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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. Thanks man! I emailed Hank, he said 7:00 on 8/9. He said he’s still working on the agenda but will forward. If I get it I will post if you haven’t. A lot of memories with Coach Ralston, some pretty good ass chewing among them. Jim was just a pro and an intense competitor.
  2. This was the worst field in southern Indiana. Looks awesome. I love they named it after Coach Ralston. Any chance he might be there for a dedication or anything, I’d love to be there if I can.
  3. Mayor Pete couldn’t lead a line of ants to a bowl of jello.
  4. It’s Jill and Hunter. I’ve thought the same thing for four years, who’s calling the shots, in the last month or so it’s painfully obvious. Jill Biden has shown herself to just be evil in my opinion. The D’s know the problems involved with forcing him out at this time, and my guess is Harris is a hell of a lot less palatable than Biden for ANYONE at the ballot box. No upcoming star in the party is going to get involved in this shit show. Newsome (not without his own issues), Whittier……ehhh, four years is about perfect timing.
  5. Talk to the Back Judge after a couple of GL series in the scrimmage.
  6. This election ended Saturday night. The D’s know it, my guess is the calls for Biden to step down will quickly subside, and crazy Uncle Joe is going to take one for the team, and ride off into the sunset. All the money will get funneled into down ballot races.
  7. My pat answer when asked regarding a “lateral”, I have no idea what that means, there’s no definition in the book.
  8. I’ve been wondering that for four years. I think it’s become abundantly clear that his family is, and their addiction to power is gross. I think it’s going to be fascinating to read the history of his presidency, the inner workings. You know there will be a slew of books. Also of note Republicans, if you were running ANYONE but Trump this thing would already be over. You guys must enjoy losing to vegetables, Trump is currently 1-3 in elections.
  9. CE has a solid soph class, did the Cental QB end up at East? If so, enjoy fellas, he’s going to be fun to watch.
  10. I’ve seen soph in JV, frankly he’s not bad. Decent vision, throws a decent ball. To be honest I’m not sure I’ve seen the senior in QB role. Obviously this is going to be a much different team. Several linemen back, some skills back, but it’s going to be different.
  11. I can not imagine anything worse than losing a child. Bless this young man’s family and the JC community.
  12. I suspect like most Americans thoughts are so what? Until you need an attorney. There are far more needs for an attorney other than criminal defense.
  13. The Coen Brothers have some other great movies. Fargo, Raising Arizona, off the wall but it has its moments, The Ladykillers, Burn After Reading may be the funniest. Still can’t believe the Academy overlooked Brad Pitt’s performance in Burn After Reading.
  14. Get back to me when you’ve seen it a minimum of 17 times, you should be starting to get it by then…..it’s a way of life.
  15. This is not Nam Smokey, it’s league play, there are rules.
  16. Had a similar experience driving home with my daughter who played a round robin at Purdue Northwest in Porter back during her recruiting time. Cool to see schools I’d heard of for years, then to actually see them. Eventually I wondered back on to 65.
  17. Across the Sherman Minton Bridge and up the hill.
  18. Bat and ball sports, if you win a championship, the ball bounced your way a time or two, congrats to UE. Good luck in Knoxville.
  19. Think in terms of club sports players migrating to FC.
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