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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. https://mises.org/wire/capitalism-aka-self-ownership-only-moral-economic-system Agreed. These "democratic socialists" or just plain socialists want to turn American citizens into unwilling slaves for the state.
  2. Brown v. Board Did Not Start Private Schooling: https://www.cato.org/blog/brown-v-board-did-not-start-private-schooling Kudos to Prof. Wingfield for making clear that many public schools were “strictly racially segregated,” which often seems to be soft pedaled when linking choice to segregation. But her assertion that private schooling didn’t “really” begin to grow until after Brown is not borne out by the data. As the chart below shows, while the share of enrollment in private schools spiked in 1959, the growth in private schooling didn’t suddenly increase right before that. In 1889—the earliest year available— the private school share was 11 percent, dipping to 7 percent in 1919, then pretty steadily rising until the 1959 peak. (Note, the earlier years of the federal data are in ten-year increments. Also, data include pre-K enrollments.) History is clear that private education has long been with us, and while it has certainly at times been used to avoid racial integration, it has also been employed for reasons having nothing to do with that. This remains true even in our relatively modern era in which “free” public schools have crowded out many private options.
  3. Reparations Are More Likely to Divide the Nation Than Heal It: http://reason.com/archives/2019/04/05/reparations-likely-to-divide-not-heal Agreed. As one of the comments to this piece states: "It's just so preposterous, it will never happen. Like the GND it's a distraction from the real existential threat facing the country: our national debt caused by social security and medicare. These are abominations and must be abolished. So why are we creating expensive new problems? Because everyone's scheming to arbitrage the system for personal gain, including Brooks (perhaps he imagines he will be the token white appointed to the reparations board). However here's what you fail to appreciate: there can be only one winner. And it won't be you."
  4. Perhaps you can ask Mr. Clark himself. Here is a link to his website, contact information may be there: https://www.afain.net/ So by your last sentence it appears that Indiana hate crime legislation really isn't needed at all. Thank you.
  5. Yep, "free" government money distorts the market and drives up prices.
  6. https://www.dailywire.com/news/44893/walsh-celebrity-politicians-matt-walsh As we the people have ceded more and more power over our lives to government the more people view those in power as quasi-deities, and it is disgusting. "A good American is always suspicious of any man or woman who seeks to gain power over him." No truer words have ever been spoken.
  7. With Mueller Hopes Gone, So Goes Progressive Unity: https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/04/mueller-report-aftermath-progressive-unity-over/
  8. Teenager hit with 73 counts for “swatting” calls: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/04/teenager-hit-with-73-counts-for-swatting-calls/ Whatever happened to the prank phone calls of my youth, like "Do have Prince Albert in a can?" or "Is your refrigerator running?"
  9. But hey, Indiana may now possibly, maybe, get dropped off of some list.
  10. Capital is a Mystery to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: https://mises.org/wire/capital-mystery-alexandria-ocasio-cortez
  11. https://wsbt.com/news/local/indiana-governor-signs-controversial-hate-crimes-bill-into-law This Letter to the Editor pretty much states my opinion on this matter, frankly that hate laws are not needed: https://www.jconline.com/story/news/opinion/letters/2018/02/20/letter-why-indiana-doesnt-need-hate-crime-law/356891002/
  12. New Zealand Gang: We Won't Give Up Our Guns To Government: https://www.dailywire.com/news/45483/new-zealand-gang-we-wont-give-our-guns-government-james-barrett I guess the old quote may come true: "Once guns are outlawed only outlaws will own guns."
  13. Mexico border closure: The whole auto industry could shut in days, analysts say: https://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/2019/04/03/trump-mexico-border-auto-industry/3344399002/ Mr. Trump has no clue. Something like one billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth over the Mexico-U.S. border every day . Most than just auto manufacturing plants would would be shut down, but many of their 1st and 2nd tier parts suppliers as well. All the auto manufacturing plants here in Indiana would probably shut down within a week, maybe two, potentially putting thousands of hourly workers temporarily out of work.
  14. ? How does the Michigan State Government fundamentally differ from other state governments? From what I read here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_of_Michigan it doesn't look to be that different from surrounding states. Then there is this line from the wikipedia article: Sounds awfully "majority rule" to me. Why can't the "majority rulers" pass an initiative to double property tax rates so they can fix the roads?
  15. That Newsweek article is nothing but spin. I thought words mattered?
  16. I don't believe the old GID "profanity or words we admins just don't like" filter has been installed on this new iteration of the forum software.
  17. https://www.cato.org/news-releases/2019/4/2/new-billboards-blame-onerous-jones-act-snarling-traffic-along-eastern Agreed. This antiquated federal law needs to go.
  18. Again, no real answers from Gonzo. Tell me, where do you get all of your "information?" CNN? Media Matters? If you can point out where something I linked to at reason.com is not factual, then please, speak up and provide details.
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