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Booster 2023-24
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Posts posted by Muda69

  1. 24 minutes ago, Whitehat said:

    We control the enrollment. All your theories are true. The board of the school actually meets before every school year and decides which athletes are getting free tuition, and final cuts are made to bring the total enrollment down to desired levels specifically for football classification. It’s usually the theatre nerds that don’t make the final cut. Their loss.

    Thank you for confirming that.

    You forget the special education kids as well.  Too expensive to keep around.


  2. https://mises.org/wire/student-loans-continuing-crisis-getting-worse


    The leviathan does not rest in pursuing free universities, creeping ahead unchecked by either reason, law, or accounting principles. Why is student assessment of their federal-debt-financed degrees so low? Why are 26 percent of past payments delinquent? More than 50 percent of students agree that they either studied the wrong major or wasted time and money. Less than half have found work in their major field of study.

    Public dialogue is lured into discussing forgiveness amounts, rationalizations, plans, and terms, without specifics about monthly costs or other options, thereby distracted from asking the following question: How have graduates—assertively promised increased income, personal satisfaction, and positive impact on society—now become a new dependent class?

    The Department of Education gave up collecting student loans. There is an ontological divide. An absence of cost-control measures in discussions of student debt is proof of this divide. The state views individuals as dependent clients in a social-welfare-type scheme, not bound to the repayment terms of a financial contract.

    Behind the scenes, the Department of Education plays mix and match with legislated plans, discontinuing some and combining others for maximum charity. The most recent and grandest attempt is the proposed “Savers Plan” (Save Repayment Plan). What are the real costs of payment plans that calculate debt forgiveness after ten years of payments, subject to discretionary income?

    No one knows! The Congressional Budget Office cannot use static forecasting. Initially, there were three loan payment plans, expected to be paid in full. Standard repayment and graduated repayment were calculated on the loan balance within a ten-year term. The latter was modified out to twenty-five years and labeled the extended repayment plan.

    The federal government’s interjection into debt financing came with the income-contingent repayment plan, passed in the 1993 Student Loan Reform Act signed by then-president Bill Clinton. To make college more affordable, this brought all loans under government authority. In 1993, student loan debt was $180 billion. Average postsecondary public college debt in that year was $3,200. Forty-nine percent of 1992–93 graduates borrowed money to complete college. The average debt for these graduates was less than $10,000. The Student Loan Reform Act set payments at 20 percent of discretionary income. After twenty-five years of eligible payments, any outstanding amounts would be forgiven. This was the first clue that the plans were being designed for partial payments on all student loans.

    The slide to free university accelerated in 2007 with income-based repayment. Monthly payments were calculated on what a student could pay, not what was owed, resetting income-contingent repayment plan payments from 20 percent of income to either 10 percent or 15 percent of discretionary income. A debtor’s annual wages less state poverty wages is termed discretionary income.

    Successive legislation again changed payoff terms that were using 1.5 poverty wages to calculate a reduced discretionary income. The proposed plan calls for up to 225 percent of poverty wages to be deducted from gross wages. Continually dropping the payment percentage on decreasing calculations of disposable income and adding shorter terms makes it impossible to estimate how much of a loan balance will be written off.

    Loan payments are an expected contractual income flow for the United States Treasury. Suspended student loan payments are delayed Treasury payments. Writing off a loan balance after ten years of increasingly lower payments confounds the underlying promise of higher income, the student loan rationale spoken across the education landscape.

    The administration’s ultimate goal of forgiving student debt was revealed in the Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012, which never came to a vote. Included in this proposal were graduate student loans. A cap of $45,520 was applied to the sum of ten years monthly payments (120 monthly payments of $389 extinguished the loan balance regardless of size). After ten years, any unpaid balances were forgiven. This plan effectively guaranteed that graduate-level debt will never be paid off. This irresponsible idea lives on under the Savers Plan. There are three benefactors of this financial malfeasance.

    Students cloaked in baccalaureate hubris label critics as uneducated and irrelevant. Some view their major course of study as a no-fault do-over. To accept the administration’s grift, they claim a lack of knowledge or understanding of basic accounting and loan contract terms, seeking for their private individual errors to be paid for by the larger society.

    The educational industrial complex has the leviathan as a de facto business partner. Slow and resistant to adaptation, many schools struggle and need increasing public assistance. One-half of student debt is owed by graduate students. Undergraduate loans are limited to $31,000, while graduate loans are unlimited for the 25 percent of student loan borrowers holding them.

    A hidden and perhaps prime mover of current proposals is the Department of Education’s past and present avoidance of responsibility. The administration’s persistence in forgiving student loans hides derelict indifference. Curated facts such as loan figures, including due as well as pending amounts, are presented to the public to sensationalize the topic, promoting a rush to judgment.

    Precovid (when student debt was $1.4 trillion) and prior to the Trump-Biden suspension, 32 percent of loans were already in a limbo of default, deferment, or forbearance. Without a bank-audit-level review of FAFSA plans, tuition costs will continue to drift upward; past administrative abuses will be kept hidden. A quick solution to the loan program is meant to cover the incompetence from prior administrations’ failures and the extralegal plans we have today. The dream of free university and graduate school, once hoped for in 2012, comes closer to reality.

