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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Posts posted by StinkTownClown

  1. 13 minutes ago, Patriot 74 said:

    It is what it is Clowny clown!!  We don't need to throw against the bad teams to pads our stats like the boyz from the Burg do.  But when the Patriots show up Saturday.....AND they WILL show up Saturday......we may just throw it all night on those little pussy cats from the Burg just because we can!!

    One question Clownboy???  Is EC still playing football???  Or did they give up their cat crushin' pads to go play hoops?? Cause I'm thinking EC in PAC is like a 6-3 team maybe 7-2 if they have a good night.......

    Ding, Ding, Ding Round 4

    Stinky, Stink, Stink 1.2.3

    little pussy cats, no we're not at Connies

    Throw it on the Burg just because you say you can

    if you are promoting that, then you are a delusional fan!

    Clownboy, I love the new name, but don't fool yourself the PAC would not be able to stop the Trojan Train!

    Ding, Ding, Dong, you say Round 4, but don't worry, STC has many more!

  2. Pat 74, Pat 74, Pat 74 1.2.3.

    Thanks for the Congrats

    Milan was a very strong Team!

    1) Hey congratulations on your wins over: Tell City, (5-5), Pike Central (0-10), North Posey (4-6), South Spencer (1-9), Corydon Central (2-8) all big wins. Your wins over Brewer Nation, Hit Man Hart, and Hannerville are impressive. But come on man, you want to talk about schedules and all of that, neither one of us can pump our chest over that. Yes 12-0 means something, it means you have won 12 games! Congrats! However.......Can you name the 4 Ranked Teams? 

    2) So now according to HHPatriots the Tigers are playing Bo Jackson & Eric Dickerson! Come'on man, you must be kidding with that post! 

    3) T32, how are they more than one dimensional? Are they not a running team?  


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