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    Indianapolis Lutheran
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  1. Name one 3A public school that received $901 million in IDEA grants in 2020. I'll wait. They all have access to it as needed. Private school students do not, even though private school parents also pay taxes.
  2. Indiana allocated $901,000,000 for IDEA grants in 2020. The money is used to assist students with disabilities in Indiana public schools as needed. They’re required to allocate at least the same amount each proceeding year. Lutheran’s operating budget is about 2 million.
  3. How much in subsidies and grants does a ~3A public school get solely for these programs? I’d estimate it’s more than Lutheran’s entire annual operating budget.
  4. We control the enrollment. All your theories are true. The board of the school actually meets before every school year and decides which athletes are getting free tuition, and final cuts are made to bring the total enrollment down to desired levels specifically for football classification. It’s usually the theatre nerds that don’t make the final cut. Their loss.
  5. If the Papists can win 3A in Chatard’s absence, and Chatard takes 4A, we’re one step closer to the p/p sweep. I fully support this.
  6. Blitz’s breakdown is great. Jack Hamilton‘s performance will be the deciding factor. https://outsidethehuddle.net/2023/11/22/1a-state-finals-primer-lutheran-vs-adams-central-with-blitzs-pick/?fbclid=IwAR2XgnQL2NMzg9cNIwn0lWxPflK1s0cuW39Cu2JUM2BUYiLrWZauDDXbJcc
  7. Is the third time the charm for AC? Lutheran's passing attack does not appear on paper to be as dominant as last, and AC has run laps around their entire schedule thus far. This one is sure to come down to a defensive battle to see who can slow down Keegan Bluhm or Braydon Hall.
  8. You said we were being dismissive, so I gave you some attention with some smack talk… nothing against the kids, I hope it’s a good game
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