really shoot. I don't know how their post play is, but I don't believe they have any standouts. Let's see if their new coach plays all 14 kids each game, or if he sticks with a core group.

    4. PH --> They graduated 2 very good athletes, and lost maybe the best player in the conference in Johnson to a transfer. I believe they will be really young, but not lacking in the skill department. I look for the Sophomore Harper to lead the team this year, but can't count out their Freshman in Schelsky. I haven't got the chance to see him play, but I have heard he is the real deal. I'll be interested to see how he fares at the varsity level. Could be an interesting year for PH. They will lack a lot of size, but make up for it with athleticism. 

    5. NV --> They graduated I believe 3 starters. One was all conference, and the other 2 were role players. They return a few guys that are multiple year starters, and some that got a lot of minutes last year. They return an all-conference honorable mention in White, and I think he could fare to be a top 5 player in the conference with the reigns this year. Outside of that I think they will be the biggest team overall in the conference.

    6. RP --> They return arguably the best player in the conference in Hazzard. They have a respectable big man in Hines, and a good defender in Mullins. Outside of that I think they will be pretty weak. They are going to need Hazzard to score 20+ every night for them to win games. If he can do it they have the capability of competing for a higher spot.

    7. Attica --> Their new coach got them playing hard last year, nearly upsetting a good Faith Christian team at the end of the year. I just think their lack of overall talent will hurt them. They lose their big that got them a decent amount of points, but I am not sure who they are returning. I do believe that they can compete early, just don't think they have the firepower to last. 

  7. NV --> NV's pass defense has been better I believe, but will it be enough? They're going to need all the help they can get defensively, but I don't believe TP can stop them either.

    FC --> FC got a blessing last week playing Attica.. I think they will be ultra prepared to face PT.

    CC --> I think I have to take CC here. I am very impressed with their QBs arm.. and I don't think the Panther defense will be able to hold them.

    On 10/23/2022 at 1:31 PM, Donnie Baker said:


    On the 5 too.. WOW

  8. 1 hour ago, Andre Krimm said:

    No way they'd ever go either. They know they have a hard time competing with anyone of a similar size. 

    Is there a reason they don't seem to excel with schools their size? SOS is obviously a factor, but I don't think it makes or breaks a teams tourney run by itself. They don't have a high turnover rate with head coaches in any of their varsity sports. What are the factors at play?

  9. Covington over Attica - 36-12. Not a lot to say here

    FC over NV - 39-36. I think this will be a high scoring game. If the HOF Coach dials up the right pass plays FC could be in for some big plays. NVs offense is better, but their defense has yet to prove much. 

    SV over Seeger - Close early, SV goes undefeated in conference play. 35-22. 

    RP over PH - Not alot to be said here. RP wins the Parke county trophy. 46-12. 

  10. 4 hours ago, BillyBettis said:

    Coach King has been spread since 2007.   

    Im not sure who the best team would be in the last 15 years,  but I’d personally have to give not to Jacob Earl’s falcons, state champs and 1A player of the year I believe! Best player to play in the WRC since Smith.

    Imagine Earl’s stats if he played more than 2 quarters a game. I’d agree with you on best player. Could he have made Turkey Run conference contenders? NV was certainly not NV without him 

  11. 15 minutes ago, kdets89 said:

    2014 North Vermillion (who beat Lutheran by 18 in SS) would beat 2021 Parke Heritage (who lost to Lutheran by 36 in Reg) with a running clock the entire 2nd half.  The NV line would have dominated the game on both sides of the ball.

    I remember watching that Lutheran team beat a pretty good Eastern Hancock team, and seeing how massive their line was. It truly was a size vs speed game between Lutheran and NV in 2014. Did Crabtree make most WRC teams move to a spread offense?

  12. 58 minutes ago, Andre Krimm said:

    Hard disagree. Between PH last year and SV this year, I think those two teams are the most dominant forces that this conference has ever seen.

    Powerhouse is the most applicable word, especially for SV this year. I think this year's SV would wipe the floor with last year's PH squad then that PH squad would run circles around the NV state team.

    I think there's a lot of undervaluation of the athletes we're watching grace our presence right now and the quality coaching jobs that were at PH last year and the stellar program that SV has built.

