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Posts posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. Bartholomew County Schools has an awesome program for not only industrial arts, but multiple pathways. You can actually graduate with associate degrees. 


    My brother's brother in law teaches the building trades class. Aside from houses, they have built multiple school facilities. Press boxes, concession stands/bath rooms at sports venues, students not only get a glimpse of building houses, but they also get hands on in the commercial world. There are nursing programs, cosmetology programs, it's a tremendous program. 

    In my three years of "wood shop" in high school, I literally did not produce a single project. I did however do projects for the teacher, I roofed the dugouts on the baseball diamond, painted the windows for the building trades house, one included building the Dean's son's Pinewood Derby car. Not sure the Dean understood the point of Pinewood Derby, but whatever. 

    My senior year I was in building trades and participate in building a house. I had Mr Thomas all four years, one of the best teachers I ever had. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Bobref said:

    Here’s the e-mail containing the link to be used to report Mercy Rule games:

    “Please distribute to your Crew Chiefs/White Hats.  Complete for any game where the Mercy Rule is used.


    Robert E. Faulkens

    Assistant Commissioner

    Indiana High School Athletic Association”


    I had to do some digging to find this thread Saturday, but I found the URL and reported our game last Friday. I now have it bookmarked, I still don't understand why this can't be added to myihsaa.net?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Concepts that most consumers of our current health care model equate to "BUT PEOPLE WILL DIE IN THE STREETS!!!!!!!!!!!".


    I have long contended it will take a visionary to transform our current system. Amazon also comes to mind with regards to changing the game with their acquisition of pharma companies and dabbling in insurance. 

    This may not be the answer, but it's a step in the right direction while all the also rans are clamoring for Medi-Care for all. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Moshiner1345 said:

    I'm the white hat and crew chief on my crew and still have yet to receive the above mentioned email via the IHSAA or football chair of the two associations of which I belong. 

    We had this particular email read to us at a meeting, it was not forwarded. I have asked the chair and no one seems to know anything about the URL we're suppose to fill out if we have a running clock. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, gonzoron said:

    I’m not sure why every discussion of mass shootings ends up being a discussion on gun bans. 

    Any law banning guns simply has no chance of ever being enacted in my opinion. I also think it should be immediate political death for anyone to even bring such a law to the table.

    We don’t even enforce the gun laws we have now, what makes anyone think a ban can be enforced?

    i was encouraged when I saw threats being investigated and arrests made across the Country after El Paso, but is that sustainable? Let’s hope so.

    Great point, but I'm out of likes for the day, week, month, whatever.

    We all see the same thing play out on FB every day and we've had this discussion here countless times. "Gun nuts" are accused of wanting to mire the discussion down in minutia. But the point of my post is that words mean things. Yet during these discussions words and phrases get thrown about interchangeably and in most cases ignorantly, in that the people who use the words just don't understand what they mean. 

    To me this is what I find about Francis's "hell yes" statement so offensive. The government is going to forcibly take my legally/lawfully purchased/owned property based on the fact that he doesn't like it. I get it currently there's not a snowball's chance in hell of getting any type of gun bans passed. But at some point, there might be. 

  6. On 9/13/2019 at 1:29 PM, swordfish said:

    Typical politician answering his fans......Even Joe Biden knows this......

    BUT - if he only wants to eliminate the AR 15 and the AK 47, he is forgetting like maybe a MAC 10....

    Heard some interesting debate regarding the "weapons of war" . I think there could very well be some unintended, or perhaps intended consequences with regards to banning guns that were "designed for the battle field". 

    The Colt M1911 was standard issue firearm for every branch of the military for over 70 years. Their civilian counterparts are virtually identical to the military version, as they are semi-automatic hand guns. With untold millions of them in circulation. 

    The Beretta M9 has been standard military issue since 1986 along with it's civilian variant Model 92 and various variants. Again the civilian counterpart is virtually identical to it's military cousin. And again, untold millions of them in circulation. IO will admit to spending an obscene amount of money on a Wilson Combat Beretta 92G that he absolutely LOVES. the thing is a tack driver. 

    Since around 2014ish the military has adopted a new protocol with regards to hand guns, opting for customizable civilian off the shelf weapons. This is not only a cost savings measure but to customize guns to individuals 

    So my point being, John Browning created the 1911 specifically for Colt to sell to the US Military. The Beretta was an existing design that was adopted by the US Military. So if we go down the rabbit hole of banning all guns military, this opens a huge can of worms for owners of iconic guns such as the 1911 or the Beretta 92. I'm not sure anyone I know who owns guns who doesn't own at least one of these firearms. Forget the AR-15's and AK-47's, what about the rest of these "weapons of war" that have been "designed to kill"?

