Reading through this thread makes me thankful to be from the EIAC and not from some weak ass conference that comes to the Grid to talk about where to eat! If you 'foodies' ever play Flatbill's Timberlakes in Steweytown, I doubt you'll even be able to watch the game! Fried Chicken, Ribeye Sammy's, Goetta, and Mascot BL's is all we need in SE Indiana!
Riddlery, riddlery, ree...this sure ain't '23. But the path was bright, and the wind was right, and we still have Triple C!
It doesn't matter how we got here though, as lucky as it was. For in our little casket town, this team is all the buzz.
I've said I'll never pick against the Dogs and this I never will. Though lying right in front of them is a giant Patriot hill.
But even if the Dogs go down in monumental defeat. All the elves in Santy Land still won't have food to eat!
EIAC FOREVER, Starving Elves NEVER!!!!