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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 22 hours ago, hhpatriot04 said:

    What's the shortest, four-quarter game that you have been to this year (by real time)? 

    Did the Mercy Rule come into play or just two running teams with long drives? 

    Do you feel like you should pay less for a short game or do you see it as getting home sooner? 

    Our mercy rule games have ended up being about the same real time as normal games. Since the clock doesn’t run until the second half. Of the three we’ve had, one first half was 1:40, followed by a 20 minute half and 26 minute second half. Second game started late, waited on visitors to arrive. 1:20 to play first half, a 20 minute halftime that turned into nearly 30 minutes, took about 30 minutes to play the second half with two scores. Last one similar situation, only we had a clock operator that apparently couldn’t follow instructions. I’m still icing my shoulder.

    As a crew our games average about 2:12 in real time. We had one this year that was 3:10......two team that had QB’s who could sling it, just not blessed with players that could catch it. 

  2. This is no lie, it actually happened to me this week. There was a flag after a tackle on the other sideline. I was on the opposite wing. I went in and got the info from the R, #XX was giving him the business after the tackle. I told the coach what I was told and he said, and I quote "what does that mean"? I said you know giving him the business and he reiterated I don't know what that means. I said coach I'm going to have to ask you to turn over your man card at this time. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 15 hours ago, gonzoron said:

    My family doctor has his retirement date set in 2021. He told me, "I will be 75 years old, and it's about that age where your decision making process starts to go." I have the utmost faith in my family doctor, the dude is sharp. I just looked up Rudy's age, and it says 75. Rudy was a hotshot prosecutor prior to becoming mayor and lead the city thru an incredibly horrible time. Maybe he should have just stayed on the sidelines and preserved his legacy? 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Coffin K9 said:

    TEN accounts? I don't know if there's ten people in Stinktown that know how to use the interweb. My guess is all Lburg IP addresses lead back to Connie's!!

    Connie's is right across the street......I bet you could stretch a fire hose that far for the wet T-shirt contest on Amateur Night. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 40 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Sounds like the heart procedure performed on Mr. Sanders happened within hours of the diagnosis.    How long would Mr. Sanders have had to wait for the same heart procedure under the socialist healthcare system he champions?  Heck, now long would he have had to wait for the test(s) needed to confirm the diagnosis?



    He'll be fine, he's got congressional insurance provided by the taxpayers, not the stuff us peasants have to buy. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, Coach Nowlin said:

    maybe because your dumb crusade to downgrade schools who are in classification of 1a is the reason??   I don't know, maybe just that or your ideals of getting ride of an entire classification of football is beyond comprehension. 

    I would pay top dollar for you to go up to Coach Larry "Bud" Wright and tell him his 400 plus wins and 9 state championships are pointless.   


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  7. 5 hours ago, Wabash82 said:

    So it was okay for those those Eastern bloc testosterone and other steroids laden humans who competed in the Olympics back in the '70s and '80s to compete as women because they had mommy parts? 

    You might look into WADA’s history of corruption and Russian collusion. And as Lance Armstrong can attest, testing technology  has caught up with masking technology.

  8. 45 minutes ago, Rodney said:

    In order to solve the issue, I think it is important we look at all options. There are many crews simply wasting their time on friday nights at 1a football games.

    We wouldnt even have to contract all of 1a football, if we removed just half of these teams, we could easily have enough zebras for everyone else.

    I realize this is a troll, but at the same time as an official give me a good game regardless of class any day. 

    In close games there are pivotal plays. Where everyone is laser focused, you know you have to be good on this play. There are a handful of games over the course of your career where every play of the game is like this. These games are rare, and among the most fun to work. And if you're fortunate enough to walk off the field knowing you had it covered, there is no better feeling in the world. 


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    • Thanks 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

    Totally agree that youth sports are by far the worst for coaches being abusive to referee's and in general making a**es of themselves.  We just had this conversation within our high school staff, collectively with approximately 50 years of coaching experience we have witnessed a coach being tossed from a game(our's or opposing coach) a couple times total.  This season started coaching my son's sixth grade team and it's happened to opposing coaches twice in a month. 

    Every single play complaining to the referee or side judge and never let up  despite numerous warnings until they finally get tossed.  Ten times worse than anything I see on Friday's and frankly us coaches wouldn't make it thru the 1st qtr on a Friday if we were acting like this to the side judge or white hat.  However, because coaches aren't paid or employed by the school for these youth positions there really isn't any repercussions.  Some people seem to just really enjoy making an *ss of themselves.

    Friday nights you see a professional situation. 

    Youth league you see untrained or beginner coaches, untrained or beginner officials, it's just not a good mix. Back in the day working PAAL I would hear more crap from fans and coaches in a half, than an entire season of Friday nights.

    In Softball we have been using more experienced officials for the younger age groups, and younger officials for the older groups. It seems to be working out a little better. More experienced officials are often better at dealing with goofy stuff that happens with younger age groups, and are better at diffusing situations.  

  10. I would agree with @JustRules comments. Not too many years ago in Beech Grove a parent attacked an official and was arrested/charged with assault. The next year this dad had his kid playing in the Greenwood and dad even signed up to coach. Purely through happen stance a guy on the league board knew a guy who knew the official involved know each other, and the guy was banned from the premises in Greenwood. 

    I will do a youth game occasionally to help a fellow official out, but only certain leagues. There are also leagues that I avoid like the plaque. 

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