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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. Maybe you should just ask your black friend if you choose to deny the definition I gave. Otherwise, continue on not knowing. It's what most white people do.
  2. TRUMP AND REPUBLICANS APPEAL TO MEN WITH FRAGILE MASCULINITY, RESEARCHERS FIND https://www.newsweek.com/trump-appeals-men-fragile-masculinity-1236701?fbclid=IwAR3y-u4dEykfEF6Ou89OvsfXmzLfbcPyDdWLK48dXm7FVg0sNgsc_dhssjA
  3. This is the case for most. However, I JOINED the site the week after my school was eliminated............and promptly made a fool of myself.
  4. I imagine his base were the main viewers, he could probably get the same numbers at one of his "rallys". No one I have talked to today watched it, Democrat or Republican.
  5. I was playing Luxor 2 on one of our Xboxes. After sitting through a middle school triple wrestling meet where the highlight was the faux fear shown by the referee when my son walked out for the hand raise after his forfeit win. He’s only had 1 match out of 10 meets. And if he keeps growing, he’ll be too big to wrestle at any time in high school.
  6. There may not be one. Contraction, lack of interest, PP’s begin to concentrate on Lacrosse, etc., etc.
  7. I used to like the Trefoils shortbread cookies. Great dipped in coffee. I hate all the other ones. Not even sure they still even sell those, haven't bought any GS cookies in years. I think they were $2 the last time I bought any. I'm not a big dessert person anyway. Or sweet anything. I hate sweet tea, sweet cornbread, sweet salad dressings. And don't get me started on pink food. I'll tell you my Pepto-Bismol story.
  8. I don't believe that. Nor this. I'm over 60, I use all of those except Snapchat. That's only because I'm too old for Snapchat, too young for LifeAlert.
  9. With the win it guaratees that after two years there will finally be some patriots in the White House!
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