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Posts posted by swordfish

  1. The "Degradation of America" or "Progress"?


    The Remaking of America

    Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault

    August 7, 2023

    We are in the midst of one of the most radical revolutions in American history. It is as far-reaching and dangerous as the turbulent years of the 1850s and 1860s or the 1930s. Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault, including the very processes by which we govern ourselves, and the manner in which we live.

    The Revolution began under the Obama administration that sought to divide Americans into oppressed and oppressors, and then substitute race for class victimization. It was empowered by the bicoastal wealth accrued from globalization, and honed during the COVID lockdown, quarantine-fed economic downturn, and the George Floyd riots and their aftermath. The Revolution was boosted by fanatic opposition to the presidency of Donald Trump. And the result is an America that is unrecognizable from what it was a mere decade ago.

    Here are 10 upheavals that the Left has successfully wrought.


    Free expression. In large swatches of American society—particularly the corporation, the media, the government, the public schools, and the university—it is suddenly dangerous to speak freely. At a DEI workshop, politely object that “whiteness” does not account for all the challenges of “marginalized peoples,” and you will become either ostracized, reprimanded, or perhaps fired.

    Suggest to a class that man-made climate change and the state remedies for it, are still under debate—and your career and livelihood are endangered. In 2020, state that Covid lockdowns would do more eventual damage than the virus—and your career was through. Express doubt that there are more than two biological sexes, and if an athlete or high school principal you will be shunned or rendered professionally inert.

    The government, in league with social media, censors the news. “Liberal” universities often first require McCarthy-era type “diversity” statements for one to be hired. Commissars review syllabi to spot incorrect or improper speech or insufficient DEI zeal.

    The Left now seeks to modify the First Amendment, and its empowerment of “hate speech,” defined as most anything impeding the progressive project. The state and the universities properly issue word lists of approved vocabularies.

    The old ACLU or Sen. Church Committee would now probably be deemed rightwing. The methodologies of Joseph McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover are the preferred models, once they were rebooted to the right cause.

    The Weaponization of Justice. Administrations and their efforts to stock the justice department with supporters come and go. But in the last decade the Left has viewed the Department of Justice as a political extension of the party—whose unchecked power must properly be directed to hurt enemies and help friends. No wonder Eric Holder described himself as Obama’s “wingman” and became the first Attorney General to be held in contempt for ignoring a congressional subpoena.

    Never in U.S. history have the Department of Justice and sympathetic state and local prosecutors indicted a leading opposition candidate and likely nominee of one of the two major parties, and at the beginning of a presidential campaign. Donald Trump is currently charged with nearly 100 felonies by at least two prosecutors. He likely eventually will be hit with more than- 500 indictments, from four prosecutors, every one of the latter with a long record of either leftwing associations or Democratic service.

    The mass murderer Charles Manson faced less legal exposure. No one believes Trump would have been indicted on such counts—most of them involving allegations from years past—were he not running for President.

    One count that Donald Trump is not charged with is bribery, or taking money while in office, a crime cited as impeachable in the Constitution and germane to the accusations that Joe Biden and his family raked in millions from foreign governments due to the improper use of his prior Vice Presidency. For what reason did Joe Biden lie that he never discussed his son’s business? Why did Hunter complain to his daughter that Joe demanded half of his own grifting income? Why would a Vice President serially call disreputable American grifters and foreign corrupt oligarchs? Can Joe’s lifestyle ever be reconciled with his reported income?

    Given such asymmetry in the application of the laws, conservative or even apolitical Americans are apprehensive that any political prominence will draw the attention of government in effort to either indict or bankrupt them with legal expenses.

    The last four FBI Directors have either admitted they lied under oath, or preposterously under oath claimed ignorance or amnesia about events directly under their control. Or they simply stonewalled subpoenas and testimonies about alleged FBI crimes. 

    The former CIA Director admitted to lying twice under oath. The FBI hired social media corporations to suppress election-cycle news deemed unhelpful to the Left. The agency, along with Democratic operatives, helped hatch the election-cycle conspiracy of the 2015-2016 Russian-Collusion hoax, and the 2020 Russian disinformation laptop hoax. The FBI played a central role in many of the 2024 indictments. In other words, the FBI along with the DOJ, has sought to warp three presidential elections in a row.

