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Posts posted by NLCTigerFan07

  1. 1 hour ago, Muda69 said:

    I'm curious, do the geographical boundaries for the Warsaw Community school district extend well past the city limits of Warsaw itself, and take up a considerable amount of surrounding Kosciusko County?  It just find it curious that a city a little over 15k can have such a large high school.  In contrast Frankfort is a city of 16k+ with a high school of only around 900.  Thank you.

    Yes - the majority of the county (especially concerning where people LIVE) feeds into the high school. Thus why it is named Warsaw Community High School.

    As well, while the town of Warsaw has a population of around 15,500 - there are MANY neighborhoods that are just outside of the "city" limits. My old home growing up being one of those. Also, it's important to remember that while Winona Lake is technically a separate town, the two are connected as one. Winona Lake has a population of around 5,000 itself. I would guess that the "greater" Warsaw area has at least 30,000 if not more population considering the county itself has about 80,000.

    In the below screenshot:

    Orange - Warsaw Community Schools
    Green - Wawasee Community School Corporation
    Pink - Wa-Nee Community Schools (NorthWood)
    Blue - Triton School Corporation
    Yellow - Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation
    Purple - Whitko Community School Corporation



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  2. 19 hours ago, DACNUT said:

    Being on the lower end of 6A, enrollment wise, isn't Warsaw sort of in purgatory. Do they have the size, strength and athleticism coming up that can get them past the DAC, NIC, or SAC?

    I mean they defeated Penn for a sectional championship in 2019 and competed well against Merrillville in the regional game, and last year beat Carroll in the first round of the tournament and hung with Homestead in the sectional championship game.

    In regards to coming up - I think this year the Tigers might be down some and the following year could be rough too, but this year's freshman team and BOTH middle school teams had successful years and to the best of my knowledge, all levels of football being played in Warsaw are playing Bart Ball on offense. Would be great to see the Tigers be at least competitive in the games against Warren Central in a few years.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Justasportsfan said:

    <400 kids 1a

    <800 kids 2a

    <1200 kids 3a

    <1600 kids 4a

    <2000 kids 5a

    <2500 kids 6a

    <3000 kids 7a

    >3000 kids 8a

    I haven't checked how many schools would fall into each bracket.

    Yikes.... you should check the numbers then and comeback with a more pheasible breakout of adding 2 additional classes.... because the way you have it now, is no bueno:

    ~75 schools <400 kids 1A

    ~114 schools <800 kids 2A

    ~48 schools <1200 kids 3A

    ~26 schools <1600 kids 4A

    ~22 schools <2000 kids 5A

    ~13 schools <2500 kids 6A

    ~5 schools <3000 kids 7A

    ~11 schools >3000 kids 8A

  4. 33 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

    Thanks, NLC............But it is hard to grasp. Why did 3 teams drop out of 6A?

    I dont think there were 29 teams in 6A the last 2 years.///I'm pretty sure there were 32.

    If exact enrollments fluctuated, why did some teams drop to 5A?

    Next year there are 30 teams in 6A (6 sectionals with 4 teams = 24 teams and 2 sectionals with 3 teams = 6 teams. 24+6=30)

    Only 2 teams dropped out of 6A. Those two teams (FW Snider and Columbus East) are NOT 6A enrollment schools, they were in 6A due to Success Factor. During the last 2 years, neither team acquired enough Success Factor points (2 points are needed) to STAY in 6A, thus were dropped to 5A. So it would be "unfair" to make them stay in 6A when they 1) are not 6A by enrollment and 2) did not acquire enough Success Factor points to stay up in the class. Thus, those 2 schools dropped to 5A.

    As well, in 5A - the Hammond Schools saw consolidation from 4 high schools to 2 high schools. Previously, the 4 high schools were 2 4A schools and 2 3A schools. Now as 2 high schools, they are BOTH in 5A enrollment.

    Thus why 5A went from 33 schools to 37 schools this year. FW Snider and Columbus East dropped due to lack of success factor points in class 6A, and Hammond Central and Hammond Morton were added due to consolidation of high schools.

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  5. 10 hours ago, Footballking16 said:

    Didn’t Chesterton just lose to a 1A school?

    Imagine this being your arguement against Chesterton 😂 God forbid any team 2A-6A lose to arguably the best pound for pound program in the entire STATE.

    That "1A" school being Pioneer, a program that has gone 220-20 over the last 20 years with 2 State Championships, 4 Semi-State Championships, 7 Regional Championships, and 11 Sectional Championships during those 20 years.

    Yeah... to hell with Chesterton! There's no chance for them to become a legitimate threat in 6A North 😂😂😂

  6. 14 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

    There should be 32 teams in 6A..  The 32 teams with the biggest enrollment.

