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Booster 2023-24
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    Indianapolis Chatard
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  1. Evansville Memorial 47 Evansville Reitz 7 Final Dayum!
  2. It appears CalPreps has shut down (at least for now) having to do with their dispute with CBS. I didn’t bother to read the details but noticed when I was attempting to check on rankings. They were operating yesterday.
  3. I recognize that it’s impossible to discount the weather but having seen both Roncalli and Brebeuf more than once, this is just about the score I would have anticipated in perfect weather. The real “roller coaster” question to me remains, as it did last week, just what is going on at Carmel….not Brebeuf.
  4. Announcers at Brebeuf reporting blue lightning/electric flashes. They think it’s transformers blowing. Game continues.
  5. Roncalli. 16 Brebeuf. 6 6:22 in 2nd Safety but Brebeuf recovered Roncalli fumble on the kickoff.
  6. Roncalli. 14 Brebeuf. 6 8:30 left in 2nd
  7. Brebeuf 6 Roncalli 0 End of 1st sound is out
  8. Well……I had planned on attending tonight but around 8:00 PM last night an 8mm kidney stone decided it had other plans for me this weekend. So Mrs. Lysander will be in attendance this evening while I will be watching the broadcast on my IPad from Community Hospital.
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