    I'm not sure if I should laugh at this or not to be honest. Ill take the 2007 Rox over any of those teams.

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    • Kill me now 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Ballhawk said:

    Middle school results don't always transfer to high school results.  Kids may mature early and dominate in junior high only to be the same height and weight 4-5 years later.

    It seems the WRC has been down lately.  You usually had a rotation of Attica, Fountain Central, North Vermillion, Parke Heritage (Rockville) or Seeger in the 1A rankings and making strong tournament runs.  Has the talent dried up?  Have the youth programs faltered?  What has caused the quality to seem to drop off across the board?

    I do remember watching a time when NV, FC, Rockville, and Attica were all ranked top 10 in 1A. I believe it was 2014, the year NV won state. I'm not sure if we will ever see football like that again in the WRC. 

    I don't think it's youth programs faltering, I think it's just athletes coming and going. Those teams had some of the best athletes to ever come through the WRC.

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, jerry rice said:

    RP takes the travel north to face off with the indefinite underdogs of the conference. NV walked all over Attica last week, and this week will be the same with the RP football program on the rise

    Is RP really on the rise or is the WRC just not good right now? RP has only played 2 opponents that are over 500, and got beat decisively by one, and by a few scores with the other. Not trying to be a hater, just stating the facts. Kudos to them for having some success though.. and I saw that they are destroying teams in junior high. 70PTS is crazy.

  15. Pretty uneventful week I would say. Best game is SV vs FC.

    NV @ PH - NV has JV out starting of the 4th quarter. 48-6.

    RP @ Attica - Hazzard has 4200 rushing yards, and 31 touchdowns after it's all said and done. 41124-6.

    Seeger @ CT - Seeger and FC just had a BATTLE last week. I wish I could have attended. Seeger is still top 3 in the conference and win this game 40-14.

    SV @ FC - Could be a battle early, but with the beatdown SV just put down on RP, I'd say things may be clicking. 35-13.


    • Haha 1
  16. I'm very curious on the IHSAA's plans on the reffing shortage? Is there really even a fix? I feel like at this point they may have to make it more lucrative for the officials. I think the pay is pretty reasonable, but not enough to deal with the amount of heckling they receive on a nightly basis. What are your thoughts on this? I'd hate to lose Friday night football because of a reffing shortage. 

  17. Attica @ NV - I stand corrected on my Falcon over RP prediction last week. It seems the Falcons aren't as dominate as I thought initially. Still better than Attica by whatever the running clock allows them.

    Covington @ PH - Ill take the Trojans. It will be close early, but I think Covington can score the ball better. 34-13.

    FC @ Seeger - Seeger seems to be playing good football right now. They have some athletes. I think FC is too inconsistent, but if they come to play, it could be a battle. 34-22.

    RP @ SV -  With how even the SV/NV game was after the 1st, I will say this could be a battle. Although match-ups are way different, I still think you can compare teams a little. Since this is being played at the visor field, Ill take SV 34-28.

  18. On 9/12/2022 at 1:14 PM, Bear54 said:

    Week 5 Picks...

    Covington @ South Vermillion - The Wildcats came out and punched the Falcons in the face and coasted to a victory. The Trojans came out and punched the Mustangs in the face and got rolled after that. I think the Wildcats really separated themselves from the rest of the pack last week. They win big, 40-14.

    Fountain Central @ Attica - The Mustangs finally woke from their slumber last week and got a good win. The Red Ramblers got man handled by a winless Woolfs team. FC is better than their record indicates. Mustangs get WRC victory #2, 40-6.

    North Vermillion @ Riverton Parke - The Falcons have to win out and hope some one beats SV to share the WRC crown now. The Panthers just couldn't get themselves over the hump last week against Seeger. Look for both teams to refocus this week. This has game of the week potential. Panthers get the Homecoming victory, 27-26.

    Parke Heritage at Seeger - The Woolfs took their frustrations out on Attica last week and got their first win. The Patriots roughed up Riverton Parke for their second win in a row. I don't think this will be a Dog Fight, Seeger wins big, 35-7.


    SV - CT --> 48-20. CT will score a few times. They have some athletes, but SV proved last week they are the top dogs.

    FC - Attica --> 41-0. 