    A 3-team sectional isnt a sectional. Its one game for somebody

    Let Class 1A have the byes/ They need them.   There's five eight teams sectionals in 1A

    That is how it will be in the future - but the IHSAA could not accurately confirm which 32 schools belonged in 6A this year. It is not that hard to grasp. There is no way accurately telling which 2 schools should be moved up because the only accurate data is from previous years, and things have changed since then (with or without COVID). Add in the fluctuating numbers DUE to Covid, the IHSAA thought it best to just keep the same schools in 6A that were in it the last 2 years.

    It would have been "unfair" to add Zionsville and Valparaiso to 6A this year without knowing for sure their enrollments were in fact bigger than say.... Jeffersonville, FW Northrop, Harrison (WL) or Castle. Those 6 schools during the last enrollment period were all within 90 students of each other. For all we know, any 2 of those 6 schools would be included in "The 32 teams with the biggest enrollment" as you say.

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  7. 19 hours ago, NLCTigerFan07 said:

    Color me surprised on 6A and 5A. Number of schools per class:

    6A: 30
    5A: 37
    4A: 61
    3A: 60
    2A: 63
    1A: 63

    2 hours ago, Bear54 said:

    Indy Shortridge is listed twice. 4A Sectional 22 (Which is where Harrell has them) and 1A Sectional 46. Which one is it?

    15 minutes ago, Irishman said:

    I just clicked on it. They are in 28. Maybe it was fixed this am? 

    Yeah I think there were some changes made this morning. Shortridge is no longer listed in 1A like @Bear54 pointed out, and I see Yorktown in Sectional 28 as well. My class count shows changes too so that makes sense there were some moves:

    6A: 30
    5A: 37
    4A: 61
    3A: 62 (Yorktown and another addition?)
    2A: 63
    1A: 62 (Shortridge removed)


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  8. 15 hours ago, Titan32 said:

    I was kind of hoping for more of a shake up.  Looks like this was an untouched as possible.

    Which at first had me scratching my head.... but then after thinking on it a little, it makes sense. They truly cannot move any teams up or down based on previous enrollment because we know that's not accurate for today. And they cannot use this year's enrollment data because as they stated, there were "significant fluctuation likely affected by the pandemic which raised questions about their true representation."

    So their best option was to just leave everyone where they were and move only those impacted by the Success Factor rule (both promotion and relegation). It was the only way to make it "fair" - which I agree with. However, I hate the 3 team sectionals in 6A and the single 6 team sectional in 5A. I am in BIG TIME agreement with whoever made the post on Page 1 that instead of the 6 team sectional 11, they could have easily moved Michigan City to Sectional 9 (making it a 5 teamer), Concord and Goshen to sectional 10 (making it a 5 teamer) then sectional 11 becomes just a 4 team sectional (all FW schools).

  9. 9 minutes ago, Indiana Fan said:

    Well I think most coaches will probably want to play instead of getting that double bye. Taking 2 weeks off could be very bad for a team. 

    1 minute ago, temptation said:

    I politely disagree.  You want the easiest path possible in every scenario.  One less game is ideal.  If you’re good enough, that two week break won’t matter.


    I think I agree with @Indiana Fan here. While sure, fewer games makes the path "easier"... potentially going 21 days in between playing an actual game? It's almost like having camp all over again right before the tournament. Just very interesting to say the least. Glad we will only have to deal with it for 1 season

  10. Just now, Indiana Fan said:

    Wow. Weird stuff with this. I guess the IHSAA literally meant they were freezing enrollments. Only teams moving were success factor teams. I really thought they’d be moving teams up to fill the gap in 6A

    Yeah as I think about it a little more... I can understand it. How could they pick the correct 2 teams to move up? Obviously you could base it on the old enrollments, but who's to say that is an accurate representation of today? Perhaps Jeffersonville and/or FW Northrop today have more kids than Zionsville and Valparaiso. I doubt it, but that's the point. If you cannot confirm it why "punish" (even though I do not think that is the correct term here) Zionsville and Valparaiso by making them move up to 6A this year if there is no guarantee they are in the top 32?

  11. On 4/30/2021 at 8:41 PM, BTF said:

    A two loss regular season seems to be the norm for Bart Curtis at Warsaw. Does he do better in 2021? I think they get over that hump this year. They may have solidified themselves as a Top 5 team in 6A North. 

    1. Penn

    2. Merrillville

    3. Elkhart

    4. Homestead

    5. Warsaw/Carroll

    If I am being honest - this year might be a down year for the Tigers. They lost quite a bit of production on both sides of the ball this year, and defensively last year was not impressive IMO. Not like the defenses they have had in recent years. I would not be surprised if Warsaw goes .500 this year and maybe next year. However this past season, both middle school programs and the freshman team looked really good, so the not so distant future could be bright for the Tigers.

