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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by BuckLateral

  1. patinate: [ verb ] coat with a patina. Synonyms. patinise patinize. I knew Coach Radtke was a fantastic coach, but now he paints too? Impressive!
  2. The case to which I'm referring happened 25 years ago--no open enrollment in Indiana yet. There's always been talk about the fluidity of SB schools. What I'm saying is that the IHSAA picks and chooses which battles to fight on transfers.
  3. The only situation I can recall of instant eligibility was a family of accomplished wrestlers moving mid-season from one NLC school to another. At the time, that was based upon a legitimate move of residence. Has this situation such as the SB one happened before? If so, I have never heard of it and it honestly sets a terrible precedent.
  4. There’s no way the Adam’s kid could be eligible to play right away….I can think of several situations in several sports where a transfer had to sit.
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