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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. http://reason.com/blog/2019/01/14/rand-paul-canada-surgery-clinic-private Checkmate, libertarians? Nope. Those who chuckled at this supposed irony missed a major detail, even though it was noted in the press coverage: Paul's surgery will take place at the Shouldice Hernia Hospital in Thornhill, Ontario. The clinic is private, and run for profit; The Toronto Star's Daniel Dale, who is from Thornhill, notes that it was "grandfathered in to Ontario's socialized health system." According to Dale, New Democratic Party Leader Jack Layton, a left-leaning Canadian politician, attracted criticism in 2006 for visiting the private clinic, even though he was a champion of publicly provided health care. That is indeed hypocritical. Paul's decision to seek out the best care—and pay for it—is not. If you can seek out the best care and pay for it, why not?
  2. Gotta get this one started, for DT if anything. Start with something mostly benign, at least when it comes to Mr. Trump: Feast Fit For A Burger King: Trump Serves Fast Food To College Football Champs: https://www.npr.org/2019/01/15/685416350/feast-fit-for-a-burger-king-trump-serves-fast-food-to-college-football-champs "I think we're going to serve McDonalds, Wendy's and Burger King with some pizza," Trump told reporters beforehand. "I really mean it. It would be interesting. And I would think that's their favorite food." Because of the shutdown, most of the staff in the White House residence had been furloughed, so Trump paid for the meal himself, he said. Trump's magnanimity did not spare him from the biting tongue of Twitter. Commenting on a picture of the president posing with his hands wide in front of the feast, television writer Jess Dweck said: "This is the news photo that would make a returning time traveler realize they f***** something up." "Great American food!" Trump told reporters at an informal press conference before the meal. "And it could be very interesting to see at the end of this evening how many are left." He declined to say whether he prefers McDonald's or Wendy's. "I like 'em all. If it's American, I like it." ...
  3. https://mises.org/wire/furloughed-federal-employees-are-still-paid-more-you That's just wages. They get far more in terms of benefits like healthcare and vacation time: The benefits for workers with a bachelors degree are 52 percent higher for federal workers than for their private-sector counterparts. Wages for federal workers in this group, however, are only five percent higher. Only when we look at federal workers with PhDs and other advanced degrees, do we find some federal workers who actually make less than similar workers in the private sector. Wages among highly-educated federal employees were 24 percent less than in the private sector, according to the report. Benefits remained "about the same." So, most federal employees — especially the ones with less education — have a long way to go before facing the economic realities that private-sector employees — i.e., the net taxpayers — face on a daily basis. ... Yep, no tears shed for those who choose to cast their employment lot with the federal government. As Ron Swanson believes:
  4. http://reason.com/archives/2019/01/09/do-economists-agree-a-70-percent-top-mar A plan destined to fail.
  5. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/14/indiana-general-assembly-lawmaker-wants-civics-test-graduation/2570275002/ Another laughable bill proposed by Mr. Kruse. He usually pulls this at least once a session. But that begs the question, why do the individuals graduating from today's government schools seem to have less basic knowledge of U.S. government and history than those who take the United States civics test issued to new citizens? Why are government schools failing in this regard?
  6. Thank you DK, but I really don't see the reasoning behind setting a popular part of the "old" GID up as a "club" with a couple more hoops to jump through in order to participate.
  7. I am not a government school financing expert. Please explain in detail how a government education entity can spend $15 million on a primarily extracurricular activities project without increasing taxes. What educational programs, facilities maintenance, salaries, positions, etc. are being cut to pay for this boondoggle?
  8. Agreed: I take my card and I stand in line To make a buck I work overtime Dear sir letters keep comin' in the mail I work my back till it's racked with pain The boss can't even recall my name I show up late and I'm docked, it never fails I feel like just another, spoke in a great big wheel Like a tiny blade of grass in a great big field To workers I'm just another drone To Ma Bell I'm just another phone I'm just another statistic on a sheet To teachers I'm just another child To IRS I'm another file I'm just another consensus on the street Gonna cruise outta this city, head down to the sea Gonna shout out at the ocean, hey it's me And I feel like a number, feel like a number Feel like a stranger A stranger in this land, I feel like a number I'm not a number, I'm not a number Damn it I'm a man, I said I'm a man Gonna cruise out of this city, head down to the sea Gonna shout out at the ocean, hey it's me And I feel like a number, feel like a number Feel like a stranger Stranger in this land, feel like a number I'm not a number, I'm not a number Damn it I'm a man, I feel like a number Feel like a number, feel like a number I feel like a... I feel... feel like a... feel like a I feel like a... I feel like a ...I feel like a... I feel like a
  9. FTA: Taxpayers dollars shouldn't be used to fund primarily extracurricular facilities. This is another taxpayer funded boondoggle.
  10. I don't participate in Facebook or twitter. Call me old school I guess...................
  11. Wow, Clinton Central now has almost 100 less students than their in-county rival Clinton Prairie. I'm afraid this continuing decline in enrollment will soon force some kind of consolidation.
  12. I believe the percentage of "Trump related threads" in the OOB was not near that high, but just my opinion.
  13. I respectfully disagree. The OOB forum was not explicitly created by the late Mr. Adams as a "political sub site" but rather as an non-football topic subforum, which I believe is healthy for a forum the size of the Gridiron Digest.
  14. To my knowledge no. A lot of untapped potential bowling talent there though.
  15. Good, my concerns are unfounded. And yes, DK_Barons has performed a herculean task.
  16. https://www.ftimes.com/common/story.php?ID=4001&hl=Hot-Dog-bowlers-win-conference-crown Congratulations to the Hot Dogs.
  17. Will the true heart of the GID, the Out Of Bounds forum, which was championed by the late, great Tim Adams, be created soon? There is so much to talk about and discuss.
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