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Posts posted by Howe

  1. The Senate will crush the Democrat coup within the next few days. The Democrats and their Fake News propaganda will return to their "snuggy" blanket of Russia.

    John Bolton joins the list of Democrat super hero's which includes:

    Michael Avenatti

    Robert Mueller

    Michael Wolf

    Christine Blasey Ford

  2. 17 minutes ago, BARRYOSAMA said:

    Normal adults have no idea what the Impeachment Trial poll is and certain no idea of how Trump could be found guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in a poll.


    I understand your confusion. You do not qualify as a normal adult.

    1. Guilty or Not Guilty?

    • Guilty-Abuse of Power
    • Not Guilty-Abuse of Power
    • Guilty-Obstruction of Congress
    • Not Guilty-Obstruction of Congress






    • Disdain 1
  3. Hilarious.

    The brain dead, mindless zombies who actually believe the Democrats and their fake new propaganda are easily manipulated, gullible fools.

    This forum had two members who are supposed to be "deep thinkers" that predicted Trump would be found guilty of both charges in the Impeachment Trial poll. How can any normal adult take these people seriously?

    • Disdain 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Bobref said:

    Cover up? Why would you do the enemy’s propaganda work for them? Feel free to hate Trump and all his policies. But remember which side you’re on.

    Trump Derangement Syndrome causes perfectly intelligent people to repeat mainstream media propaganda. My sister is a microbiologist and her husband is a doctor. They routinely repeat liberal mainstream media narratives. My parents had 15 children. All of my other siblings think she has lost her mind.

  5. Video showing a group of grown black men harassing the Covington Catholics youths at a Right To Life Rally and the Native American left wing activist approaching the kids to get in their faces while beating his drum.

    CNN is a primary source of news for the some of the GID self proclaimed "deep thinkers". LOL!

    Libtards are easily manipulated, gullible fools.


  6. 5 hours ago, TrojanDad said:

    What is sad is that you really believe you know Howe.......sad.

    Further, you believe you are smarter and more refined....sad again.

    Most of the GID self proclaimed "deep thinkers" are nothing more than typical libtards. They were whipped into a frenzy by the left wing fake news propaganda machine and actually believed Mueller was an honest man of integrity and was going to take Trump down. 

  7. On 5/29/2019 at 8:45 AM, swordfish said:

    SF remembers seeing something about people not being judged by the color of their skin.....Why are we still putting people in separate classes and parading that around?  SF tries to be colorblind and accepts all people for who they are......

    That is what white liberals love to do. They pretend to be authorities on racism. I have little doubt that I have spent more time around more black people than every GID liberal combined.

  8. On 12/19/2019 at 10:47 PM, BARRYOSAMA said:

    Your whacky opinion but divorced from reality.

    Meuller was a republican hired by republican.  Pretty much white washed all the collusion between Trump and daddy Putin.


    On 6/9/2019 at 6:24 PM, BARRYOSAMA said:

    Exactly....Louie "Goober" Gohmert and Jim "Meathead" Jordan will completely embarrass Mueller.

    The only triple digit IQ in the entire Trump collusion scandal is Mueller.


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