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Posts posted by BARRYOSAMA

  1. 40 minutes ago, swordfish said:

    Who cares?

    Image result for never have a battle of wits with an unarmed person

    Image result for never have a battle of wits with an unarmed person

    Image result for never have a battle of wits with an unarmed person


    Image result for never have a battle of wits with an unarmed personImage result for never have a battle of wits with an unarmed person

    None of them said the quote either.  

    Memes > Facts

    You care enough to run the conversation straight into the personal attack/fake meme ditch and then play the who cares/agree to disagree card.  Meh...


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  2. 18 minutes ago, foxbat said:

    I would agree ... but just as the clause "all men are created equal" had an implied asterisk, I similarly am not going to take a single line in a song tied to nationalism with a religious beat to be a 100% guarantee to all who hear or sing it.

    Interesting too that my statement/point refuting your point wasn't addressed ... I was just summarily dismissed.  Your argument then is with me and not the idea.  In that case, we will need to agree to disagree because I take interest in discussing ideas.

    At least you didn't get the eye roll and fake quote.

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  3. 16 hours ago, foxbat said:

    While I appreciate the fervor in using that one line to make it seem different, both songs are certain in the correctness of their cause and call upon the backing of religion or religious guidance to vanquish those who stand opposed.  Also, while I certainly appreciate the idea that it sounds "good in a song," let's be perfectly honest that the United States' causes are mixed bags. 

    Recall that less than a year after The Battle Hymn of the Republic was written, Lincoln wrote the following to Horace Greeley:

    I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views.

    So if Lincoln was willing to let slavery stand for the sake of the Union, then who would the Union soldiers be making free with their deaths?  National fervor, especially when tied to religion, always seems to be noble when our own and fanatical when someone else's ... hence the fact that I'm able to look at both without getting overly riled about either.  I have to be realistic that it's very possible that the same folks who wrote "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." had some who did it holding their nose along with others who did it with a very straight face and saw nothing out of whack with, among other things, their own religious views.

    Beware of an eye roll and a fake Chruchill quote....

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  4. 18 minutes ago, swordfish said:

    So you think a member of the US military is equivalent to an Islamic martyr?

    If the goal of the US was world domination, Canada and Mexico would be a parking lot right now......

    No I think a Islamic religious zealot is equivalent to a Christian religious zealot.  

    Mexico, Central and most of South America are already the US's economic and military (76 bases in Latin America) parking lot.

    World domination comes in many forms.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, swordfish said:

    That Shtick again?  So the Baylor coach's comments before and after the President's comment weren't said?   You give the President a women's jersey - The whole exchange was absolutely nothing but friendly conversation.  Inappropriate?  Grow up people.....

    The shtick is serving slop to national champions.  Everyone expects him to be a classless boob in personal interactions....

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  6. 7 hours ago, swordfish said:

    Because the Baylor women's basketball team is so above this slop.......We are soooo much better than the Clemson Men's football team, and deserve more than the North Dakota State Bison teams.......Kind of elitist isn't it?

    Keep rationalizing the lowest bar of class imaginable....the new normal for Trump apologists.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Wabash82 said:

    Don't know for certain if there are such hospitals, but I suspect that many inner-city urban and some rural hospitals are pretty close to that, simply due to the nature of the  populations they serve. 

    But I am also having a little difficulty  understanding why you are so concerned about the prospect that some hospitals that can't compete at lower margins will close, with the tradeoff being consumers' overall cost for health care will be lower? Isn't that the exact outcome you've told us would result if health care was a free market system? 

    When confronted by logic what will Muda do??

    A. Make a personal attack.  You're the the smartest guy in the room.....blah blah blah

    B. Move the goal posts to some unrelated topic

    C. Both A and B

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  8. 29 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    1.  Good to know.

    2.  Is willingly polluting a river, lake, the atmosphere, etc.  an immoral act?

    3. How many EV charging stations are there in Tiny Argos?



    2. Not really germane to the conversation.  You are still trying to make this a good vs. evil/moral vs. immoral issue and I have never engaged in this issue at that level.

    3. I have a level 2 charger at home and top off the charge every night.

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