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Posts posted by BTF

  1. Kudos to Fort Wayne Community Schools and Wendy Robinson for making this happen. As much as it will pain Snider fans to have to look at a Bruin in the middle of the field during their home games, it's better than having to play on a field of mud.

    In the past, playing at Northrop was home away from home for the football program and it's fans. Snider had the flags, banners, and pads on the goalposts to make it feel like home. Now that there is a Bruin in the middle of the field, all the banners and flags won't make a difference. All games moving forward for Snider will be away games. It is what it is though, I'm sure those responsible for the decision had there reasons.

    Personally, I think the Bruin in the middle should be reconsidered and replaced with a FWCS logo.

  2. 4 hours ago, XStar said:

    I think many would argue that 3A is the level playing field and not the 2A where they go to the state finals every other year no matter what.    

    Without a doubt, Bishop Luers in it's current state, is a 3a caliber program. It always has been, and probably always will be. And it's just a matter of time before they get that championship at the 3a level. Coincidentally, they seem to have up years when they are in 2a (hence the 11 state championships) and down years when they are in 3a.

  3. 23 hours ago, Robert said:

    Absolutely not.  I was sharing the article.  I'm not afraid to share my thoughts, nor are you.  What did happen with those youngsters at Snider?  Did you hear about the Northrop basketball players bullying kids and even throwing urine on them in the bathroom and FWCS does nothing because they're winning?  

    I sometimes think you get caught up in rumors that circulate throughout the hallways. No idea what you're talking about with regard to Snider and don't really care to know. Sounds like drama.  Northrop? Haven't heard anything. Sounds like maybe a rumor gone bad without any pertinent facts.

    I thought this was a thread about Bishop Luers? You've got to hand it to those kids who wanted to stay in 3a. I think, for most kids, they would prefer to play up and face the better competition. But it seems most coaches and administrators are happy where they are placed. I don't think most head football coaches are going to voluntarily play up a class. They would rather be on a level playing field than compete with schools that are bigger and have more resources. The athletic directors? I would say it's financial. The further you advance, the more revenue for the athletic department.

    Personally, I'm starting to like the 2 year cycle. It gives schools an opportunity to formulate rivalries at two different class levels. It still needs some tweaking though. For many teams, talent comes and goes in two year cycles. A strong junior/senior class wins the state championship at a lower level, therefore pushing the weaker classes behind them up a class. So in many cases the team that won state should have been playing up, and the team that is rebuilding should have been playing down. I'm not sure what the answer is.


  4. 12 hours ago, DT said:

    Attendance is down because parents are less involved in their kids lives than they used to be.  By choice.  

    I feel like the biggest attendance drop is the casual fan. I can't speak for other communities like The Region, but it seems to me that the same number of parents attend their son's football game present day as they did 20-30 years ago. I have no stats to back this up, just observance. It's the casual fan that is missing. This season could be a good case in point when Snider plays Dwenger. Both teams are supposed to be state championship caliber and will probably meet around week seven as undefeated teams. Ten to fifteen years ago, this game would have drawn 8,000 fans. This year I would expect about 5,000-6,000. That's a difference of about 2000 people who have either lost interest in the game, or who would just rather watch it on the internet.

  5. 10 hours ago, psaboy said:

    I just don't know if Snider could pull off the "independent" status, year after year, etc. As they are one of the best programs in the state, I question if it is sustainable.. Could they schedule a few SAC teams (Dwenger, Homestead, Carroll, maybe Luers every year) then do a indy  area team or two, Penn and then fill out with a team or two from MI and/or OH. I would expect travel would kill, need booster support, is that allowed??

    Although it would be interesting, personally, I love the idea of Snider in the SAC under the new format. There is no denying the fact that all schools in the SAC would be better served by scheduling outside competition. Who wouldn't want to attend the following games?

    Snider vs Penn

    Dwenger vs Cathedral

    Homestead vs Carmel (this series has been very one sided with lopsided scores, but I still maintain that the Spartans would have given Carmel a run for their money in 2017)

             -these are the kind of games Homestead needs to schedule if they are ever going to be relevant in 6a.

    Carroll vs Warsaw (given that the Tigers continue their uptrend)

    Luers vs Coldwater, OH - (I love this potential match-up)

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  6. On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 11:35 AM, jakone said:

    Who will Luers play that will "better" help them prepare for 3a or 2a tournament?

    West Lafayette, Columbus Hartley, Toledo Whitmer, Coldwater OH, Chatard? It won't be hard to find an opponent that will "better" them.

    On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 7:03 PM, Mebuck said:

    It will not matter... Snider, Northrop and North Side will not get out of the sectional for the next two years. Just saying 😉

    No doubt Snider and Dwenger are on a collision course this year................probably twice. 5a will have it's hands full with the winner of this game. Both programs looking good going into this season..

    On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 7:42 PM, DT said:

    It's about time

    Agree, 100%

    On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 10:22 PM, Mebuck said:

     Maybe Snider should leave the SAC and become like Cathedral (independent) and that will help them be ready for late postseason play.

    Wouldn't hurt the feelings of most fans affiliated with Snider. In fact, it would probably increase attendance. If Snider played Penn.................. only Dwenger, Carroll, or Homestead would match the attendance that the Kingsman would bring. Maybe Luers if they were having an "up" year. More Snider fans will travel to Penn than attend a game against South Side. More interesting matchups will bring higher attendance. South fans will probably show up to see their team be competitive against Belmont versus coming out to watch them get squashed by Snider or Dwenger. Let's face it, attendance has been DEAD in recent seasons. It's time to mix things up and try something different.



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