    *Side note to your rankings - maybe your 6A North line is everyone north of US 24, but I would put Westfield and Lafayette Jeff in that top 5. At the very least both of those programs are higher up than Warsaw and FW Carroll. Westfield would probably be #1 IMO and Jeff/Homestead tied at #5

  12. 7 minutes ago, BDGiant93 said:

    One thing I think you can expect from Coach Kirschner at Warren is schedule continuity. At least when he was at BD, he wanted long term stability in that regard. Good for Warsaw wanting to play Warren. That's always a problem for the MIC's Big 4. 

    Will it be a great game? Dunno, but Warsaw will be better for playing up in competition. At least they'll know that they tried. Wonder if there's some Kirschner/Warsaw connection in coaching friendships, etc.

    Yeah I wondered that too. Coach Curtis and Coach Kirschner have been involved in Indiana High School football for a LONG time... perhaps they have a good relationship (I truly have no idea)

    And I agree with your 3rd and 4th sentence. Do I expect Warsaw to be competitive? I do not believe that can be answered at this time. The kids that will be seniors and juniors in those games will be playing at the two Warsaw middle schools this season and on the Freshman team this upcoming year. But I certainly hope it builds excitement and buy in to the program from those in the community to understand what it will take for their football program to be elevated (and not get completely embarrassed in 2024 and 2025)

  13. 18 hours ago, DT said:

    Coach Buzea may not be a big fan of the CP-Lowell matchup   Might be worth his time to reach out to the CP AD

    16 hours ago, Bobref said:

    Abolish the longest running high school football rivalry — The Battle for ‘The Old Leather Helmet” — in the state? Find another way.

    For what it's worth - it looks like Warsaw is playing Chesterton in 2022 and 2023. Also, looks like the Michigan City matchup is only guaranteed/agreed upon through 2022 season. So the Tiger's out of conference opponents the next few years are:

    2021: Dublin Coffman (OH) and Michigan City
    2022: Chesterton and Michigan City
    2023: Chesterton and ?????
    2024: Warren Central and ?????
    2025: Warren Central and ?????

    13 hours ago, Indiana Fan said:

    Which Week of the season is this? Is that known? Will it be week 2 or week 9? Maybe I missed that in there.

    That I have not seen confirmed/mentioned at the moment, but it would have to either be week 1 or week 2 due to the fact that the NLC plays all their conference games from week 3 through week 9 during the season.

  14. 40 minutes ago, SBFootball1 said:

    What, having to add or subtract an hour on watches? There are issues because people want excuses.  Indy is about 2.5 hours away and if you go each direction from Warsaw the same distance, you have plenty of like sized schools to choose from: from Lansing, to Indy and Toledo to Chicago. Don't get me wrong, glad Coach Curtis has been able to make this happen with the schedule, but I am not very sympathetic to the "woe is me at Warsaw, we are too big and dont have anyone else to play".   You could if you think outside the box with scheduling, especially with football that plays once a week.  And this isn't anti-Warsaw either, Penn is the same way. Not sure if its laziness or apathy changes could be made to make these teams premier but no one is willing to go that route.

    That was nowhere near the point of my post. But I think it is understandable to see that Warsaw is on an island when it comes to 6A schools. The only other school that is in a similar situation to them would be Lafayette Jeff in my opinion. I was merely pointing out it does take "outside of the box scheduling" to make it work and find schools their size to play, which is exactly what they are doing. Not sure the reason for your hostility here.

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  15. 9 minutes ago, SBFootball1 said:

    Have to load up where they can when playing in a conference with 4-4a teams and 3-5a teams.  

    And only 4 other 6A programs within an hour (Elkhart, Penn, FW Carroll, Homestead) and 2 of those schools do not have room for out of conference play. The Region schools aren't THAT much further, but with the time difference that adds to issues. I love that the Tigers have looked to Indy.

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  16. I will be interested to see who the Tigers will be playing in 2022 and 2023. The Dublin Coffman game is only a 1 time thing. As far as I know, the Michigan City game in week 2 will be continued on for awhile. I think both teams/programs enjoy that matchup and travel well. I wonder if maybe Elkhart in week 1 could be an option those two years, or maybe another team from the Region or Indianapolis area since the Fort Wayne schools are not available for out of conference play. Unfortunately there are quite a bit of established out of conference games week 1 for teams in the Region (Merrillville vs. Andrean, Valpo vs. Penn, Crown Point vs. Lowell, Chesterton vs. Hobart)... I am hoping maybe Warsaw and Elkahrt can start playing a week 1 matchup in the future.

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