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  1. note that I put "scientific study" in those quotation thingy's👍🍻
  2. This is a letter to the editor. Please don't click on the link...it just encourages the Star to do more of this. I agree on all points from Just a Dad. The headline was likely generated by IndyStar and not the letter writer. The cited study does not state 12% use steroids, that 12% includes MANY over the counter, legal supplements and stimulants (would I recommend the use of all these "legal" products to an athlete...No)...and it appears the headline purposely misconstrues this data to generate clicks. Also, the 3.3% of athletes that "USE STEROIDS"????...It comes from this question on the survey: "In relation to steroid use, the survey asks if the teenager “ever took steroid pills or shots without a doctor’s prescription one or more time during their life.” Should kids being doing this....hard No. But taking a single dose of Prednisone off label one time in your life, is NOT what most of us would consider a "user of steroids". This study and the accompanying letter to the editor are perfect examples of how any "scientific study" can be crafted to get the data you want...and then any "news" article can then cite that study and create a headline to influence the minds of suburban moms everywhere (no offense to my wife who is, in fact, a suburban mom).😁
  3. There is a great high school lacrosse thread....they mistitled it "New Sectional Assignments" though
  4. I would argue all four 6A North Sectionals are competitive....and can create a wide variety of intersting regional story lines. 6A South???? "Best I can do is a Round 1 BD/BB Rematch"
  5. Although 2 FtW/2Hamco schools is exactly what it was.
  6. The 6A "shift" is the oddest one to me....Harrison for Jeff, Snider for Warsaw, and everything else is basically status quo, this was apprently not what the IHSAA had in mind 5A makes sense to me as I fell IHSAA has always viewed Warsaw as "Fr Wayne adjacent" 😜
  7. I literally heard an opinion on this directly from Coach Sharpe himself. It was very...... ....."colorful"😇
  8. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2024/04/26/girls-wrestling-boys-volleyball-proposed-as-recognized-sports-by-ihsaa/73438427007/ FTA Stacey Brewer, the principal at Yorktown, submitted a proposal to address the change that has been made to the one-game regional and two-game semistate and how it relates to the tournament success factor. As it stands, if a school is moved up a class via the tournament success factor, it must earn three points (a regional championship is worth two points, a sectional one) during a two-year period to stay up (that was changed from two points last year). Under Brewer’s proposal, another point would be added, meaning a school would have to accumulate four points during a two-year period to remain up a class. The straw poll at Plainfield showed just 15 in favor and 52 opposed to that change. (my emphasis) Thoughts? The 1 Game Regional, 2 Game Semistate, comment applies to basketball only? Doesn't look like it got much traction, but seems to be a desire by some to make it "harder" for teams to "stay up"?
  9. I had to check this....Sagarin had Carroll at 17 of 32 at end of last year. (Interestingly, they had Warsaw at 19).
  10. I'm an NLC homer and always want them to do well....but is this a reference to Warsaw beating Carroll? Carroll was mid pack 6A at best last season.
  11. I'm shocked by how much of the vote was against this. Over 70% against?? I'm curious if the IFCA proposal would have been so modest as to just be to "seed #1 and #2 in each 6A sectional" (which are only 4 teams to begin with)....would that have gotten more support than 70%+ against?
  12. I've said it for football, looks like its more ture in Bball.... There should be no P/P in 1A
  13. There are discussions about a 3rd high school in the the SE corner of the county. I have no idea how serious those are or if its likely to happen. Geographically it would seem a 3rd school would probably have to be up near Lapel, off of 32 or 38...not much open land anywhere else. HSE currently has 4 junior high schools, so how those would spread between 3 high schools would be interesing (unless the plan was to also add some Jr high schools or restrucure what they do with grades 5-8.) Interesting thought problem about Indy Metro athletic confernces....If HSE and Westfield add another high school each in the next decade.....how will that change HCC/MIC/etc? https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=197NFgLcxNzY2NbagYL5uavc3RsRmrmiJ&scrlybrkr=180f3c06&ll=40.015709144062015%2C-85.9691205&z=12
  14. There is a demographic study on Westfield's website.....it projects 3900 in 33-34...slide 18 https://www.wws.k12.in.us/about-us/destination-westfield
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