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Posts posted by gonzoron

  1. 8 minutes ago, Olympian06 said:

    Who all is attending a game tonight and what game are you going to? 

    Hamilton Heights at Mount Vernon(Fortville). I have a vested interest next 4 years, biggest kid on the team at 6'6/290 14 year old Freshman. My streaming/radio broadcasts are gonna suffer without me it appears. I'll keep tabs on the GID score thread(hoping there is one).

  2. 4 minutes ago, itiswhatitis said:

    THE H T has given the Miner a LOT of love the past few years.  I noticed their coverage started to increase about the time A.K. was the quarterback.  

    I knew the Sags were last year's, but thought he always put a prediction in even on week one.  Guess my memory isn't what it used to be.

    I could be wrong, but I never remember a prediction in week one. We'll keep our fingers crossed for next week. I like to see those predictions also. Then if I disagree, I find out if I beat Harrell or not, lol.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Tanka Jahari said:

    Which of the teams in that article have endzone cameras? I have been seeing more of them in recent years. Is this an important tool for coaches?


    Please start a single thread addressing this topic. You're on every thread in this forum asking the same question over and over again. It's a little annoying to say the least.

    • Like 2
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  4. 31 minutes ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    When my wife and I left the funeral home after my father's viewing, I made the comment "you know there were a lot more stories told, and laughs shared, than there were tears shed". At the end of the day, that's what it's all about. 

    I want to upvote this, but I'm all out of votes for today. I actually laughed at one of @TrojanDad's comments earlier, I think it locked the system up!

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