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  1. Gee a guy posts one image of a baseball player on a football page and don’t check it for a day. Come back and see that chaos has ensued. I guess it’s a good think I didn’t post a soccer player of this whole board may have fallen.
  2. Highlanders vs Owls is likely the batrle to win the HHC. Floyd sounds like they want to make the Owls defense to prove themselves i’d they want to win this one. If Floyd sticking with a hard nose RB ground attack or are they working the Owls defense in the air as well? Something has seemed a little off with Seymour defensive approach since Greenwood and it may likely cost them the Conference title.
  3. Owls defense has to find some type of stamina and grit in the second half. They let Greenwood offense just move down the field with ease when the game was in hand. They could be the team to beat in the HHC but the rest of the Conference now know, after film work, how to keep the game within reach. .
  4. With the HHC done for this football season, does anyone have any early predictions of what to expect from next years teams?
  5. Bloomington North - 56 Seymour - 38 Final Owls defense could contain the Cougars.
  6. Sadly for Seymour there is a history of cosches jumping ship just after finding some success. It will be telling for the programs future if Moore is still in town after this year or at the most season.
  7. Final: Seymour 21 Jennings Co 14 Shouldn’t have been that close, but kudos to the Panthers they managed the possessions really well to keep the Owls offense off the field for a large part of the game.
  8. Owls refused to let a game not come down to the wire. less than a min. 14-14 Owls ball on 1 yard to go.
  9. Looks as if HHC hae a 3-way tie for the title with Floyd, Seymour, and East with no clear winner. Minus some crazy situation that looks like how it will end. Defiantly a transition period for the conference.
  10. Seymour still playing 1 step forward 2 steps back. Penalties and miss communication are just giving Brownstown multiple opportunities.
  11. Seymour stuck in a one step forward two steps back offense through the half. Brownstown players always have grit and May seems to game plan for Seymour well. Question always is how long can those Brave starters hold on before the numbers game wears them down.
  12. Final Score Seymour - 22 Floyd - 15 Seymour likely takes the 2nd spot in the HHC. But if we see a East loss Floyd down the road it things completely out of wack between these three teams.
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