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  1. On another note, did anyone notice the common theme in the second graph...A lot of those teams read Ben Davis, Warren or Carmel. Lol Sorry wrong thread.
  2. I am not saying they are in the top three or could compete with any of these three teams, because well we know what the 06 and 17 teams did to Penn. But, if it weren't for an egregious call in the regional game in 2002 the nationally ranked Penn team was the best Penn team I have ever seen take the field. Dominated BD in Indy and ravaged that Saginaw team that was also nationally ranked with Lamarr Woodley. Aug. 23 Valparaiso W 31 7 Aug. 30 at Ben Davis W 30 14 Sep. 6 at South Bend Washington W 69 0 Sep. 13 South Bend Riley W 61 12 Sep. 20 Saginaw (Mich.) W 49 7 Sep. 27 at South Bend Clay W 35 12 Oct. 4 at South Bend Adams W 65 0 Oct. 11 Mishawaka W 51 0 Oct. 18 at Elkhart Central W 63 13 Oct. 25 at Elkhart Memorial W 42 7 sect Nov. 1 Elkhart Central W 63 0 sect Nov. 8 at Goshen W 31 0 sect That is every game leading up to the regional game. I think that loss shook the state and BD goes on to an easy state title win. Shoulda woulda coulda. Damn shame that it ended in Valpo and not in Indy.
  3. A game from 20 years ago was probably more memorable than going to work on a mundane week day. lol
  4. The marketing department was giving him time to not screw this up. We wait with baited breath @temptation We did it! We made the top 50! YES! lol
  5. Maybe it is because old school fanatics who went to practices and kept close tabs on the players and coaches aren't on here anymore. People who have lives but follow the team cant get that information because we....well are busy living our daily lives. lol.
  6. In this scenario we benefit from having a smaller population about 6.8 million in 2022. Where California has a population of 39 million....(fun fact California's population is larger than the population of Canada.) But, still it is cool to see Hoosiers represent in the highest league.
  7. Penn, is like a black hole when it comes to information.
  8. Hard pass, I would accept Trent watching from the stands like Corey is this coming season.
  9. 100% agree. I don't understand why Penn struggles with producing D1 players more consistently. Especially on the defensive side of the ball.
  10. Give him 10 years to suffer through all the success factor stuff and He will be winning 6A titles in no time. He may be in a wheel chair or hooked up to a machine by that point, but he will be winning nonetheless.
  11. That team smoked Penn in the regular season. must have been a really down year. lol
  12. Sure. All Schools should be humble. You never know when a Friday night could be your turn for a 50 point massacre. I made a T-shirt in High School directed at how much we (Penn) does not like our cross town rivals at Mishawaka...I put at the bottom, that it isn't about the numbers we are just better than you....not so humble...but we had not lost to Mishawaka in over 30 years at the time. In this specific case, numbers 100% help us, but at the same time top to bottom we were better than them. Coaching, training staff and players were all better than our counter parts.
  13. Carmel appears to be going through a stretch where either: coaching is going stale, buy in is at an all time low, complacency has worked into the program or top players are not playing football. I don't pay enough attention to how many D1 level players they are producing, to have a valid opinion on the state of affairs down there, but I think their current problem lies beyond numbers. When Carmel figures this out, they will be winning sectionals again, and likely retake their spot on top of 6A North. Eliminate CG from the overall conversation, what Moore has done there is develop an empire. It will eventually come to an end, but for this situation, set them aside. Who made regionals in the south & north last year? Ben Davis (#2 enrollment), Warren (#3 enrollment), Center Grove & Cathedral and in the north Penn (#6 enrollment), CP, Westfield & HSE (#8 enrollment) 50% of the schools competing at this point are still of the larger enrollment schools in the state 3400 +. They may not win state each year anymore, yes because other schools have grown up and decreased the enrollment gap which has injected depth and talent into these programs....but the biggest schools are still moving on. When BD, Carmel, Warren, Penn etc. are all not winning sectionals on a regular basis then I think we talk say 6A has reached parity. Then we just need to get a team from the true north to close the gap and win the entire thing again. There is only 1 school in the top ten in enrollment from the true north...Penn. Does Carroll or CP need to crack the top 10 to have a chance at a win at state, or is the true north stuck playing second and third fiddles? (I only included those schools because they will consistently be in 6A for the foreseeable future.)
  14. That is right around the corner from my house. Deal.
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