    NV - RP --> 42-20. Seems everyone is picking RP over NV this week. After watching RP a couple times this year, it looks to be a 1 man show. NV/SV are very even. Hard to come back from letting up 28 in a quarter, but it seemed even after. 

    PH - Seeger --> 41-6. Seeger is a top 3 team in the conference. PH is a bottom 2 team. 

    16 hours ago, BillyBettis said:

    Everyone talks about pizza on here, but I wonder who could eat more tenderloins: Crabtree/Blank vs Sanders/Garman*

    Depends on the size of the tenderloins

    • Like 1
  19. On 11/23/2021 at 12:43 PM, Marshall Mathers said:

    Let's have some discussions this year on some WRC basketball. I'll start us off with some rankings.


    1. Parke Heritage - Obviously the favorites. They are returning 3 starters from their state-runner up team from last year. They have the best basketball player in the conference in Christian Johnson, and one of the most athletic defenders in the conference in Noble Johnson. They also got a move in from the Terre Haute area that looks to be a good addition. I think they may lack a true big man this year like they had in Davis last year. They will definitely miss his rebounding, points, hustle. With that being said I don't see any team in the WRC stopping them when they space the floor. They will have too many guards/weapons. They also added a couple freshmen that I bet get some minutes for shooting ability. Look for lots of open 3s off of drive & kicks, and another dominant year.

    2. Covington - They return at least 6 varsity players, 4 of which I believe started last year. Waddell should be cleared to play, and I look for him to be the dominant big man in the conference. Karrfalt/Waddell will probably take the majority of the shots, but they will have some guys on the floor around them that can also contribute if they aren't hitting shots. They have a new coach this year, so I am curious to see how he fits these pieces together, but I don't see them falling off at all as long as they don't play that 3-2 zone again.

    Now is where the guessing happens. So many teams lost the majority of their starters from the previous year, so Ill do my best.

    3. South Vermillion - They return 3 starters from last year I believe. Garzolini, Uselman, Hawkins. Garzolini will probably be their best player, being 6-5 in the WRC doesn't hurt. Uselman can shoot and may end up being their #1 scorer, but takes a lot of questionable shots. Hawkins is a true guard, but can also score it if needed. I believe they have a couple younger guys that may see some minutes as well. I expect them to be in a ton of close games, and with their senior leadership/experience they should be able to pull through most.

    I think 4-6 could be a toss up. 

    4. Fountain Central - They return 2 starters I believe/best scorers, and a couple varsity players. They graduated a ton of seniors last year that took a majority of the minutes. They should have some seniors this year that have played some, but are more of role players. The big kid is probably 6-6/6-7, but from what I saw last year he looked to want to shoot 3s more than go inside. If he develops his inside game he will be very hard to stop, as he's only a Junior. The sophomore guard definitely has some skill as well.

    5. Seeger - They return a top 5 player in the conference in Snedeker. I'm not sure who else they have, but I do know their freshmen class last year was very good. I think they are probably around the same as they were last year as far as record is concerned. They will have to develop some of the younger guys, but there is definitely a bright future. I saw they got a win against Faith Christian last night, although I think they are rebuilding.

    6. North Vermillion - I think they are a little better this year. They have been the lowest scoring team in the conference the last couple of years. From my understanding they didn't graduate anyone, so they are returning with a lot of varsity experience. Naylor is a senior this year, and I look for him to have a big year. I got to watch the sophomore White play some last year in sectionals, and he seems like he can contribute some to the Falcons success as well. I just see them losing most of their games due to the lack of scoring capabilities. I do think they will be very competitive with most teams, but will slip away around the 3rd or 4th quarters due to low scoring output. It's hard to win a varsity game scoring 35PPG.

    7. Riverton Parke - They graduated 2 of their 3 all conference players which accounted for 30PPG, so they are going to have to look elsewhere to score. They return Hazzard who I think is another top 5 player in the WRC. They have a couple other juniors outside of Hazzard that will probably be their second and third looks. They are going to lack a valuable big man, and I think they are going to struggle to score the ball as well. 

    8. Attica - I'm not sure who Attica returns this year. I've heard rumors their guard #2 isn't playing this year. They are coming off of a 2-17 record last year, and I look for them to struggle again this year. 

