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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. 1 hour ago, Lysander said:

    In another sport, my oldest picked up his official’s license his Senior year in HS to earn a few extra bucks.  His first games were a pair of 5th and 6th grade games.  Going into that game, he had been selected as a HS All-American coming out of his Jr. Year.  He ended up leading the State in scoring that same year and then went on to a  College playing career followed by coaching.

    I watched the game (since it was his first) and was stunned at the abuse hurled at him and the other official (there was one particular toad-like dad just in front of me sprawled in a lawn chair I wanted to step on).  Even then, one of the coaches yelled and screamed at them the whole game....this coach was and still is a HS Coach, btw.  Again, we are talking a 5th and 6th grade game.

    Following the game, my son gets home and tells his Mom not to bother washing his stripes.  He told her, “I’m done”.  He never officiated another game.  For the record, he’s no shrinking violet.  He was a tough, bruising player in HS and college.  Equally tough businessman these days.


    Similar thing happened to my kid. She did it for cash in college. Upon landing a decent paying gig out of college, she told me "you know what the best part of this is?" "I'll never have to umpire again." One of the toughest female athletes I've ever been around. Was offered a college umpiring gig her second year of umpiring in college. And idiot youth coaches ran her off. And I assure you she's forgot more about the game than they collectively will ever know. What these idiots don't understand, it's the game that suffers. Hopefully she finds her way into coaching, she's had numerous offers, but hasn't found the right situation yet. My point all along has been the game was really good to her, she needs to give back. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. The last thing we want them to do is to sit on an unused building 

    It's being used for the next 15 months and WLS is being compensated 1.5 million. I have no idea if that money can be used for teacher salaries or not.

    publicly paid classrooms in play for public education, in this case public charter schools created under Indiana law as alternatives to traditional public schools.

    There is no law that says a school can't rent their class space for $1 a year or whatever. In fact I have seen this happen in my local school district.

    It is taking the building that was built in the interest of the community to serve students, and say ‘X’ school district says it doesn’t want to use it anymore, it’s made available to ‘Y’ public school that can use it for the purposes of educating children in that same community.”

    I'm not sure how much more plainly it can be stated: NO ONE CONTACTED WLS about renting the building. No downtrodden kid is being forced into the government schools of WLS. 

    Killion said the school district doesn’t have specific plans for Happy Hollow once the city moves back to Morton Community Center.

    Perhaps a charter school will contact them? 

    3 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    It does if may help help with your ultimate goal.  Just playing the long game, Irishman.  

    So you approve of public education buildings sitting vacant and not allowing charter school to use them in an attempt to reduce school choice.  Got it.




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  3. 8 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    I fail to see how this is exploitation by for-profit charter schools.  It was the lawmakers supposed mistake, not the for-profit charter schools.

    Does the parent really care if a charter school is for-profit or not if it provides the quality education the parent seeks for his child?

    Again, this is just a maneuver by Mr. Killion to reduce school choice within the geographical boundaries of the West Lafayette Government School Corporation.   It is clear from his past rhetoric the Mr. Killion hates charter schools and what they represent,  real parent choice of where their taxpayer funds go.


    I said it was a stupid law. And you may have missed the part of the article where WL Schools have sued the state over it. In fact it was the title of the OP that YOU made. 

    This is not a quality of education thread, put the goal line back where it was.

    Reducing school choice, did you read the article?


    Rocky Killion, West Lafayette Community School Corp. superintendent, said no charter schools or anyone else has approached the district about Happy Hollow, built at 1200 N. Salisbury St. in the 1950s, since the building closed as a school in 2019.

    Mr. Killion and I'm assuming the school board are acting on behalf of the WL school taxpayers. I'm sure the school board is elected, so there is accountability to the locals. 

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  4. 55 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Beto O'Rourke: 'Hell Yes, We're Going To Take Your AR-15': https://reason.com/2019/09/12/beto-orourke-hell-yes-were-going-to-take-your-ar-15/

    Good luck with that plan Mr. O'Rourke.


