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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×

Stripes 75

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Everything posted by Stripes 75

  1. The mercy rule ONLY applies during the first 3 weeks of the play offs per an email this week to ALL white hats. 1. The Mercy Rule is in effect for the first three weeks of the tournament. Please familiarize yourself with the Rule and make an appropriate and timely decision if necessary. This is a good pre-game conversation with your clock crew among the other topics you should cover. 2. Please review the Mock Coin Toss mechanics and procedures. Every crew needs to be rock solid on this mechanic as every game during the Tournament Series needs to be uniform with respect to the Mock Coin Toss. 3. In the event that you have to eject a player, coach, or administrator, send me a text with all of the pertinent information. This needs to be done immediately following the conclusion of the game. Complete the ejection report within 12 hours of the contest. DO NOT leave the stadium before you notify me of the ejection. You should also report all other Unsportsmanlike Conduct Penalties. However, those reports that do not include an ejection should be completed within 24 hours of the conclusion of the contest. Please remind Coaches of your sportsmanship expectations for them and their team during the pre-game conference. 4. If you are miked during a contest, DO NOT give an offending player number when announcing a Penalty! Penalty. Offense/Defense. Distance. Down. Example: “Holding. Offense. Ten Yards from the spot of the foul. Repeat Second Down.” 5. Be sure to enforce all equipment and sideline Rules. 6. Treat each assignment as a State Finals contest. Good Luck. Have Fun!
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