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  1. Meh - I'll come out of the basement when I want to damnit! I'm POTUS! Don't push me!
  2. From a friend of SF: If you look back at Reagan in 1980, "Are You Better Off than 4 years ago. Bush in 1988 with Willie Horton and Slick Willie and Carville in 1992 with "IT's the Economy, Stupid." Trump, Vance (still wish it was Tim Scott) and the GOP need to keep Biden where he's at so Americans can see how bad a Democrat president is through election day. They need to repeat about 4-5 sentences. Harris' debacle on her only job---the border, 10 million illegals, high crime and 150,000 fentanyl deaths. World War 3 building up in the Middle East and Ukraine. Terrible public schools for the poor kids. 40-year high inflation and supermarket sky high prices. Sky high interest rates. Sky high gas prices and her wanting us to go broke buying electric vehicles. Stay on the topics Americans want and repeat it over and over and over throughout the day, everyday, till November 5. Stay on topic. They could easily use Reagan, Bush and Slick Willie's campaign sentences, all 3, this year!!!! Add to this that the only thing(s) the Democrats have to run on is abortion and "Trump is a bad guy w/a felony conviction. SF Still thinks this election is the Republicans to lose.....
  3. Thanks BR - I respectfully asked a simple question with no "Trumpspeak" there except his name since you are (seem to be) more "legally adept" than I. I guess it is federal in nature so maybe you have no idea but I respectfully asked attempting to keep political opinions out of it. The rest of that post was indeed opinionated I agree.
  4. I suppose the argument about the various news outlets has hijacked the thread. Any-hoo....
  5. Serious question BR since you have legal prowess I don't possess - what happens with a Trump Presidency? What can he legally pardon himself and/or others on? I am under the impression the NY State charges he can't touch, correct? Still waiting for a sentence to come down - which is wild card in the mix. He can only wipe away federal cases - am I correct? Also, the latest SCOTUS decision and the "classified documents case" changes seem to have cooled the jets of prosecutors that tried throwing every page in the book at him trying to stick something. BTW - Still SMH that you actually believe Biden (legally) got more votes than any other President in history..... Also - Mope? You can do better than that BR, I believe in you man!
  6. If she didn't, the President was sure to need to fire her. SF was stunned at her performance during yesterday's hearing.......Really expected a bit more professionalism from her, it appeared she was way in over her head....
  7. Twice impeached, twice acquitted..... Wrongfully convicted on newly created/modified laws by a left-wing NY DA when even the Biden appointed AG wouldn't prosecute that will certainly be overturned on appeal. Things Americans know.....
  8. This is only valid if he is still here......(Tin foil hat is pressed on tight today)
  9. Scandal Behind the Cackle https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13659413/kamala-harris-biden-trump-nomination.html Vice President Kamala Harris's ex-lover has a bright idea. Why wait for 2024? Kamala should be president – right now! Former San Francisco mayor and notorious playboy, Willie Brown, 90, who is 31 years Harris's senior and dated her in the 1990s, summoned local reporters for an impromptu news conference on Sunday. Speaking outside John's Grill, where he holds court with the city's political elite, just moments after President Joe Biden's surprise announcement that he'd suspended his campaign, Brown told journalists that the president shouldn't just cede the Democratic nomination to Kamala, but he should make her commander-in-chief immediately. '[Harris's] chances go up if [Biden] would at this moment say not only am I no longer the candidate, I'm no longer the president — she is,' Brown said. Sounding more like a doting teacher than a past lover, he heaped praise on Harris, telling The San Francisco Chronicle: 'In all the jobs she's had… she's always been outstanding.' It's a sharp change of tune from Brown, who advised Harris in 2020 to turn down Biden's invitation to be his running mate, telling her the second seat was a 'dead end'. But his about-face is in line with a general shift that's now underway in the Democratic party – as left-wing political operators and a sympathetic media desperately rush to rehabilitate Harris's image in the hope that she can take on and beat former President Donald Trump. In April, talk-show host Drew Barrymore heaped praise on our Vice President, cringingly christening her 'Momala' and saying, 'I've been thinking that we all need a tremendous hug in the world now, but in our country, we need you to be Momala of the country.' The big question now is if Democrats can paint Harris, who has a dismal favorability rating to match Biden's (39 percent), as a competent, inspiring and principled leader. A closer look behind Harris's career – dogged by allegations of hypocrisy and dishonesty – suggests that such a rebrand may be an insurmountable task. Even her earliest days in politics were tarnished by scandal. In 1994, Harris was a 29-year-old rising star in the Alameda County District Attorney's Office when she struck up a relationship with Brown – the then 60-year-old speaker of the state Assembly and one of the most powerful men in California. Brown – who was once dubbed the 'Real Slick Willy' by former president and serial-philander Bill Clinton – was still legally married to his wife Blanche Vitero at the time, but they had separated years prior. He was notorious for his love of sports cars, flashy designer suits and for being named one of the world's ten sexiest men by Playgirl magazine in 1984. 