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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. http://reason.com/blog/2019/01/24/new-poll-shows-medicare-for-all-is-popul As usual, "the devil is in the details". And socialist programs like "Medicare For All" reveals itself as being bad for Americans who value small government and individual liberty.
  2. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2019/01/24/elwood-indiana-superintendent-casey-smitherman-insurance-fraud-sick-student/2665670002/ Hmm. Something seems to be missing regarding Ms. Smitherman's motives and actions here. The Elwood Community School Corporation has over 1,500 students. Exactly why was this teenage boy singled out by her?
  3. Because they can't be effectively criticized for their part in the confrontation without the "that's racist!" label being thrown about. Kind of like any criticism of an individuals of Jewish ancestry runs of the risk of "anti-Semite!" being applied. Also other comments I have read concerning the BLI's is that they are kind of like the "neighborhood kooks" that have been wandering around Washington D.C. and proselytizing for years, and therefore are basically just "part of the fabric' of the city.
  4. Don't go DT! This forum desperately needs individuals like yourself who are not afraid to express non-popular opinions and ideas.
  5. It’s becoming clear that nothing could even partially excuse the Covington kids in the eyes of some, because wearing that hat and smirking are now crimes.: https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/01/covington-catholic-maga-hatcrime-facecrime/ As I stated near the beginning of this thread, it's about the hats.
  6. http://reason.com/archives/2019/01/23/what-we-dont-know-about-us-airstrikes-in Endless "war". Endless death. Endless suffering. All at the hands of a U.S. Military whose Congress has never expressly declared war. Unconstitutional.
  7. That's because he isn't, according to the Marine Corp. And Mr. Phillips has never expressly claimed to have served in Vietnam: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-news-nathan-phillips-veteran-vietnam-marines-covington-20190123-story.html
  8. Just goes to highlight how much of the federal government could be effectively privatized.
  9. Pay for Federal Government Workers: https://www.cato.org/blog/pay-federal-government-workers The NYT uses data from the Bureau of Economic (BEA) for its pay comparisons. Federal worker wages averaged $90,794 in 2017, which was 48 percent higher than the private sector average of $61,311. But as the NYT article indicates, gold-plated benefits are a key advantage that federal workers enjoy over private-sector workers. The chart below shows BEA data on total compensation, wages plus benefits. Compensation averaged $130,429 for federal workers in 2017, which was 79 percent higher than the private-sector average of $72,992. The comments by Bloomfield and Fosse in the article illustrate another point. As I discuss here, high job security is an additional government benefit that should be considered when comparing federal to private compensation levels. The shutdown has disrupted the lives of federal workers, but generally they have a good thing going with pay, benefits, and job security. If Congress ever gets around to tackling bloat in the federal budget, excessive federal benefits would be a good place to find savings.
  10. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/01/terabyte-using-cable-customers-double-increasing-risk-of-data-cap-fees/ We began regularly exceeding the 1TB in data usage a month almost a year ago. And haven't looked back.
  11. https://www.airspacemag.com/daily-planet/could-video-gamers-make-better-drone-pilots-180964653/ https://theaviationgeekclub.com/study-finds-video-gamers-better-ga-pilots-uav-operators/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/09/royal-air-force-recruit-video-game-players-operate-reaper-drones
  12. http://reason.com/archives/2019/01/23/why-wilbur-rosss-census-lies-matter Good to see this struck down, but the entire census form needs to be overall. It should basically contain one question and one question only: "How many people are residing in this household?"
  13. So most if not all qualified military recruits should have played tackle football?
  14. Of course that is what the chaperone is going to say, helps to abdicate them from any responsibility in the matter.
  15. I believe that. I once shared the story in the old OOB of a single parent I knew who pulled her 10-12 year son out the government school, primarily so he could help her in the mornings at the diner she owned. Any homeschooling was then done in the afternoon or evening. Wouldn't this help to teach the young man the value of physical labor?
  16. http://reason.com/archives/2019/01/22/homeschooling-produces-better-students/ The government school teachers unions also hate homeschooling.
  17. https://news.avclub.com/here-are-the-nominees-for-the-2019-academy-awards-1831946888 Anybody got picks for the winners?
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