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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 1 hour ago, Muda69 said:

    In my experience, not really.  I can usually place my order and pay faster with a human being manning a register than  I can having to navigate those self-service kiosks,  especially if you deviate from their standard offerings (change condiments, ask for extra of this, minus that,  etc.).


    My experience has been it's much easier to use the self serve kiosk. Of course it doesn't make the wait any shorter, but I don't have to deal with people. In several places I've been that have the kiosks, there's only one or two registers, and it's hit or miss whether a human will be manning either of them. 

  2. Per John Harrell's site:

    Center Grove 63.98% 35.28% 10.82% 5.56%
    Franklin Central 25.34% 8.73% 1.47% .48%
    Columbus North 5.95% 1.11% .10% .02%
    Columbus East 4.73% .80% .06% .01%


    New Palestine 75.32% 31.04% 27.38% 18.87%
    Franklin 17.91% 2.27% 1.30% .38%
    Whiteland 6.58% .75% .40% .11%
    Seymour .19% .00% .00% .00%



    Floyd Central 68.53% 13.49% .42% .04%
    Jeffersonville 17.11% 1.12% .01% .00%
    New Albany 7.21% .30% .00% .00%
    Bedford North Lawrence 7.15% .34% .00% .00%


    East Central 50.23% 37.28% 29.65% 19.15%
    Mooresville 42.01% 28.76% 21.45% 12.42%
    Martinsville 3.39% .99% .36% .07%
    Greenwood 3.33% .95% .33% .07%
    Silver Creek .93% .24% .08% .01%
    South Dearborn .11% .01% .00% .00%
    Jennings County .00% .00% .00% .00%
    Madison .00% .00% .00% .00%


    Seems odd New Pal only has 18.7% chance of winning the state, I thought they had already been crowned. 

    • Like 2
  3. 49 minutes ago, gonzoron said:

    I need to show this to my son. And his Mom. Two games in a row he's been flagged for UNR. Mom all upset, I told her both times it was good calls. "Well they've been holding him and punching him the whole game", lol.

    I’ll save you some grief, mom is right, that’s not the hill you want to die on. 

    • Haha 2
  4. I think I made my feelings perfectly clear with my post to Muda, competitive balance is the NFL, where every team is .500+/- and it bores the hell out of me. 

    You seem to think that if we contract football playing schools you're going to achieve some sort of mythical balance. Educational sports always come down to Jimmies and Joes, you either got em or you ain't. I fail to see how eliminating 40-60 football playing schools serves the purpose of "enhancing educational based sports". 

    But if competitive balance is your goal, knock yourself out, but don't expect me to go along for the ride. 

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, DT said:

    How fair is it to the other 280 kids in that small rural school when they see their 20 classmates go out every Friday night and get massacred 68-0?  

    Do you think it ever crosses their young growing minds that maybe football just isnt a good idea at their school?  That maybe the money being spent on that football program might be better used to heat and cool the school, or pay sub teacher salaries, or pave the parking lot, or send the band to camp, or expand more ethnically appropriate sports like cross country and soccer?


    Most financial people I know are very precise.  You are very sloppy.  

    I don't pay taxes in Pike County, I don't live in Pike County, I don't really care about Pike County, it's not my monkey, not my circus. I do however trust that those that do know what they're doing better than I do. 

    • Like 1
  6. 25 minutes ago, JustRules said:

    It would be used very very rarely, but this would be a good example. Another one is the person on the bench who runs on to the field and tackles a runner who is clearly going to score. The foul itself is illegal participation and it would be enforced 15 yards from the end of the run by rule. But if you consider that to be a travesty you could award a score using this rule.

    Again, this rule is used very very rarely. I've never seen it used in any game I've worked or even considered it. But it does exist if you have something truly crazy happen.

    In my 37 years, I've seen it invoked one time, oddly enough the first year I officiated, and deservedly so I might add. I have not worked a game for the school since, and I scratch them every year in the tournament. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Coach Jennings said:

    The ball leaves the blocking zone so fast I don't ever see how the block can be legal.  The ball is in the holders hands by the time the block occurs making it illegal by your definition. 