  7. 19 minutes ago, DannEllenwood said:

    Coach getting fired for this play?  LOL 🤣  I jest.

    But if the players (B and E on the right side of formation) are that close together, depending on crew mechanics, whoever has the outside receiver *should* be able to eye both here due to their proximity.

    We had a running clock in this game, so the coach is already in trouble;)

    The play had 0 impact on the game, but more to my point, this is why film is so valuable to us. We had two of these plays in the game that were not covered, one was worse than the other. This spurred conversation among the crew how do we get this covered. I realize most people think we just meet up before the game and go wing it, but there is a fair amount of preparation that goes into  it. Our goal every Friday night is to be the best team on the field, I didn't think we were very sharp Friday night, working hard towards this week. I doubt anyone in the stands knew we were there Friday, but you know as an official when you walk off the field, we just weren't sharp. 

    • Like 3
  8. 5 man coverage.jpg

    Receivers end up close enough together to question who the ball is going to when it's thrown and far enough apart to not see it when you're focus is on one matchup. My scribbling is obviously not to scale, but I think everyone gets the gist. 

  9. 10 hours ago, Huge Football Fan said:

    In this case it’s a no brainer. Anyone who has officiated that would be reading this has called dpi. How many people have called the defense for blocking a wr who is no longer a potential blocker? I bet almost 0. He asked a specific question about a specific route but wouldn’t say if the ball was in the air or not. I know it’s easier to call dpi on this play when the ball is coming then to call the defense for a foul while the qb still has the ball and is the question that I find interesting as to who would see it but it wouldn’t be dpi 

    Dude, the ball was in the air........otherwise it wouldn't have been DPI! My point was I didn't want another dick measuring contest over bumping a potential receiver. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Bobref said:

    If the back was inside the tight end position, no one has him as a key. You might get luck as a wing official Hard for the B to see this, as his initial key is a wide player. If the play takes long enough to develop, B may be in a position to see this, or a wing who has dropped to LB depth. Otherwise, you just have to hope to get lucky. 5 man mechanics.

    Kinda my thoughts. I was hoping someone had a magic bullet.

    4 minutes ago, Huge Football Fan said:

    Is the ball in the air?

    Not having this discussion on this thread. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Bobref said:

    I’ve been told that, starting next year, only EventLink will be used for scheduling and assigning. ... of course, that’s what we were told when Arbiter came on the scene. The key, as always, is getting all the schools to use the same system.

    One of the biggest issues with Arbiter as I understand it, was Arbiter didn't play well with all scheduling software. EL is a product of one of the scheduling software companies and is suppose to be able to link to the the other scheduling software products. 

    One by-product we're seeing is virtually EVERY contract we've had for the last two years has been in EL, even if they were originally scheduled in Arbiter. We've be paid via EL Pay for 4 of 5 V games we've had.  The nice thing about being paid via EL Pay is my savings is growing, but I don't have the walking around money I used to have. Oh who am I kidding, my wife or kids are going to end up with it anyway!

  12. 5 man mechanics, back slips out of the back field and is about 5 yards beyond the LOS. The U has slid up towards the LOS and LB takes a shot at back out of the backfield, just behind the U as he has moved forward. Who's responsible for this call? This is from spread, twins both sides, and single back. 



  13. 2 hours ago, sr1 said:

    My understanding is that a crew is hired not just 5 individual officials. If two or three officials showed up where was the rest of the crew?

    Typically a “crew” is hired. However in the last few years you are starting to see individuals hired thru hiring apps such as Arbiter and Event Link. You see individuals being hired closer to the game date. In one example a couple of weeks back the AD discovers on Wednesday that the crew he had hired for Friday has in fact retired. He uses various means to find a crew for Friday, one is to send a mass invite thru Event Link where individuals can accept the game. Thru various means, he found two officials from a crew who had taken the week off due to their other crew mates having some other obligations, it was Labor Day weekend, and three individuals who were not on crews and could work. 

    I don’t use an assigner, but I would assume assigners are probably having put individuals together to create crews for some games. Assigners have long been used in other sports, not necessarily Football. But as our shortage continues and grows worse, I assume we will see more schools use assigners, mainly because it’s less work for the AD’s to make sure they have officials. 

    Honestly as an official, I’d never take a varsity game with four guys I’d never worked with. 

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