'He'll go to a party with his wife on one arm and his girlfriend on the other,' James Richardson, a reporter for the Sacramento Bee, told People Magazine in 1996. Kamala has strenusouly denied that her relationship with Brown – which ended in 1995 before he was elected mayor of San Francisco – was a defining step in her political career. In 2003, she described the romance as 'an albatross hanging around my neck'. But Brown hasn't been much help to Harris in dispelling the dirty rumors. In an embarassing 2019 op-ed for the San Francisco Chronicle, he proudly proclaimed: 'Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?' Most daming, he also conceded in the article that he 'certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco'. After winning that 2003 DA campaign, Harris's political star began to rise in earnest, as she asserted herself as the stony face of 'law and order' – a far cry from her latest, softer 'Momala' iteration. As San Fran's district attorney, her office introduced a controversial anti-truancy program that targeted parents of children who skipped school, threatening them with prosecution and fines. Under the program, in 2013, local mom Cheree Peoples was arrested and handcuffed over her daughter's school attendance record. It later emerged that Cheree's child had been missing school because she had a serious genetic condition that required frequent hospitalization. Harris's office also fought to keep inmates in jail even after the US Supreme Court found that overcrowding in California prisons had become so serious it amounted to unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment. But as the seasons changed, so did Kamala's priorities – with many of her more hardline views shifting dramatically over the years to become increasignly socially liberal. The best example is her 'evolving' stance on marijuana. As San Francisco's district attorney, her prosecutors convicted more than 1,900 people for weed violations. Snap forward to this March and Camelon Kamala couldn't be more different, repeatedly stating: 'Nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed.' Another striking example of Harris's perceived political opportunism came when she attacked Biden during a televised Democratic primary debate in 2019. At the time, both were vying to be the party nominee for the 2020 election. Harris came out swinging – appearing to blindside Biden over his work with former segregationist Senators and for his one-time opposition to a federal busing program that aimed to integrate minority school children into high-performing majority-white schools. 'There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day,' Harris told Biden, 'That little girl was me.' After Kamala's own campaign collapsed, she joined Biden's ticket as his running mate – and all such animosity was conveniently forgotten. But, earlier this year, insiders told DailyMail.com that Jill Biden still held a grudge against Harris for her treatment of Joe during that 2019 TV debate, reportedely privately fuming that Harris should 'Go f*** yourself'. '[Jill] doesn't let things go and she has never forgiven Kamala for comments that some took to be allegations of racism,' the source said, 'Jill was trying to stop Kamala joining the Biden ticket in 2020.' Once in the White House, Harris's competence in office has also become a target for critics. In March 2021, Biden placed Harris in charge of addressing the 'root causes' of migration into the US, with the aim of 'stemming the migration to our southern border.' Her role led to one of the most widely derided moments of her career: an NBC interview in which she admitted she had never actually visited the border. When asked why she hadn't been, she panicked: 'I haven't been to Europe. I mean, I don't understand the point that you're making.' Jill reportedly privately fumed that Harris should 'Go f--- yourself' after the debate and the feud was reportedly part of the reason Jill didn't want her husband to step aside as candidate, because she couldn't bear the thought of Harris taking his place The illegal immigration issue subsequently exploded into an abject crisis. Under the Biden-Harris administration, some 10 million migrants have crossed from Mexico into America, leaving Democrat lawmakers no option but to reinstitute strict policies enacted by the Trump administration. Meanwhile, White House staff have left Harris's office in droves, with 13 staffers quitting in just a few months between 2021 and 2022. The mass departures have fueled claims that Harris is an office 'bully' with a 'soul-destroying' management style. More than anything, her communication style has attracted the most negative attention. She has become known for her 'word salad' public appearances, during which she deploys jumbled and repetitive phrases to convey seemingly simple ideas. In August last year, she emphasized to reporters that 'community banks are in the community' and that investing in them is therefore good for 'the community.' During a visit to a children's hospital in May, she said: 'We all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are children of the community.' Then there's perhaps her best-known soundbite, which she may never live down, made during a White House event last year. Quoting her mother, Harris said: 'You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.' Fans and critics alike have since shared the clip, poking fun at the seemingly nonsensical turn of phrase. Whatever the intended meaning of her coconut quote, one part of it rang painfully true: Harris does exist in the context of what came before her, and while she and her allies now attempt a rebrand, she may find her past is not so easily left behind.