    Mid-season review. Was I accurate?

    1. I had PH. (6-7) (0-2) Well their season has been so riddles with misfortunes. At one point I think they were missing 3 starters. They are starting a freshmen, although a good freshmen, he is still a freshmen. Johnson hasn't played more than 5 games, and he hasn't seemed to have gotten his rhythm back. They have struggled to score, but I believe the rest of the season they should be at or close to full strength. I think they will beat NV tonight, but move to third in the conference. 

    2. I had Covington. (9-4) (3-0) Obviously with the double digit win over PH it propels them to 1st. I watched the Covington/PH game in person and it was cool to watch. I was very impressed with the way they ran their defense. Having Karrfalt, whom may be the best on ball defender in the conference, and a 6-6 Waddell at the rim, they are tough to score on. They have a few guys that can put the ball in the bucket too. They are clearly the favorites now. 

    3. I had SV. (7-8) (2-0) SV did beat PH, so they have to move up one spot. They are pretty deep as I previously said, and are led by a good senior class. They have a great spread of being able to shoot the 3, but also spread the floor out and drive. I think Covington beats them by 10+ though. 

    4. I had FC. (8-6)(1-2) I was wrong here. Im putting them to 6th in the conference. They have struggled to score the ball consistently, and just lost to Seeger last week. Despite their 8-6 record, I just think they play too inconsistently. They do have some size, which propels them above a couple other teams in the conference. 

    5. I had Seeger here.(5-7) (1-0) I am going to keep Seeger here. They have a great Sophomore class led by a 2 time all conference junior. I have not seen them play much, but these guys are going to continue to get better. 

    6. I had NV here, and I am moving them to 4th. (5-8) (1-0). They look to have improved tremendously from the previous 2 years. They are averaging 48PPG, and have lost 4 games either in OT or by 3. They seem to be very close in turning the corner. I noticed a lack of games from Tryon and Naylor. 

    7. I had RP here, and I am keeping them here. (5-8) (1-2) They are 1 player away from being very good. Hazzard has carried them to some pretty close games, but they just lack that extra scorer. Hines isn't bad up top in their option plays, but when they get rid of it no one else can score it well. 

    8. I had Attica here, and I am keeping them here. (0-9) (0-4) These guys play hard early, but seem to lose it when pressure picks up later on. They just don't have any real scoring, but their defense seems to be pretty good when they are set. 


    New rankings:

    1. Covington (7-0)

    2. SV (6-1)

    3. PH (5-2)

    4. NV (4-3)

    5. Seeger (3-4) 

    6. FC (2-5)

    7. RP (1-6)

    8. Attica (0-7)

  20. I watched/listened to the BOW tourney last weekend.

    Here are my thoughts.. and does it change my pre-season rankings?

    Parke Heritage - Won banks without Christian, who is the best player in the conference. I stand with my prediction that they are the team to beat in the WRC. The freshmen Harper is going to be a force to be reckoned with. I was super impressed by how he played against South Vermillion. He single handedly kept them in that game, and stopped all of SV's momentum. Noble was a very good leader, and took over a lot when it counted. 


    South Vermillion - They gave PH a pretty good run for their money early. They seem to be very deep with subs, I feel like 10+ kids touched the floor for them in some capacity in both games. They look to have a pretty solid underclass, and Uselman/Garzolini are as advertised, and do the majority of their scoring. I'm interested to see how the Bush kid develops, and how the team progresses this year. 


    Riverton Parke - I didn't have them beating NV, but it was a thrill to watch. Hazzard finally started to score the basketball some, and ended up with 20+ against NV. They struggle to score the ball outside of Hines/Hazzard, and most of their offense just runs through those 2. Mullins looks to get most of his scoring off his defense.  I don't see them winning more than 5-6 games this year, but 3-1 is a great start.


    North Vermillion - I feel like NV is still better than RP. They have been without a healthy Naylor, whom I expect will help offensively/defensively for the Falcons. I'm still not sold on them being able to consitsently score the ball, but they have put up 40+ in each game, which is an obvious improvement. They had a costly TF and missed free throws with 2s left to send it into OT. They did not look very competitive against South Vermillion. I think when Naylor gets back they are still in the middle of the pack in conference. 

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