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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. When they started their youth league here locally, the mandated coaches go thru a training program for their coaches. I was given a few minutes to explain rules. I always covered what is holding and what is not holding. I have always tended to take @JustRules philosophy I tend to focus on the feet, when you get beat, you have to let go. It helped things tremendously with coaches understanding the point that two 6th graders hugging it out isn't holding. 

    On a side note, after reading all the stuff that goes into the decision making process for a holding call, I kinda got to thinking, wow, I process all that information in a fraction of a second, and I'm reaching for my flag or letting it go..................Man I really am good! 😁

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  2. 40 minutes ago, Dawgs_Dad said:

    NA has lost several players to St. X/Trinity in Louisville. It's been a big problem at NA, and Jeffersonville too for many years. Now, I know that some of this is NA's fault. The lack of coaching consistency and staff have certainly contributed to the problem. For many years the NA administration didn't really fight transfers much......there is only so much you can do in any case. NA has a fairly talented group of sophomores playing varsity right now....the question will be can they hold on to all these guys? Part of this is also on the state of kentucky (lower case k is intentional 😉), who turn a blind eye to this stuff. My understanding is Trinity (the worst offender), has players on the varsity from 5 counties in Ky and 2 from IN. 

    Imagine if NA could have kept these players....all from NA.

    Duece Finch- went to ST. X, then played RB for Boston College.

    Nate Combs- went to St. X, then played LB and was a Captain for Army.

    Jarius Brents- many schools in Louisville area. Was a KY state champion in track. Signed to play DB at Louisville, but was dismissed from team.

    Rondale Moore- played 2 years at NA, then transferred to Trinity, now at Purdue and a star.

    Stephon Herron- played at NA as a freshman, transferred to Trinity, now is a Freshman OLB at Stanford.

    Finch and Combs would have been at NA at the same time. Brents, Moore and Herron would have been teammates as well. It's a sad state of affairs, but there it is.


    One can only conclude Trinity and St. X have a better brand of Catholicism than  Providence.  

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    • Haha 2
  3. 2 hours ago, TIFootball said:

    East definitely has done they best they can given their schedule - and is THE premier team in southern Indiana - no question. I think the additions to the non conference schedule East has made is top notch. With that being said - i just think a tougher conference would help East against the big boys.

    Maybe a different angle - and probably somewhat taboo - but what about athletes that leave other HHC schools for bigger better programs? I know it's a battle every year keeping what we have in Seymour between middle school and high school years - transferring to Brownstown, Columbus schools etc. I remember when New Albany lost a great player to Saint X and Madison loosing to Columbus schools. I am genuinely curious as to how frequent this happens to other schools.

    And everyone knows who facilitates it. 

  4. PR stunt. 

    They appear to be "listening" to the people. The fact is there is a glut of overpriced Colt AR's in the marketplace and distributors and retailers aren't going to sit on any more of them. 

  5. 26 minutes ago, swordfish said:


    The White House and Department of Justice (DOJ) have met with multiple Republican senators and congressmen to shop legislation on expanding background checks consistent with the Manchin-Toomey bill, sources familiar with the effort told the Daily Caller.

    The Daily Caller obtained a copy of an idea sheet circulating among Republican members, which indicates that the legislation in question would expand background checks to include all commercially advertised unlicensed sales.



    Gotta start somewhere......



    We do?

    I can literally book a flight, hotel, and rental car on my phone in less than five minutes, and this is the government's answer to a background check?

  6. Last Friday we traveled about 2:15 for 70 bucks. This week we're driving about 20 minutes for $90.00 Last year I had a check for $72.00 and one for $78.50 Just curious how the come up with such odd amounts. 

    1 hour ago, johnny U said:

    How much does Shortridge pay per game and how much does Ben Davis(for example) pay per game.  In Northern Indiana I have seen officials take a contract to do a game for a school and when they are offered a contract at another school for more money they cancel the contract with the lower paying school leaving the lower paying school scrambling for officials.  

    My experience has been that typically schools in metro areas pay less than more rural schools. 

    Some conferences have set fees for officials. 

    We have always accepted the first contract we received, regardless of game or paycheck. I'm not going to say what you're saying doesn't happen, but as an official, if you don't have your integrity, what do you have?

  7. I do the odd Friday/Saturday V weekends. I'm not a fan, I have one coming up in a couple of weeks. 

    One of the things I LOVE about playing V on Fridays and JV/Frosh games on Saturdays and the odd 7th/8th on Tuesdays, is I have a normal life thru the week. Versus back in the day when you had V on Friday, youth on Saturday/Sunday JV on Monday, 7/8 on Tuesday/Wednesday and frosh on Thursday. I feel like I'm more rested and my patience isn't nearly as short as the year wears on. Granted I take a pass on a lot of games today that years ago I worked. 

    I'm not sure I'd be in on working V games on Thursday at all. And I know I wouldn't be working every Saturday either, I'm not sure I can afford it!

  8. 59 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:



    The Olympians were exploring possible options late in 2016 after three Hoosier Hills Conference schools were rumored to be looking elsewhere. But those schools — Jennings County, Madison and Seymour — all have committed to remaining in the HHC through the 2018-19 school year, and as a result, so has the rest of the conference.

    Solid sources!

    Hard to believe you're so well connected from so far away. 

  9. The day before game day and the HHC thread has once again turned into a conference realignment thread. No wonder the HHC is known as a BB conference. 

    No talk of games with conference ramifications:

    BNL@Seymour Probably the biggest game in the conference this week. Is Seymour for real? How does BNL rebound after last week?

    Jeff@FC Jeff lit it up against NA, can they out athlete FC? Can FC outscore them if it comes down to a shootout? 

    Madison@JC Arguably the 7th place game, but should be a good game with two on paper evenly matched teams.  

    East@NA Does the bus breakdown on the way to NA? Does NA's youngsters start to become upper classmen? 

    This conference realignment crap is soooo played. If Madison and JC were going to leave, they would have done so already. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, CtownPirates said:

    Eastern Pekin at Corydon

    North Harrison at Brownstown

    Providence at Charlestown

    Salem at Clarksville

    Silver Creek at Scottsburg

    Mitchell at Crawford County

    Perry Central at Tecumseh

    Springs Valley at Tell City

    West Washington at Paoli

    Yes, Jeff is also in the talks about getting turf field.

    Jeff needs one, they're battling BNL for the worst fields in southern Indiana. 

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