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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by temptation

  1. I am not even talking about "HIS" rankings. I am talking about "HIM" posing as a mother of football players.
  2. Man, this is some great stuff right here. Mental illness on full display.
  3. Oh, I know. A harmless question, but there are no harmless questions with him.
  4. Remember when this woman was going to “break glass ceilings?”
  5. I guess I see your point but there are just so many fluff pieces and copy and paste type quotes said by media members and other folks who simply want to toe the line and avoid controversy that it makes my head spin. I don’t have time to comb through who is genuine and who has marching orders from their bosses. There are countless examples of athletes who are forced down our throats by certain individuals more so than others. I’ll continue to form my own opinion based on what I see. Great thing about this debate is that eventually the results on the field will prove one of us right.
  6. Seems ambitious but as mentioned above, I am far from an NFL guy.
  7. Why are our "narratives" click bait whereas what McAfee and Herbstreit say is the gospel? Can't pick and choose. I long ago gave up on ESPN to provide unbiased journalism so I am not sure why I am now supposed to simply blindly believe their "reporting" and opinion pieces. I watched enough college football this season with my educated eyes to make an informed opinion. I don't need others to form one for me.
  8. I am never going to take a crap on the importance of mental health but I think the high school to college comparison doesn't fit. Once these college athletes became "adults" and are now basically PAID EMPLOYEES, scrutiny on and off their field of play is going to follow. Is it fair? No, probably not. But we need to spend more time educating our youth (well before high school preferably, but at the very least when they are IN high school) about the pitfalls that come along with stardom. Social media is an absolute trap that many youngsters fall into and it has become an avenue for every aspect of a teen's life to be evaluated, overanalyzed, scrutinized, etc under anonymity. Which brings us back to Williams. Is he a kid? Is he an adult? Society deems one an adult at 18 with the right to vote, etc... Obviously some common ground that we can all agree upon is that kids and adults should be treated differently and their "mistakes" should be evaluated individually. Williams is an easy target and while I have made my feelings/predictions known about his behavior, he would not be the first, nor last to prove me right or wrong. With so much money involved in both levels of sport now, humility is disappearing and the priorities of young folks are changing. They have adults, often the wrong ones, in their ears. Rant over.
  9. If the “good old days” mean winning > money then take me back immediately. Look at this transfer portal business currently engulfing the college landscape…guys just wanna get paid.
  10. You’d be sensitive also if your favorite professional football team hadn’t won a championship in nearly 4 decades.
  11. Can’t wait to revisit this one in a few years…
  12. Eh, I said what I said. Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.
  13. I’ll say it again…poor damn Jeffersonville..one kid.
  14. Just curious as I am out of the loop on this topic, but how do other states do things when it comes to seeding? What is the most popular method? Is it solely by record in most cases? All schedules are not created equal so would it incentivize a softer schedule for some schools? How does schedule strength factor in?
  15. Never left this position, had this body language as Utah drove the field to kick the game winning FG. ”Leadership.”
  16. Ah, yes. Because in order to assess a college player’s character, you must be an avid NFL fan, lol. Great logic there. Just come out and say it. The Bears have showed their hand and are drafting Williams and as a Bears fan, your blind loyalty is hoping it works out. Fans, including myself are biased and hopeful. I’ll give you a pass. I mean, the Bears have only missed on quarterbacks for 4 decades now, certainly this will be the one that breaks the streak…so ironic you brought up McMahon since he was the last solid Chicago QB, lol.
  17. Nah, to be honest I don't even watch much NFL. Saw plenty of Williams in college to make an informed opinion. Painting curse words on his fingernails, sitting emotionless on the sidelines during the 4th quarter of a game in which his defense is on the field with the game on the line, daddy wanting a slice of ownership in whatever team drafts him, etc... Just a few examples that don't scream "long term winner" to me.
  18. Not sure Romeo Langford is the flex/example you want to use to make your point here, lol. Was halfway joking about the nails/iPhone example but the guy is a ME first guy and there is no denying that at this point unless your head is in the sand.
  19. I mean as a Notre Dame AND Bears fan, I can see where it'd be damn near impossible to root for the guy.
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