    I didn't think it was legal regardless but I learned something.  

    Thank you.  

    This subject has been discussed in rules interpretation meetings. Shotgun is typically used for illustrative purposes. The interpretation is it HAS to be initial line charge, and can NOT be delayed. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Bobref said:

    Here's a part of a post I copied from another officials' forum that I frequent. Love to hear some officials comment on this … fans, coaches, too.

    "Score at half time in 9-3 with this particular coach’s team having the 3 points. They take the second half kick off and from about their own 40 break a TD run down their sideline. As I am trailing the play one of the offensive linemen blocks a defensive guy in the back about 30-35 yards behind the ball. Easy call no question. Drop the flag and my head coach comes unglued."

    Depends, if it goes as far as UNR flag it, if not talk to him. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, DT said:

    We have lots of schools who basically go thru the motions during football season.  They have no hope for a winning season, or a conference championship or post season success.  

    As numbers dwindle, is it not a good idea for ADS and admins to do a thorough assessment of this activity to determine if it is still a worthwhile investment in valuable funds and that this investment provides kids with a positive experience ?

    We have read many times on this forum that coaches and ADs sometimes must scour the halls for live bodies trying to fill out a football roster.  Is that really a good idea in the long run?  I don't think so.  If we have to force kids to play and drag them kicking and screaming away from their devices and video games, then our priorities are skewed badly.  


     So what? Those schools are accountable to their boards, taxpayers in their respective communities, and the voters. 

  10. 18 minutes ago, DT said:

    Over the past several seasons, it has become increasingly clear that the gap between the high school football haves and havenots is growing significantly wider.

    I can see this as I peruse the John Harrell Gameday Scoreboard every Friday night, and analyze conference standings, point differentials and Sagarin Ratings.

    The negative impact of participation decline, program disinvestment, administrative and community apathy, evolving demographic and socio economic trends, and the general societal movement away from tackle football and towards other activities including gaming have taken a toll mostly on small to medium sized programs.  

    Football is the most costly extra curricular activity a school can offer to its students.  many schools are teetering on the edge of barely being able to field a roster of able bodies to compete on Friday nights.  We've already seen clear signs of contraction over the past few seasons, as well as game postponements and cancellations.  The shortage of referees further exacerbates this problem and gives ADs at struggling schools all the more reason to pull the plug.

    I do not believe that ADs owe kids the opportunity to play football as a part of the extra curricular activity menu.  Football, like any other sport, must fit the wants and needs and desires of each school where it is played.  Given the opportunity to contract . I believe many schools would gladly pull the plug.  I also believe in minimum participation standards by class, which would likely force many programs to the sidelines due to participation uncertainty.

    I believe the contraction of 30 to 40 programs will improve the overall competitive balance in all classes throughout the state.  We will see more competitive games, fewer massive blowouts, better overall participation, and a safer environment where mercy rules are potentially no longer needed.

    I am for a 6 class model, as follows :

    Class 6A  - 32 schools

    Class 2A thru 5A - 54 schools

    Class 1A - 32 schools

    Total 280 schools

    Let the contraction begin in earnest.


    Is this the goal of education based sports?

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Bobref said:

    Interesting. These kids today ... SMH.

    Have you seen/heard their coach?

    His breakdown of weddings is SPOT ON!

    I will admit to owning a couple of these things, they do help with sight fishing, but I have to be far away from any other human before I'll wear it. And mine are just solid colors. You really have to wear a hat with them, and they're not the most comfortable thing when it's hot. Plus I HATE wearing hats.

  12. 17 hours ago, DT said:

    We will never get to Target 280 until schools like PC do the right thing and contract.


    Why is 280 the target? From all I can gather your interests lie in something other than what's best for the young men and women who play the game. How do you from your cushy retirement community in Arizona have any idea what's best for the kids in Pike County? And since you don't do anything for free, who's paying you to continue this crusade of denying high school kids the opportunity to play the great team game? 

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