    On the prompt of a Joe Biden campaign official (and now Secretary of State) and a former interim CIA director, 50 former intelligence officials lied to the electorate that an authentic but incriminating Biden computer was a likely Russian plant—a fact known to be lie but not disclosed as such by the FBI.

    The Attack on the Supreme Court. Once the Court achieved a more or less predictable conservative majority, the Left sought to diminish it in a variety of ways. It has called for packing the Court with leftist jurists to create a new 15-justice bench. Leftist law professors in the Ivy League, in neo-Confederate nullification and insurrectionary style, call for the nation to ignore Court rulings on abortion and affirmative action.

    The Senate minority leader led a throng to the doors of the court, threatening justices by name: “You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

    Protestors now mob the homes of individual justices hoping to intimidate them and alter their upcoming opinions—confident that the Department of Justice will exempt them from any legal consequences of such felonious behavior.

    The media routinely accuses conservative justices of improper or illegal behavior, without worry about the emptiness of the charges. A traditionalist justice now accepts that a controversial ruling can result in media charges that he is corrupt, in shrieking protestors mobbing his home, in a mob assembling at the doors of the Court, in disruptions during Court hearings, in politicians issuing threats to his person, in congressional calls to alter the century-and-a-half make-up of the Court, and in Ivy League law professors urging the country to ignore majority decisions.

    In sum, a conservative jurist must be careful where and when he goes out in public.

    The Media-Democratic Fusion. If one were to listen during the last few years to NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, PBS, MSNBC, or CNN, or read the New York Times, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, or the Los Angeles Times, then one would have believed the following:

    A) Donald Trump worked with the Russians to throw and win the 2016 election. As part of that skullduggery, frolicking amid prostitutes he urinated on a Moscow hotel bed to spite Barack Obama. B) He was mentally incapacitated as president and should have been removed under the 25th Amendment. C) In 2020, his campaign once more worked with the Russians to create an exact replica of Hunter Biden’s laptop, replete with dozens of lurid fake photos and hundreds of cleverly doctored emails to smear the Biden family and aid his own reelection effort. D) Trump as chief conspirator preplanned a violent and armed insurrection that sought to storm and permanently occupy the government, violently hijacking the balloting and seizing the presidency—resulting in the murder of a Capitol police officer and the subsequent deaths of other traumatized officers.

    E) For the last eight years, none of Trump’s political opponents have ever destroyed subpoenaed evidence, conspired to hire foreign nationals to compile false and lurid files on him to subvert his political campaigns, or used their political offices to help solicit foreign money for family lobbyists. F) Trump is the first major candidate and politician who allegedly overvalued his real assets to obtain a loan that he repaid; the first to have concluded non-disclosure agreements with potential embarrassing liaisons; the first ex-president to remove sensitive files to his personal residence; and the first to phone a state official to whine about the integrity of the vote count. G) He is the first losing presidential candidate or major politician to question an election result or to seek redress through government agencies to rectify the purported corruption of the balloting.

    In sum, for the first time in American history, nearly all the major communication and journalistic networks have been fused with a political party. They believe the new role of the media is to advance a shared progressive cause, oppose and even defame common opponents, and feed their audiences things that are not, and cannot possibly be, true.

    The Destruction of Common Law. By defunding the police in major cities, and by showering leftwing district attorney candidates with millions of dollars in campaign funding, the Left systematically eroded the law as we know it in our major cities.

    As a result, downtowns are after-dark, no-go zones, as once great metropolises resemble veritable combat theaters. Cities are becoming depopulated as consumers and businesses no longer find it safe to conduct commerce. Criminals and homeless now routinely break the law with impunity. Public violence, defecation, urination, fornication, and injection do not even rate as misdemeanors.

    The Left has redefined violent crime to such an extent that shoplifting is no longer actionable. Flash mobs that take over streets and swarm to loot stores are rarely if ever arrested. Security officers who apprehend thieves or intervene to stop violence are more likely to be prosecuted than criminals themselves. There is no longer any immigration law; it has been utterly destroyed by Joe Biden. Seven-million illegal entrants flood into the U.S. and, along with the Mexican government, make demands on their hosts to accommodate their illegality.