  10. Tin foil hat time.......Is the President still alive? Frank Biden told CBS that: 'I'm incredibly proud of my brother. Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left.' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13659637/president-joe-biden-rumor-ill-dead-dropped-race.html Political figures on both left and right have questioned whether Biden is seriously-ill or even dead over the way he announced his departure from the 2024 election race. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, 37, posted on X on Monday asking for 'proof of life' from the 81-year-old and even gave the president a deadline to do. The Republican firebrand posted: 'I demand proof of life from Joe Biden today by 5:00pm. 'He needs to get in front of some camera and discuss if he’s aware that he dropped out. Hiding is completely unacceptable.' While journalist Glenn Greenwald - an anti-Biden left-winger - also posted on the social media site deeming it 'strange and wrong' that Biden hadn't given a televised announcement. Greenwald posted: 'I don't endorse Biden conspiracies, but still: It's strange and wrong that Biden hasn't spoken given the historic magnitude of his announcement. 'Having a President drop out by tweet and then disappear is bizarre. If he's well enough to decide, then he's well enough to speak.' Alongside Boebert, her fellow GOP representative Marjorie Taylor Greene described Biden's decision to drop out in similar conspiratorial terms. She posted on X saying: 'There’s a soft civil war happening in the deep state and the elites in power. 'The Democrats, the IC, and their activists in the media have been lying to us saying there’s nothing wrong with Biden for years. 'Next, they start a coup against him demanding he drop out of the race when they couldn’t hide it anymore.' Biden's health was ultimately what ended his campaign after a disastrous debate against Donald Trump, 78, last month. Worries around his health have been exacerbated after his younger brother said that it had been a factor in him standing down. Frank Biden told CBS that: 'I'm incredibly proud of my brother. Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left.' That choice of phrase sparked speculation from people that Biden has a secret illness he has not disclosed. A top Parkinson's disease specialist visited the White House multiple times this year, although officials have insisted Biden is in good health. Biden made the announcement that he was backing out of the presidential race by sharing a letter to his social media on Sunday afternoon. The president has been isolating with Covid-19 at his holiday home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, when his team composed the letter. On Saturday evening, Biden summoned to his side two men who have been there since his political start, advisers Steve Ricchetti and Mike Donilon. It was Ricchetti and Donilon who brought with them devastating new data which would help to make up Biden's mind. They revealed the latest internal campaign polling, taken since the debate, which showed he could no longer beat Trump. After his announcement, Kamala Harris announced she was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. In her first public appearance since he exited the race, Harris lavished over Biden with praise after he endorsed her to be the Democratic nominee. She told those gathered at an event for National Collegiate Athletic Association championship teams at the White House that he was 'recovering well'. Harris said she first met him through his son Beau, who Harris worked beside will both attorney generals in Delaware and California. Harris told the crowd: 'We are deeply deeply grateful for his service to our nation.'
  11. After listening to (a one hour portion at lunch) the Congressional hearing taking place today with the Secret Service boss and hearing her get filleted by both sides of the aisle, SF is pretty sure she is going to get canned pretty quick.
  12. Guessing she is not regretting her "Willie Brown" introduction to politics.......
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