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Posts posted by southend

  1. Anything can happen, but the cards a sure stacked against Bloomington. On the road, trying to beat a team twice, after a semi blow out in the first match up. So if the knights win, will it be for the fact that they are the better team or because of all the other factors going into the game? Will Hurt out coach moriority in this one? Seems the talent is even on both teams.Just a few things to think about.

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  2. 21 hours ago, Coach Nowlin said:

    curious, would it be considered a underperforming season if IU goes to the Bowl Game, but still loses to PU with a Walk on at QB?  

    Yes, no 2 ways about it. IU is the better team this year, and rivalry game or not, you need to put on your big boy panties and perform.  Purdue is weak this year. Talk about getting over the hump, not beating a weaker Boiler team takes us backwards again. = “underperforming season”

  3. The idea of beating a team 2 times in the same year is a feat in itself, on top of that, first game a semi blow out. Going to Castle for a revenge game is a tall order with a typical Bloomington south team let alone this Panther team. Boy the North Cougars sure had a nice run going this year, and should have won this sectional. If they only could attract a quality coach, sorry but this game against Castle is an example of the career of Bless at BHSN. Credit to Knights. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, MuleDriver said:

    Well game night has arrived. Not much interest in this sectional.. Siac vs CI    Going to predict a CI sweep. Not sure which siac team has a better chance at winning tonight. Possibly castle but bhsn is a real good team this year it seems.  Safe travels for the siac teams .

    I would say Bloomington North will beat Castle. I don't know much about EV. North, but BL. South is vulnerable this year, not a typical year end South team. So BL. North vs. ? toss up. 

  5. 5 hours ago, TrojanDad said:

    It would help with the recruits if they could get the stadium full.  Its not a big stadium, and if they can get the folks that go to IU to simply tailgate and party to actually go in the stadium, they would have no issue filling it up.  I have been blown away going to games and watching both adults and kids never make an effort to leave their tailgate to actually attend the game.  %$#* culture!

    So who is attending this Saturday vs Northwestern

    4 hours ago, itiswhatitis said:

    Never felt you were.   It's all good.  I get you are frustrated over the attendance thing.  So am I.   I haven't been to as many games these days as I used to.  Hey, maybe I'm part of the problem  LOL

    Be part of the solution LOL Every ticket purchased gets an authentic IU hat, up to four.

  6. 13 minutes ago, DT said:

    CE has a home in the Hoosier Hills.   Are they unhappy there?

    Hoosier Hills has had the same conference champion every year, and Columbus east would like a conference that could at least give them a challenge every few years. 

    Not that CE is unhappy, and I think the CI teams welcome good competition. And I think Columbus North blocked  CE out of CI. 

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