    In sum, in blue states and at the federal level, leftwing prosecutors and justices decide to enforce or ignore statutes, pile up or reduce indictments, increase or decrease punishments not on what the law entails, or evidence directs, but on the race, class, or ideology of the perpetrator, usually in connection with the particular status of his victims. If asymmetry in race, class, or ideology is suggested, then the law must modulate in redistributive fashion to contextualize the crime and criminal as a victim rather than a victimizer. The result is the veritable destruction of law and order as we once knew it.

    The Erosion of the Military. Rarely has the American people polled so little confidence in the U.S. military. It perceives the Pentagon mission largely one to greenlight social change through the rapidity of the chain of command, not necessarily to maintain deterrence, much less to win all its wars. 

    The Left has ensured that our armed forces are underfunded, short on munitions and weapons, and military officers are used to promote progressive social agendas. Officers expect to be promoted or stalled on the basis of their views on race and gender.

    Those who traditionally died at twice their numbers in the general population in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan are ostracized and in near record numbers leaving, while their friends and relatives are no longer enlisting in the military.

    Former Pentagon four-star officers violated the Code of Uniform Military Justice in attacking a sitting president with the harshest invective, invoking comparisons to Hitler and Mussolini, again predictably from a leftwing point of view.

    The public expects the Joint Chiefs to be both appointed on ideological considerations, and from time to time even to free-lance to contact enemy counterparts should they feel a conservative president is dangerous to world peace.

    There is no longer any social stigma or legal jeopardy for retired officers in working as defense contractor lobbyists or board members, after revolving from or soon back to the Pentagon.

    Sexes. The heterosexual male and female, marriage, and the nuclear family are all to be suspect. There are three sexes or perhaps still more. English language pronouns are inadequate to reflect sexual diversity.

    So adherence to such ossified languages is career endangering. An epidemic of childlessness, singlehood, and collapsing fertility rates are either of no national importance or illustrate the preferred non-nuclear family model. Powerful hormonal drug regimens and permanent radical sex-change surgery should be the choices of minors alone who know best when they choose to transition to another sex. Graphic sex manuals and drag queen shows with simulated sex acts can perhaps acculturate preteens to the dangers of growing up in an oppressive “normative” binary society.

    Sex, but not race, is constructed, and thus a matter not of biology but of individual choice.

    Race, Not Class. Racial inequality and lack of parity are due to “whiteness.” Racial quotas, segregated dorms, graduations, workshops, and safe spaces are exempt from civil rights statutes given they are necessary to achieve equity. Integration and assimilation are the opiates of the masses. Apartheid and segregation are misunderstood modalities, and thus, if enlightened, sometimes necessary corrective measures.

    Reparations are to supersede ineffective affirmative action. Wokeness liberates us to see how race explains everything in America, past and present. At universities and in popular culture “proportional representation” of various ethnicities and races is no longer sufficient remedy.

    Instead reparatory hiring and admissions are required to atone for prior generations of discrimination. It is taboo to suggest that cultural conditions not just race accounts for inequality. Everything from meritocracy to promptness to physical fitness is racist in nature, requiring DEI experts to expose and inform about the systemic nature of American racism.

    Debt is a Construct. Modern monetary theory proved that annual deficits and national debt are just a state accounting challenge. So printing more money is an act that properly diminishes the value of existing capital improperly horded by parasitic profiteers. Spreading the ensuing cash wealth to the more deserving and victimized is long overdue social justice.

    At any time, the national “debt” can be deconstructed by renouncing usurious bond obligations, appropriating private retirement accounts, or further inflating the currency—if governments are committed enough to social justice.

    Universities. It is now heresy that universities should be places of disinterested inquiry and inductive investigation. They can properly instead become a valuable tool in ridding society of racist and sexist forces, platitudes about free speech and equality under the law, and the tyranny of private property, capitalist profiteering, and white, male heterosexual Christian oppression.

    So the role of a university is to create a brief safe space in which graduates can leave with proper training about the terrible history of the United States and the ways in which it must be dismantled and then be rebuilt by the properly trained experts from the ground up. Counterrevolutionaries or deluded liberals and their quaint adherence to a racist and archaic Bill of Rights have no place on these islands of progressive resistance.

