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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. So, he gets to keep rushing yardage even though the down is replayed?
  2. An Indiana school cannot play a game more than 300 mi. from the Indiana state line. Used to be a limitation on how far a school could come to play an Indiana school, but that was eliminated a few years ago. That’s why you see a school from Arizona playing Crown Point. But you won’t see Crown Point traveling to Arizona.
  3. “Encroachment” instead of “offsides.” As far as “illegal procedure” goes, if it occurs before the snap, it’s either a false start or a snap infraction. If it occurs at the snap, it’s an illegal formation. All use signal #19.
  4. On reflection, it was a mistake for me to accompany @temptation and @BTF down this particular rabbit hole. Mea culpa. No one has ever won an argument with a Trump advocate. Add to that the thorny issue of abortion (they brought it up, not me), and the discussion turns entirely unproductive. So, with apologies, I’m out.
  5. That you see the situations as comparable is inexplicable, as you appear to be of at least average intelligence.
  6. Biden has reduced himself to a non-factor in the upcoming election. So, why don’t we stop piling on him and let him just fade away into obscurity?
  7. I have no idea because it is unprecedented in the 248 years of our republic.
  8. Roll with whatever you like. You seem fond of generalizations. Here’s one: “All generalizations are false.” Notre Dame is, and always has been, a diverse community.
  9. “Dems play dirty” is not the part I object to. Of course they do. So do Republicans. I objected to the groundless claim that “Christians have a “higher moral compass” than non-Christians. What an insultingly arrogant statement, with actual nothing in fact or logic to support it. That’s called bigotry.
  10. No idea about the legal consequences, other than I foresee a crisis of constitutional dimensions. The rest of your post is meaningless Trumpspeak to me.
  11. No, they didn’t. Some of them may have, like you. But I’ll bet quite a few of those 78 million were mad their side lost, but accepted the results and moved on.
  12. The self-righteous arrogance of this statement is astounding to me.
  13. I do not claim to be in the know with the current state of either of the 2 major political parties, so I haven’t the foggiest idea who the Dems might settle on who could galvanize the voters into a large turnout in November …which is what they are going to need.
  14. The final chapter on Mr. Trump’s interactions with the legal system hasn’t yet been written. So, I’ll withhold judgment. But saying a felon is “wrongfully convicted” and that the convictions “will certainly be overturned on appeal” does not impress me, given my 47 year career in the legal system. That’s what every mope says. Just like losing Presidential candidates fall back on “they stole the election.” 🤣
  15. As I said in a different thread, Harris’ qualifications for VP had nothing to do with her “record.” She was black and had a Y chromosome. Those were her qualifications. That won’t cut it for a President. That people are falling in line behind her tells me 2 things: 1. The Dems are all but conceding the Presidential election, and Harris will be the “fall guy.” They don’t have anyone who can ramp up in the next 3 1/2 months to beat Trump. So, Harris will be the sacrificial lamb — and then we’ll never hear from her again ( What’s Sarah Palin doing these days?) 2. The grassroots Dem leaders are lining up behind Harris simply to demonstrate they are toeing the Party line, positioning themselves to survive the housecleaning that will come after the ignominious defeat in November. It’s every Democrat for him/her/themselves from this point on.
  16. The Democrats are about to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. How they managed to lose an election to an impeached former President who was also a convicted felon is the stuff of political legend. Given the stakes, this might be the greatest organizational failure in recorded history. Perhaps this will be the impetus to sweep out the political hacks that form their leadership, and get some people in there who are actually in touch with the American people.
  17. Sure. I sent sympathy cards to all of the approximately 8,000 Americans who died that day.
  18. Kamala Harris is the VP because her skin is black and she has no Y chromosome. Those are OK qualifications for a VP, but not for the leader of the free world. If there are still Democrats worthy of the name, they’ll jettison her and start over. They have about 4 weeks to find someone.
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