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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Which Is why I also made this statement: No, I don't. Do you? No, he just used his Dad.
  2. You and I must live in different financial worlds.
  3. Well, for starters the current yearly salary for the POTUS is $400,000. And the POTUS has virtually no living expenses. Room, board, insurance, etc. are 100% covered. I don't know about you but I would think earning $1.6 million dollars over four years would earn one the title of "rich". And of course that doesn't count the under handed schemes, advances for book deals once the POTUS leaves office, future speaking engagements, etc. A number of possible revenue streams open up once one sits in the Oval Office.
  4. Boy, you really don't know how things work in Washington, D.C. do you?
  5. I don't know? Do you know? Probably. Do you know if she has been asked to "chime in"? I assume fulfilling her constitutional duties as vice president, like Mr. Pence did before her. Yeah, but tell that to the members of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, I believe they are the ones who invited her to speak.
  6. How she handles them? Exactly what kind of decision making power does she currently have regarding these "conflicts"? Last I heard Mr. Biden is still Commander In Chief, not Ms. Harris. Any kind of statement or rhetoric she makes regarding them is worthless IMHO. Why people give a damn about anything posted on X is beyond me. It's a vapid wasteland.
  7. Because this is a thread about whether of not Ms. Harris will be the democratic nominee, not about the duties of the next POTUS.
  8. Biden Brags That 'the United States Is Not at War' As He Bombs Yemen: https://reason.com/2024/07/25/biden-brags-that-the-united-states-is-not-at-war-as-he-bombs-yemen/ Endless war. Endless destruction. Endless death. It is what the military-industrial complex wants as it ensures good profits. And who here wants their children or grandchildren to have go to Ukraine to fight a war against Russia? Not this American.
  9. Let the bullcrap and infighting begin: https://apnews.com/article/olympics-2024-doping-salt-lake-wada-2788597f9f5e16e5afdb940bd60d38b7 I may try and catch the opening ceremonies, mostly I just like to watch the athletes parade in, but probably won't watch anything else. I actually prefer the sports in the winter olympics.
  10. FBI Director Says There's 'Some Question' Over What Struck Trump's Ear: https://www.yahoo.com/news/fbi-director-says-theres-over-145624332.html
  11. Please start a standalone Israel thread or Ukraine thread if you would like to discuss these issues in more detail.
  12. I don't care whether or not Ms. Harris was at the capital to hear this speech. You seems to think that if she was there then this vandalism and violence would not have occurred? As a presumptive presidential candidate she probably made a lot more campaign $ by making a speech in Indianapolis than sitting in the capital listening to Mr. Netanyahu complain that he needs more U.S. taxpayer money to fund his war. As we all know in Washington it's all about the Benjamin's.
  13. Special person? If you have the grades and the money I'm sure Notre Dame will accept you, just like ISU. Why all a sudden do you believe Ms. Harris is "my girl"? She's a horrible politician and would make an even worse POTUS. If you want to talk about Israel please start another thread.
  14. He obviously lacked the courage of his supposed convictions. And he never did anything as POTUS to convince me he wasn't just another big government, big spending, establishment politician. He never drained any swamp, not really. So Trump is doing that? I have nothing against free trade between nations. Do you?
  15. You laugh out loud now, but think about what the uni-party is doing to the future of our children and grandchildren. Reducing federal spending will help pull the country out of it's astronomical debt more than building more coal mines and oil wells will. I usually do early voting at my county courthouse, little to no standing in line. And I contend voting for a uni-party candidate is also waste of time, if you view things like small government, free minds and free markets as important. Not big government waste, corruption, and a president beholden to the military-industrial complex. I believe Millard Fillmore was the last non-uniparty POTUS.
  16. Thank you. So to you the presidential election is like a horse race. Picking the winner is priority number one, with the quality of the actual candidate and whether or not they best align with your personal beliefs & morals a distant second. So you think we can mine and drill ourselves out of debt? Really? What about federal spending?
  17. https://reason.com/2024/07/24/the-problem-is-spending-libertarian-presidential-nominee-chase-olivers-vision-for-the-future/ So do I.
  18. The 'Pro-Worker' GOP Is Anti-Worker: https://reason.com/2024/07/25/the-pro-worker-gop-is-anti-worker/ All true.
  19. I think either one will continue to drive up the federal deficit to even more ludicrous levels, refuse to really reduce the size, scope and power of the federal government, and leave this country in a worse state for our children and grandchildren. So you believe 3rd party candidates are also doing a disservice to America by not falling in line with the corrupt, gerrymandered two party system we currently have? The details in my first question. That you refused to answer.
  20. Thank goodness I'm not even remotely passionate about either current uni-party candidate. Both are bad for the future of the United States of America. The devil is in the details.
  21. No, I guess I'm just too stupid to understand your intentionally obtuse attempt at a metaphor.
  22. Vance's 'childless cat ladies' comment sparks uproar from Swift fans: 'Armageddon is coming': https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2024/07/24/taylor-swift-jd-vance-childless-cat-ladies/74525531007/
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