    None of the above was true at the millennium; all are now—with more still to come.

    • Like 1
  2. Trump’s attack on the integrity of the entire process, which resonates to this day with tens of millions of Americans, is a unique danger to the domestic power of the regime.

    It's not the "integrity of the entire process", it's the integrity of the 2020 process.  Something that is ignored (at the basis of Trump's election arguments) is the fact that the Governors (using COVID as an excuse) in many of the red states enacted Executive Orders that superseded states election laws and allowing for the mostly unchecked mail-in ballots that (according to his arguments) gave those states the ability to accept more ballots that would have normally been disqualified.  That is why since the 2020 election, many states legislatures have bolstered the laws to keep Governors in check when it comes to election laws.  Again - SF can't plausibly see how anyone would actually believe that Joe (hidin) Biden could have somehow/someway (legally) garnered more votes than any President in history.


    • Like 1
  3. Seriously?  If i'm dropping $70 on a Filet - I better not find out it ain't beef......


    Well done?

    A Florida steakhouse chain brags it is the first in the US to serve a plant-based steak.

    Charley’s Steak House in Orlando is selling the F U Filet Mignon for $69 (in the mid-range of the chain’s meat prices).

    “Freaking unbelievable plant-based by Chunk,” reads the simple description on the online menu.

    Chunk Foods is an Israeli food-tech startup aiming “to make delicious, nutritious, plant-based whole cuts that are kind to the environment, and accessible to all.” It’s partially funded by Robert Downey Jr.

  4. Reading the article SF is amazed by how cavelier the term "Ruling Class" is used and readily accepted by everyone.  If there were not a Donald Trump elected President, would we ever see the depths of this "Ruling Class" like we are now? 

    This "Ruling Class" is so dead set on keeping the likes of another non-member of that ilk, they are dedicated to absolutely ruining this man as an example to anyone who would ever attempt to try breaking them up again.  This also means there will never be a third party candidate that will ever garner enough support to break into that block.  So vote your convictions and feel good about it, but just know that action will never amount to anything except your feeling good about it.

    You can like him or dis-like him, but nobody can deny the overtly political motivation behind these latest charges especially in the face of the obvious criminality that is absolutely evident in the Biden family up to and including the current President immediately after Hunter Biden crime partner Devon Archer testified before congress.



    • Like 1
  5. SF is surprised, but I guess not really......Consider the source, I guess.......


    Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a bill into law that allows non-U.S. citizens to become police officers in the state, angering critics who slammed the idea of foreigners arresting American citizens as "a fundamentally bad idea."

    Illinois House Bill 3751 will no longer require U.S. citizenship as a qualification to become a police officer in the state. The bill was signed by the Democrat governor on Friday and will go into effect on January 1, 2024, despite facing heavy opposition from GOP lawmakers and prominent police groups.

    The bill "provides that an individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law is authorized to apply for the position of police officer, subject to all requirements and limitations, other than citizenship, to which other applicants are subject," HB3751 reads, adding that non-U.S. citizens must be able to obtain, carry, purchase, or otherwise possess a firearm under federal law to apply for the job.

  6. https://www.wndu.com/2023/07/31/paul-reubens-best-known-pee-wee-herman-dies-age-70/?fbclid=IwAR0ltTsIK04mTfyYVbwAK0fY4NTlfSMTC1ggoViT5jqp6F1WB-_ZsFXpcWw

    Pee-wee Herman actor Paul Reubens dies from cancer at 70

    Actor Paul Reubens, portraying Pee-wee Herman, poses for a portrait while promoting "The...
    Actor Paul Reubens, portraying Pee-wee Herman, poses for a portrait while promoting "The Pee-wee Herman Show" live stage play, Monday, Dec. 7, 2009, in Los Angeles.(AP Photo/Danny Moloshok)
    Published: Jul. 31, 2023 at 1:05 PM EDT|Updated: seconds ago

    LOS ANGELES (AP) — Paul Reubens, the actor and comedian whose character Pee-wee Herman became a cultural phenomenon through films and TV shows, has died.