    Student debt relief is political catnip to Washington. Without any congressional hearings or enabling legislation, the White House has announced the SAVE Repayment Plan to lower monthly loan payments. The discretionary income calculation subtracts 225 percent of the poverty wages from income. No payments are due this year if your salary is less than 225 percent of poverty wages. Loan balances may be forgiven after 120 payment cycles. Undergraduate repayment rates are 5 percent, and past interest is forgiven. This new plan specifically addresses larger portfolios of student debt. Clearly, the intent of the original suggestion of a $50,000 write-off was for graduate degrees.

    New Ending

    How badly are students financially impaired? Taking a 2023 student debt maximum of $31,900 into the pre-1993 payment scheme of a twenty-year payoff at 5 percent interest requires a payment of $217 monthly, or fifty dollars weekly.

    In May 2022, Treasury secretary Janet Yellen said, “Student debt is a substantial burden to many people, especially those who end up with low incomes.” Surely a bachelor’s or associate degree can create additional income to cover the cost of repayment without impoverishing students. As managed, this system cannot continue as a loan program. It will not end well.

    The student loan program is one of the biggest evils foisted onto the public by the federal government.


  3. https://www.avclub.com/r-i-p-marty-krofft-tv-producer-hr-pufnstuf-1851048025


    Marty Krofft, the TV producer who—along with his brother, Sid—helped develop a run of cult-classic TV shows and specials in the 1970s and beyond, has died. Through their Side & Marty Krofft Pictures label, the duo worked on H.R. Pufnstuf, Land Of The Lost, Sigmund And The Sea Monsters, and a number of other projects with an instantly recognizable blend of surrealism, camp, and occasionally darker themes. This comes from Variety, which says Krofft died of kidney failure this weekend. He was 86.


    Land Of The Lost was one of my favorite Saturday morning shows as a kid.


  4. 1 hour ago, Footballking16 said:

    IU and Allen are going to reach a negotiated buyout that allows him to gain employment elsewhere immediately.

    "Mr. Tom Allen, your new head coach of the Indiana State Sycamores."


    "Mr. Tom Allen, your new head coach of the Ball State Cardinals.:


    "Mr. Tom Allen, your new head coach of the Depauw Tigers:.


  5. Three p/p schools, whose total constituency make up probably around 10% of the football playing schools in the IHSAA, have just taken home 50% of the available state championship trophies.  The p/p hegemony continues unabated, with the "success factor" doing little more than rearranging the deck chairs.  This will continue as long as the IHSAA stubbornly sticks to a primarily enrollment based classification system, and not a system that truly measures the historical success, or lack thereof, of Indiana high school football programs.



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  6. 2 hours ago, Ballhawk said:

    Would they have one sport that would stand out in the HHC?  I'm not familiar with their whole athletic program.  Soccer?  Baseball?

    Frankfort and Benton Central would fit in the HHC, much better than they do in the Hoosier or the new conference.  The Hot Dogs would certainly save on travel in the HHC.

    Yes,  boys soccer and baseball would be very competitive in the HHC, and those are the two sports they have been the most competitive overall. Boys soccer won the Sagamore conference title this fall, their 2nd in a row.   And baseball were LCC regional champions this past spring in 3A.

     And I don't think every HHC school offers soccer yet, looking at you Clinton Central.


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  7. 14 hours ago, PHJIrish said:

    It's unbelievable how the Bears can find different ways to lose games.

    If there was ever a game that looked like it was staged by the NFL/MSM "powers that be" it was this one.  That or Goff was able to shake off his hangover/high just in time.



  8. 3 hours ago, FastpacedO said:


    Exactly my thoughts. ALL P/P recruit students, not just athletes but every student that walks through that door was recruited. Some by even the best recruiters (their parents that are alumni). If they didn't the doors wouldn't be open. Heck even many of the township schools recruit now or days with Open Enrollment.

    Undue influence is a whole different animal.

    But it sure is nice when the kid who walks through the p/p door with a very high IQ also runs a really fast 40 yard dash..................


  9. 5 minutes ago, Titan32 said:

    If this fine forum ever devolves to the level of the fakebook page created by the Merryville moron.....I will walk away.  LOL

    I don't have a facebook account, and never will.  But who?

    5 minutes ago, Titan32 said:

    But come on fellas, P/Ps of various types have dominated in every state in the union forcing every state in the union to search for equitable solutions around why enrollment alone doesn't work.  The whole world can't be wrong that solutions are needed. 

    So some P/Ps are better at some sports than others.  Publics and Privates aren't different in that regard because: 

    All of the things it takes to make a program great, tradition, strong youth programs, strong feeder programs, great staff, great admin, community support...exist on both sides of the coin.  It would be rare for either a public or private to have all of these factors across every sport, boy and girl.  The issue is, and will always be, a higher percentage of quality hard working student athletes roaming the halls.  A P/P is more likely to attract these type of students just by the nature of getting what one pays for, and a desire for those parents who chose to make that sacrifice to pair their children with like minded families (which is a noble endeavor).

    If we are going to go to the trouble of having a class system,  lets align them in a way that actually makes sense....not in a way that ends up looking like some are purchasing an advantage in athletics.   Enrollment alone just isn't fair and that is recognized nation wide.

    Which is why a true system of promotion and relegation is the answer. It takes enrollment out of the picture entirely.  Because let's face it,  you meddle with with the enrollment based system by having a "success factor", a multiplier, etc.  you are still just meddling with a flawed system, and there is nothing you can do to completely fix it.


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