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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. If You Still Think Nick Sandmann’s Smile Is Proof of Racism, You’re Seeing What You Want to See: http://reason.com/blog/2019/01/22/nick-sandmann-covington-catholic-racism
  2. What way do you think regarding this situation, Gonzo? Do you believe the Hebrew Israelites have any culpability whatsoever in what transpired? So chanting school cheers is harassment? http://www.wuky.org/post/investigation-covington-catholic-mocking-allegations-who-harassed-whom#stream/0
  3. Since this was a fairly popular thread at the old OOB forum, figured I would start another one. So here we go: Gender-neutral locker room? West Lafayette sells idea for new rec center: https://www.jconline.com/story/opinion/columnists/dave-bangert/2019/01/21/bangert-gender-neutral-locker-room-west-lafayette-sells-idea-new-rec-center/2601790002/ Ohh, the horror?
  4. Ahh, so "payback" by the members of the religious sect Black Hebrew Israelites in the form of racist, homophobic, and bigoted verbal abuse towards the children from Covington Catholic, is therefore justified? Tell me Gonzo, what children from Covington Catholic that were in Washington D.C. are also in the above picture?
  5. So you don't believe that members of the religious sect Black Hebrew Israelites had anything to do with this confrontation?
  6. https://mises.org/wire/decline-scholar-and-decline-academia Agreed. This specialization needs to occur outside the halls of academia, not in them.
  7. http://reason.com/blog/2019/01/20/covington-catholic-nathan-phillips-video#comment Again, all the evidence suggests that Phillips got it backward. He also claimed that he heard chants of "build the wall." While I cannot rule out the possibility that some of the kids indeed chanted this—those who were wearing MAGA hats are presumably Trump supporters—I did not hear a single utterance of the phrase in the nearly two hours of video footage I watched. Admittedly, the kids do a lot of chanting and it's not always possible to tell what they are saying. Their stated explanation is that they engaged in a series of school sports chants: That's what one student told a local news reporter. His account largely tracks with the video. "We are an all-male school that loves to get hyped up," said this student. "And as we have done for years prior, we decided to do some cheers to pass time. In the midst of our cheers, we were approached by a group of adults led by Nathan Phillips, with Phillips beating his drum. They forced their way to the center of our group. We initially thought this was a cultural display since he was beating along to our cheers and so we clapped to the beat." According to this student, the smiling student was grinning because he was enjoying the music, but eventually became confused, along with everyone else. (Indeed, multiple people can be heard to shout, "what is going on?") It would be impossible to definitively state that none of the young men did anything wrong, offensive, or problematic, at some point, and maybe the smiling student was attempting to intimidate Phillips. But there's shockingly little evidence of wrongdoing, unless donning a Trump hat and standing in a group of other people doing the same is now an act of harassment or violence. Phillips' account, meanwhile, is at best flawed, and arguably deliberately misleading. Unless other information emerges, the school's best move would be to have a conversation with the boys about the incident, perhaps discuss some strategies for remaining on perfect behavior at highly charged political rallies—where everybody is recording everything on a cell phone—and let that be the end of it. The boys are undoubtedly owed an apology from the numerous people who joined this social media pile-on. This is shaping up to be one of the biggest major media misfires in quite some time. Updated at 8:30 p.m.: Nick Sandmann, the Covington student in the middle of the controversy, has released a statement. Here it is in full: A sad incident, for all involved. But I contend if would have never made the MSM had the MAGA hats not been worn.
  8. http://www.espn.com/espn/story/_/id/25776964/insurance-market-football-evaporating-causing-major-threat-nfl-pop-warner-colleges-espn Dire times. Maybe the risk, and the cost, for youth tackle football is too great.
  9. My government class in the 1980's was all year, and required for graduation. By "management" you means the State government, correct?
  10. Happy to oblige. Watching Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Trump play petty political games is lot like watching these cats:
  11. It's spelled "Ocasio" btw, not "Ocasoi". And let's get they "AOC is dumb" stuff out of the way:
  12. https://www.heritage.org/american-founders/report/how-understand-slavery-and-the-american-founding
  13. So again, please tell us why you choose to be an American citizen if you despise it's founding so much?
  14. So is that your supposedly college-educated opinion of the founding fathers and framers of the U.S. Constitution? That they were just a bunch of slave owners and therefore their words and thoughts shouldn't be trusted for anything? Tell us again why you choose to be an American citizen?
  15. The Shutdown’s Real Lesson: Government Has Taken Hostage Too Much of the Economy: https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/shutdowns-real-lesson-government-has-taken-hostage-too-much-economy Agreed.
  16. https://mises.org/wire/fdr’s-worst-perversion-freedom-four-freedoms-speech Evil.
  17. http://reason.com/blog/2019/01/16/how-scientology-recruits-inside-florida Meh, the Church of Scientology is just looking for fresh converts, much like the the Christians church looks for fresh converts via the prison system.
  18. Gillette Tells Men They're Repulsive Creeps. Now Give Them Your Money, You Piece of Garbage: https://pjmedia.com/trending/gillette-tells-men-theyre-repulsive-creeps-now-give-them-your-money-you-piece-of-garbage/?fbclid=IwAR3vVS_AByKCM0AmOsjgan6mrc-GuaYQX_nRgkncEQyqYHUB1DkwSFyC1Cs This is long overdue. #TimesUp, penis-havers! Here's Gillette's first salvo in their war on men. WARNING: Contains depictions of male behavior. See? See what you've done, you repulsive creeps? And don't you think you could use a shave? If that didn't fill you with regret and self-loathing at being a man, then you weren't one to begin with. Masculinity is more toxic than the plastic in Gillette's inexpensive disposable razors. I didn't even realize how rotten and depraved I was until I saw this ad, and now I want to run out and buy as many Gillette products as I can carry. Gillette has learned that in [current year], it's not enough for a company to make a product that people want. It's not enough to make them feel inadequate about themselves, and then sell them the supposed cure for that inadequacy. Consumers, men in particular, must be made to feel worthless. They have to be reminded that their needs and desires are wrong under any circumstances, that their instincts are loathsome, that their very existence is a malignancy, and that they're responsible for all the world's ills whether they want to admit it or not. Now give them your money, you piece of garbage. If past corporate scolding campaigns are any indication, Gillette will see some pushback from customers who don't know what's good for them. When Starbucks introduced their #RaceTogether campaign back in 2015, they were roundly excoriated by racists everywhere. And guess what? Racism continues to this day. Are you going to allow the same thing to happen with sexism, or are you going to go out and buy a Mach3? I'm proud to be ashamed of being a man, and I applaud Gillette for refusing to let me get away with it. The best a man can get is the bottom of the barrel. I'm going to stop shaving in protest. Who's with me?
  19. As an advocate for smaller government one can only hope....................
  20. Go for it. There is a reason this is called the Out Of Bounds Forum.
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