    Reubens died Sunday night after a six-year struggle with cancer that he did not make public, his publicist said in a statement.

    “Please accept my apology for not going public with what I’ve been facing the last six years,” Reubens said in a statement released with the announcement of his death. “I have always felt a huge amount of love and respect from my friends, fans and supporters. I have loved you all so much and enjoyed making art for you.”

    • Sad 1
  7. After the news of the plea deal of the century falling through yesterday, SF wonders who at the DOJ F-ed up and let that Judge come into and throw a wrench in the middle of a plea deal that both the Defense AND the Prosecution had agreed on giving Hunter nearly lifetime immunity for just about anything.......With the hand-picked people in the right positions, SF thinks someone (somehow) in or around the Bidens didn't put down the bong, dropped the ball on that one and allowed a real Judge into this......

  8. Is the public actually noticing the fact that Trump was impeached for allegedly asking ("quid pro quo" according to the left) Ukraine to help investigate the Biden crime family for precisely what is starting to come to the surface now involving the former Vice President and his "formerly" drug-addicted artist son?  Or is everything still Trump's fault?

  9. On 7/25/2023 at 9:23 AM, Impartial_Observer said:

    Awesome does this mean more senseless congressional hearings? 

    IDK - but Uncle Joe now says "We ended cancer as we know it" as his son's plea deal seems to be falling apart as the prosecutors are keeping future charges alive. 



    • Haha 1
  10. Nevermind the many many MANY real serious criminal acts that are coming to light now from the "Biden Crime Family" that are not even being challenged (just ignored) by the MSM.  

    So here's some different news - Uncle Joe's dog biting the Secret Service agents again and he thinks they are lying about it.......


    Biden, 80, has reportedly expressed doubts about the honesty of a Secret Service member who reported being bitten on the leg by his prior dog Major, also a German shepherd, and the White House has not disclosed any biting incidents involving Commander, who often can be heard barking on the executive mansion’s grounds.

    Behind the scenes, agents described alarming series of incidents.

    The most serious incident on Nov. 3 began as a Secret Service officer was seated at the bottom of a stairwell at the White House.

    Commander “came down the stairs and walked toward” them, according to an internal agency email.

    The dog, unprovoked, reportedly bit the officer’s arm on the tricep area — and, when the officer stood up, chomped down on their quad muscle area on the leg.

    Another officer reported that the attack victim reported “a considerable amount of pain” and said that they were forced to use a steel cart to shield against further attack.

    An officer at the Secret Service Joint Operations Center wrote, “WH medical treated the officer and made the decision to have [the victim] transported to [redacted] Hospital.”

    Two days after the incident, the attacked agent, whose doctor placed them on restricted duty for three days after their visit to the hospital, emailed to a colleague who asked about their recovery: “My leg and arm still hurts. He bit me twice and ran at me twice.”

    The fellow Secret Service member wrote back: “What a joke… if it wasn’t their dog he would already have been put down – freaking clown needs a muzzle.”

    Some of the incidents directly involved the first family, according to the email cache.

    On Nov. 10, a Secret Service Uniformed Division officer was bitten on the left thigh by Commander while first lady Jill Biden walked the dog in the Kennedy Garden near the East Wing and reported “bruising, tenderness and pain in the bite area,” a communication in the document production reveals.

    On Nov. 14, another Secret Service officer described in an emailed report having to defend themselves with a chair to prevent being attacked.

    The officer wrote that they “heard the dog bark with a loud aggressive sound” and “looked up and saw him at the landing of the ushers staircase. I made eye contact with him and grabbed the black chair I was sitting on and held it in front of me while backing up.”

    On Dec. 11, a Secret Service special agent in the Presidential Protective Division reported being was bitten after the president took Commander off his leash after watching a movie — writing that he had a 1.5 cm cut and bruising to the attacked agent’s arm and a 1 cm cut due to a second bite on his hand and thumb.

    One of the agent’s bosses wrote in an email also released to Judicial Watch that “this occurred after departing the family movie theatre” with “Commander and family members (total 6 participants).”

