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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. You do you. I refuse to vote for a convicted felon, regardless of their political party affiliation. And the GOP has truly reached the lowest of the low if they allow as such during their upcoming sham of a convention.
  2. Yes it does. I have been camping the last several days, out of cell/data service, so I missed the debate. Just have been reading headlines. Doesn't sound good for Mr. Biden, and Mr. Trump was his usual blowhard self. I like the debate analysis from a newsletter I subscribe to. Some excerpts: America is truly in decline if Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump are the best we can come up with for POTUS. I won't be voting for either, as should any serious and sane person.
  3. A mutant. And what is the worldwide percentage of humans born like this? Have there been studies done? Science does nothing of the sort.
  4. That really wasn't that long ago. If I were an A.D. I wouldn't touch someone "in recovery" unless they had proof they had been sober for 5+ years. Too big of a risk. Do you really want a Shooter Fletch on the sideline in this day and age?
  5. I thought a woman was an adult human female. Simple enough............
  6. Cloverdale must be truly desperate to hire an alcoholic. What kind of teaching or administrative duties will Mr. Hart have?
  7. https://www.engadget.com/congress-passes-sweeping-pro-nuclear-energy-bill-140035295.html Nuclear Energy is the real future, not wind and solar.
  8. If the shoe fits...............
  9. https://deadline.com/2024/06/donald-sutherland-dead-1235978933/ Truly one of the greats. He will be missed.
  10. Agreed. These schools may have a 4A-5A enrollment pool but their pool of available athletes is more in the 2A-4A range. There is also the case, as it is at Frankfort, where the majority of the available student "OMG! athletes" would rather play soccer than football. All part of the socioeconomic makeup of a school. Most families at FHS value the sport of soccer, and to a lesser extent baseball, as more important than American stalwarts of Football and Basketball.
  11. From a weekly newsletter I subscribe to:
  12. *ahem*: https://indianahsfootball.homestead.com/logs/Pioneer.htm#load 5A schools, but close enough for government work.....................
  13. Looking at the Bears schedule they don't play another NFC North team until week #11. Not playing another divisional team until that late in the regular season is something you see every year, is it? It's like "AI" was making the schedule.
  14. https://mises.org/mises-wire/problem-juneteenth Here! Here!
  15. It just keeps getting better: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2024/06/18/delphi-murder-suspects-attorneys-say-judge-is-now-a-witness/74142209007/
  16. Nearly 1 in 5 Indiana students don’t attend their home school district. Here’s the impact of school choice: https://www.wfyi.org/news/articles/indiana-school-choice-analysis-public-private-transfer-1-in-5-students-home-district?emci=1c39e1b6-982d-ef11-86d2-6045bdd9e096&emdi=ed4b483f-2f2e-ef11-86d2-6045bdd9e096&ceid=577105 In my neck of the woods the Community Schools of Frankfort has lost almost 14% of it's students, most of them probably going to Clinton Prairie and Rossville: Love that 99.6% of students qualifying for free or reduced lunches, btw. Clinton Central school corp. has several billboards up around Frankfort, advertising it's services to potential transfers. And CC will also currently send a bus to Frankfort for pickups and drop offs. That has to cost some $.
  17. Why? Do you believe the USA should officially be a Christian Nation, that the federal or a state government should make Christianity the official religion?
  18. Why? Mr. Beckwith has described himself as such.
  19. You don't believe Mr. Beckwith is a Christian Nationalist?
  20. So Cathedral has at most a 15% chance at a 6A title? Really?
  21. Beckwith poses a ‘serious threat’ to Braun’s campaign, says GOP powerhouse lawyer: https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/2024/06/17/beckwith-poses-a-serious-threat-to-brauns-campaign-says-gop-powerhouse-lawyer-jim-bopp/?emci=89bb8f6a-d52c-ef11-86d2-6045bdd9e096&emdi=8937d408-672d-ef11-86d2-6045bdd9e096&ceid=577105
  22. Even after Saint Moore steps down from coaching?
  23. Like you said: criminal felony prosecution and defense. Either or.
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