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    Harrison (West Lafayette)
    Lafayette Central Catholic
    Lafayette Jeff
    Hoosier Conference
    North Central Conference
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  1. As odd as it sounds, I was more impressed with Zachery and Kiser, when I saw them both in person, for their defensive play as opposed to their offensive, QB style. In the LCC-Sheridan game that I saw, I think it was 2011, LCC shutout Sheridan. If I recall correctly though, that game was not decided until the 4th quarter and the offensive standout for Sheridan that I remembered for that game was a kid whose name I think was Callahan. He was a kid that everytime he touched the ball, you worried that he could break it ... not from speed, but just sheer bowling people over. In that Pioneer game, I think Kiser did more on defense to keep LCC from getting traction. On offense, I remember the Llewellyns being the offensive stars of that game. You could certainly make a case, in both the cases of Zachery and Kiser, in those two specific games, that they both kept the team held together, playing both sides of the ball. Unfortunately, I only got to see those two guys in a single game each. I think, it's certainly a case that, sometimes, a single game might not be an indication of great careers. On the other hand, I had a chance to see Mills all the way from 5th grade through high school graduation and kind of the same with Kidwell when he played youth ball at Benton Central and then later on when he ended up at West Lafayette.
  2. I suspect there will be a future thread about 15 pages long about the flaws of SF after they pick up another blue ring in 2A. 😀 Lord, I apologize for that there.
  3. Know what you mean. Retired from youth coaching back around 2020 when COVID wiped out the season. I realized that COVID was just the catalyst when I attended an LCC scrimmage with Harrison a couple of years later and I'm going down the LCC varsity roster looking at all the kids that I had coached in the youth program that were playing varsity. I then looked at the coaching staff and realized that four of their coaches were kids that I had coached in the youth program. Was definitely time for me to pass the reins with or without COVID.
  4. Wodicka. I would have listed him, but I didn't see any WL football in person until 2011 when the rivalry resumed right before LCC entered the HC and would see WL annually.
  5. There are four on the IHSAA career stat site that I've seen in person: Chris Mills - LCC Clark Barrett - LCC Mikey Kidwell - West Lafayette Kyle Adams - West Lafayette Hands down, the best of those four was Mills who graduated in 2009. For last decade out of those above, I'd have to go with Kidwell who graduated in 2016.
  6. Well, that's one thing they say that's good about schizophrenics ... they always have someone to talk to.
  7. I actually heard that, upon the announcement that Faith Christian was going to go to 11-man this season, some 20-25 players from the LCC football team became Baptists and will be attending Faith in the fall. Lord, I apologize for that there.
  8. No, they were part of the folks that voted out Harrison and McCutcheon on the grounds of distance and competitive balance.
  9. There's good and bad to the idea of big teams meeting in sectionals. LCC and Pioneer have had their fair share of being #1 and #2 in the rankings over the years only to end each others seasons before regionals started. With that said, there were some great crowds for those games and the schools got their shares of the gate.
  10. No real seeding in Texas. Top four in a district get to play after the season is over ... everyone buys a ticket if they want to watch anymore football that year. In 2A through 5A, the teams are pre-determined in Division I or II based on their district. In 6A, the top two largest schools go in Division 1 and the bottom two go in Division II ... exception is 1A, 6-man, where there are only the top two teams per district that advance. Each team then plays a "counterpart" in the next district in bi-district for first game of post-season based on division ... the two Division I teams in one district play the two teams in Division I from the next district. It's basically the equivalent of regionals in Indiana for their first post-season game where you "represent" a grouping and play the "representative" of the next closest grouping. Texas places teams in districts and it's all based on how you do against the district to get to the post season. If I recall correctly, non-district doesn't count for or against in determining post-season eligibility.
  11. To be quite fair to Faith, while most religious institutions tend to do for them and theirs, Faith has worked with the local government to provide some facilities for the use of the community as a whole and not just their congregation. Faith built the, currently, only skate park in the Lafayette area and it's open to the community. Even when folks were worried that Faith's current expansion efforts might end up overrunning that park, Faith has committed to the community that it will find space on its grounds to make sure that there will be an available skate park. My main surprise with them building a football stadium is that, they had a rental deal with Jeff last season for 8-man that cost them pretty close to nothing. The issue is likely that, with the move to 11-man, that arrangement would be much tougher to pull off because 8-man usually played on Saturdays. Then again, Cathedral has used other institutions' ground for their home field too and, with five other schools with very nice facilities in the Lafayette area, I'd have to imagine that at least one of them would be open on any given Friday night. Toss in Benton Central just up the road less than a half hour and there's a half dozen locations. Until Faith gets stable in football, it would seem like a better fiduciary route. Of course, Faith's always been known for soccer around here, so perhaps it's being built as a soccer venue that allows football to be played on the pitch as opposed to the traditional Indiana setup of a football field with the orange and blue spray paint on the gridiron.
  12. I'm surprised they spent the money on football/soccer stadium; especially given that they are just moving to 11-man. Then again, Faith has fairly extensive locations around town and gets some community monies tied to providing community services like the skate ramp park over on the east side campus.
  13. No they wouldn't. The Texas post-season system while not all-in, does nothing at all to "seed" teams outside of, in the past, putting the two largest of the four "winningest" teams in district in the Division I and the two smallest of the four "winningest" teams in district in the Division II. They then square off with the next district numerically ... The top two largest teams of the top four "winningest" teams in District 1 square off against the top two largest teams of the top four "winningest" teams in District 2. If that produces #1 vs. #2 in the first game, called bi-district, then so be it. Just the way it is. You play who you play. No lunacy, no whining, no nothing ... you just go out and play.
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