    President Biden “requested to take Commander (on the leash) to the Kennedy Garden. Once at the KG, POTUS took Commander off the leash to run free. I was present to observe [redacted] departing from the Kennedy Garden to move behind [redacted] toward the south ground drive via the internal garden gate when [the attack] occurred.”

    A workplace injury form show that a Secret Service officer also was bitten on Dec. 16.

    “I was walking across the complex and a dog bit my left arm,” the officer wrote, describing the injury as, “Dog bite, superficial laceration, contusion, soreness, and bruising.”

    On Christmas Eve, a Secret Service inspector wrote to colleagues that one day prior another officer “was bitten while posted at [redacted location] yesterday.”

    “Nearly every official in the room with me today spoke about specific incidents surrounding the First Family’s dog,” the inspector’s email said.

    On Jan. 2, an agency technical security investigator was attacked when investigating an alarm at the president’s Wilmington home, where he often spends the weekend.

    “Commander squeezed his way through the door and immediately bit/latched onto the lower right side of my back,” the attack victim wrote in an email.

    A person whose name was redacted from the email “told Commander to get down and assisted in pulling him off,” the technician wrote.

    “The total incident did not last more than about 10 seconds and Commander went back inside the residence. [The person whose name was redacted] was apologetic after the incident. After checking my lower back, there’s a 1×1 scratched, bruised spot where Commander grabbed onto and was bleeding consistent of a scratch like rug burn.”

    The incidents seemed to begin in October of last year.

    In the first documented instance, on the morning of Oct. 5, Commander “jumped on” an emergency response technician on the White House grounds and bit at their “arm/wrist area”

    On Oct 3 at a door leading to the garden near the East Wing, Commander “inflicted a ‘friendly soft bite’ on [a Secret Service agent’s] forearm as [he] held the door open,” though “no skin was broken from the bite.”

    On Oct. 26, a uniformed division Secret Service officer wrote: “Commander has been exhibiting extremely aggressive behavior. Today, while posted, he came charging at me. The First Lady couldn’t regain control of commander [sic] and he continued to circle me. I believe it’s only a matter of time before an agent/officer is attacked or bit.”

    “He would have bit me today if I didn’t step towards him a couple different times. It was bad enough that the agent on the detail asked if I got bit – just so you’re aware.”

  11. Today, SF is wondering (based on the lyrics) which song is more offensive?

    I guess if some gal(s) in the Hip-Hop world want to sing about the condition of her Hoo-Haa(s), then that's her/their prerogative. 

    I would argue the same for a country singer who wants to illustrate the difference between small-town values compared with larger city values. 

    I suppose guilty minds may find his lyrics offensive........


    Cardi B (Featuring Megan the Stallion) Multi-award winning song W.A.P.


    Whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house (hol' up)
    I said certified freak, seven days a week
    Wet ass pussy, make that pullout game weak, woo! (Ah)
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Yeah, you fucking with some wet ass pussy
    Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy
    Give me everything you got for this wet ass pussy
    Beat it up, nigga, catch a charge
    Extra large, and extra hard
    Put this pussy right in yo' face
    Swipe your nose like a credit card
    Hop on top, I want a ride
    I do a kegel while it's inside
    Spit in my mouth, look at my eyes
    This pussy is wet, come take a dive
    Tie me up like I'm surprised
    Let's role-play, I wear a disguise
    I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage
    Make it cream, make me scream
    Out in public, make a scene
    I don't cook, I don't clean
    But let me tell you, I got this ring (ayy, ayy)
    Gobble me, swallow me, drip down the side of me (yeah)
    Quick, jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me (yeah)
    I tell him where to put it, never tell him where I'm 'bout to be
    I run down on him 'fore I have a nigga running me
    Talk yo' shit, bite your lip
    Ask for a car while you ride that dick (while you ride that dick)
    You ain't never gotta fuck him for a thing
    He already made his mind up 'fore he came
    Now get your boots and your coat for this wet ass pussy
    He bought a phone just for pictures of this wet ass pussy
    Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet ass pussy
    Now make it rain if you wanna see some wet ass pussy
    Look, I need a hard hitter, I need a deep stroke
    I need a Henny drink, I need a weed smoker
    Not a garden snake, I need a king cobra
    With a hook in it, hope it lean over
    He got some money, then that's where I'm headed
    Pussy A-1, just like his credit
    He got a beard, well, I'm tryna wet it
    I let him taste it, and now he diabetic
    I don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp
    I wanna gag, I wanna choke
    I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat
    My head game is fire, punani Dasani
    It's going in dry, and it's coming out soggy
    I ride on that thing like the cops is behind me (yuh, ah)
    I spit on his mic' and now he tryna sign me, woo
    Your honor, I'm a freak bitch, handcuffs, leashes
    Switch my wig, make him feel like he cheating
    Put him on his knees, give him some' to believe in
    Never lost a fight, but I'm looking for a beating
    In the food chain, I'm the one that eat ya
    If he ate my ass, he's a bottom feeder
    Big D stand for big demeanor
    I could make ya bust before I ever meet ya
    If it don't hang, then he can't bang
    You can't hurt my feelings, but I like pain
    If he fuck me and ask, "Whose is it?"
    When I ride the dick, I'ma spell my name, ah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    Yeah, you fucking with some wet ass pussy
    Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy
    Give me everything you got for this wet ass pussy
    Now from the top, make it drop, that's some wet ass pussy
    Now get a bucket and a mop, that's some wet ass pussy
    I'm talking WAP, WAP, WAP, that's some wet ass pussy
    Macaroni in a pot, that's some wet ass pussy, huh
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores in this house
    There's some whores-
    Jason Aldean - recently banned from CMT song
    Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
    Carjack an old lady at a red light
    Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
    Ya think it's cool, well, act a fool if ya like
    Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
    Stomp on the flag and light it up
    Yeah, ya think you're tough
    Well, try that in a small town
    See how far ya make it down the road
    Around here, we take care of our own
    You cross that line, it won't take long
    For you to find out, I recommend you don't
    Try that in a small town
    Got a gun that my granddad gave me
    They say one day they're gonna round up
    Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck
    Try that in a small town
    See how far ya make it down the road
    Around here, we take care of our own
    You cross that line, it won't take long
    For you to find out, I recommend you don't
    Try that in a small town
    Full of good ol' boys, raised up right
    If you're looking for a fight
    Try that in a small town
    Try that in a small town
    Try that in a small town
    See how far ya make it down the road
    Around here, we take care of our own
    You cross that line, it won't take long
    For you to find out, I recommend you don't
    Try that in a small town
    Try that in a small town
    Try that in a small town
    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. I am normally "over-polite" with yes Maam, Thank you Maam, "how can I help you maam" utilizing respect whenever I can as my father taught me.  "Showing and living respectful will never get you in trouble" was one of his mantras.  SF is still the same guy, but just hoping my next "yes maam" or "yes sir" doesn't get me in trouble or offend someone......

    May need to remember that First Amendment argument......

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  13. Tennis has it's own Colin Kaepernick.......An "older" competitor on a severe losing streak has panic attack after her (much younger) opponent did something she didn't agree with and is calling her action racist.....



    It appears Hungarian Open tournament organizers have found a way to make a growing controversy worse.

    After video showed Kiara Toth erasing a ball mark on a questionable call and celebrating as her opponent, China’s Zhang Shuai, was forced to retire due to a panic attack, a post on the tournament’s Facebook page appeared to defend the 20-year-old Toth.

    “(Toth) did not decide if the ball was good or not. It was the decision of the linesman and then the chair umpire,” the post circulating on social media read.

    “The Hungarian tennis player in the first WTA match of her life may not have behaved in every situation, but she did nothing that could be described as a lack of integrity. And there is no deflection, no misunderstanding. The Chinese are manipulating the world with a manipulative video.”

  14. 20 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    This may be the best commercial for a local business I have ever seen:


    WOW MAN - SF has a sudden urge to dust off my roller blades.....and head to Reno.....

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  15. So am I the only person in the entire United States that believes the Secret Service, the organization tasked with security of the most secure building in the world knows exactly who it was that inadvertently left their stash in one of the most secure locations within that building?  Seriously? 

    They knew within the first hour of discovery who had utilized that "cubby" for the past 12 months minimum.   Worse yet - If they didn't - then someone destroyed the video recordings (complete with the latest facial recognition technology) before they could be viewed.


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