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Posts posted by Howe

  1. 21 hours ago, Irishman said:

    You are correct on all points, but the question was directed to Howe for a reason. His complete loyalty to all things Trump, and utter disdain for anything NOT Trump,  are the reasons I asked him. I could have worded it better, I own that. 

    The liberal mainstream media has been fueling the fire of hyper-racism, hyper-sensitivity/outrage since long before Trump ever ran for president..

  2. 2 hours ago, Muda69 said:

    The Erica Thomas Incident Wasn't National News, But That Never Stops Our Outrage-Hungry Media: https://reason.com/2019/07/22/erica-thomas-grocery-store-racism-hoax-media/

    More evidence of the media fueling the fire of hyper-racism, hyper-sensitivity/outrage.  It seems today in America a member of the racial majority can't criticize a member of a racial minority,  rightly or wrongly,  without being branded or painted as a racist by media.  Is that right, is this the America we want to live in?



    Many of the leftist mainstream media fake news machine have no moral integrity. They produce and promote fake news and are the scum of humanity. 

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