    Francis is so far behind, he's grasping at straws to keep his hopes alive and remain relevant. Unfortunately he's hitched his wagon to the wrong pony. He seems to think if he yells louder, says naughty words, he'll get some traction. I think he's greatly overestimated the population's zeal for further limiting their rights. 

    The bottom line, as the article points out, they have no idea where these guns are, who owns them, and will have more difficulty than they know finding police officers who will break their oath to go confiscate these newly illegal guns. 

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  5. 15 minutes ago, Irishman said:

    “We believe that there is a constitutional right for taxpayers and for property owners that they own property that the state cannot come in and do a land grab without some due process,” Killion said.

    yeah that quote just reeks of selfishness and self preservation.... 🤦‍♂️

    Soooooo stupid. 

    I ain't had no college learning or anything, but $1,500,000>$2

    Seems like a better use of the facility for the next year and a quarter. While the local taxpayers are on the hook either way, WL Schools come out to the good. And they eliminate the opportunity for a for profit enterprise to shaft the local taxpayers by not paying a fair market lease. 

    • Like 1
  6. 22 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    I know what lean manufacturing is,  I have worked at such facilities.  The NHK facility in Frankfort makes all the seats for the Subaru plant in Lafayette;  the seats are built mere hours before they are installed in a vehicle so they effectively have no inventory.    If the Subaru plants builds cars on a Saturday, NHK also works on a Saturday.   When the Subaru plant has it's two week summer shutdown NHK is shutdown as well.

    I was just curious as to exactly how lean manufacturing has been so profitable for Gonzo.

    Once again, perhaps in a former life he was "The Wolf". 

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Please elaborate.


    In lean manufacturing you don't manufacture inventory, you manufacture what you can ship today. It is critical that your manufacturing systems operate at optimum levels. When one of those systems breaks, it's a HUGE problem. It could be anything from a vendor truck with critical raw materials you need breaking down to Todd in shipping showing up high after lunch and any system in between. And if your constraint breaks down, it's costing you HUGE money. 

    Perhaps in a former life, Gonzo was "The Wolf"?


  8. 1 hour ago, gonzoron said:

    Image may contain: text

    I literally pay like 200 bucks a year for an efax service because I have two customers that don’t have/use email. One told me and I quote, “I just like to have that piece of paper in my hand.” Been a customer for 50 years, what are you going to do?

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    • Haha 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Irishman said:

    So this happened today. The first image is from an email I received this afternoon. The 2nd image is the actual ad the person had the question about. 😳🤷🏼‍♂️🤦‍♂️




    I suppose that's relative. 

    We recently did an escape room. One of the clues was using the Pathagorean Theorem, we needed the length of a line on the way from the ceiling to the floor on the opposite side of the room. I deduced that the room was 9' tall and we found the length of the wall in another clue. The combination of a lock was C²-10,000. We ended up having to get a clue, because it wouldn't work. We asked what the height of the room was and they said 9'. I explained that we had done it repeatedly using 108² and the combo didn't work. She said in a rather condescending tone, sir, 9'=106". I'm like I'll take you're 106, but I'm the wrong dude to argue measurements with, I'm the guy who eyeballed this thing and correctly identified it was 9' tall. 

    So @Irishman, given the information you just read, what do you reckon the odds of you getting a measurement on Friday night are? :)

    • Haha 2
  10. 3 hours ago, JustRules said:

    The crew wasn't 100% certain they had it right on the field so they looked it up when they got to the locker room and confirmed they made a mistake. They contacted Robert immediately so he heard it from them first. He had already assigned them to a second round sectional game so they got to work that, but the sectional final assignment they were supposed to get was removed. They would have completely understood if it cost them a second round game too. That is integrity and proof that even good officials can make big mistakes. We don't have many OT games and when we do we rarely start anywhere but the 10. I think I can still count on one hand the number of OT games I've worked in almost 20 years. That's not an excuse but it helps to understand. Mistakes are the greatest teachers.

    Agreed, I would assume we both got it from the horse’s mouth.

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