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Posts posted by Howe

  1. I am confident every Democrat politician and journalist are fully aware that their statements on the Russiagate and impeachment hoaxs are complete and total lies. They all know they are lying to manipulate public opinion. However, libtards suffer from a mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome. Libtards are easily manipulated, gullible fools. A retard has more common sense than a libtard. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, BARRYOSAMA said:

    The inevitable conspiracy theory.....wow what a shock.

    Appointed by Bush, Horowitz is a career straight shooter.  Some can't handle that and prefer lies.

    I'll cite Reuters as opposed to "AnalyzingAmerica.com"  lol


    The AnalyzingAmerica link includes a video of Pelosi admitting the impeachment of Trump has been under way for years. The video is from your beloved CNN.


  3. 27 minutes ago, gonzoron said:

    That's about as clear as mud.

    What's astounding to me is the number of Republicans and Trump Groupies who think it's ok for Russia to control our elections. They should really rethink their loyalty to America.  It's time to make the United States safe for Democracy, traitors, not turn it over to the Commies.

    What's astounding to me is the number of libtards who continue to blame Trump for Russian interference when the Great Hussein administration was responsible for securing our elections in 2016. Russia has not been communist for nearly 30 years.

    Tell me again how all 17 intelligence agencies agreed the Russians hacked the DNC servers and the forensic analysis conducted by the FBI.  


  4. 38 minutes ago, Irishman said:

    Ok...all those are asides, and still do not answer the initial question. 

    The answer is no. Trump should pardon them all with the exception of Manafort. Mueller was supposed to be in charge of finding evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. As was evident in the Mueller hearing, old weapons of mass destruction had little knowledge of the Mueller investigation. He is simply an establishment cover man who hired a bunch of Democrat lawyers and let them run wild.  None of the people charged would have been investigated had crooked Hillary won the election. 

    It would be interesting to see a special prosecutor investigate the whole Mueller team and unleash the same tactics on them.







  5. 3 hours ago, Irishman said:

    I get it.....but that does not answer the question. Regardless of personal feelings about Mueller, or what has been proven about him, there still have been multiple convictions and even guilty pleas.

    Mueller charged several people with "crimes" that had nothing to do with Trump colluding with the Russians. The Russia/Mueller hoax pissed away $34,000,000 of taxpayer money. Mueller should have charged Manifort when the crimes actually occurred and Mueller was the Director of the FBI. Trump should pardon everyone else. The liberal media fake news had all of the libs whipped up into a big frenzy. They thought Mueller was their super hero. The whole thing was a big joke.


  6. 1 hour ago, Irishman said:

    You have not answered this when it has been posed in the past. In a hypothetical scenario, let’s say police are investigating a murder. There are a few prime suspects being investigated. In the course of that investigation, police find evidence and details about other crimes those suspects have. Just as an example, one suspect has drugs in his home, another has guns that he is not allowed to have. Should those crimes be ignored because they do not connect to the intent of the original investigation? 

    Confirmed liar Mueller charged anyone around the Trump campaign for lying to the FBI yet never charged the guy who started the whole fiasco. The Mueller Report stated Mifsud lied three times to the FBI yet was never charged. 


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