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Everything posted by Howe

  1. Agreed. Those who believe the DNC was hacked by Russia apparently base their opinions on countless media reports of "assessments" by "hand picked" seasoned experts from the FBI, NSA and CIA yet the Directors of all three agencies admit they never conducted any type of forensic analysis of the DNC servers. No evidence has ever been published to the American public for review. Those who believe Wikileaks received the e-mails from a source inside the DNC have the founder of Wikileaks stating his source was not the Russians and the dead corpse of a former DNC staffer. Police claim he was the victim of an apparent robbery yet his wallet, phone and watch remained on the corpse. Police went to his apartment and confiscated his laptop. His murder remains unsolved.
  2. The previous three video's show the Director of the FBI admitting the agency never received access to the DNC servers or John Podesta's e-mails to conduct forensic analysis. The Director's for the NSA and CIA admit they never even requested access to the DNC servers to conduct forensic analysis. DNI Director James Clapper states the analysis by the FBI, NSA and CIA was conducted by "hand picked" seasoned experts.🤣
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I noticed you disappeared from this forum for over a month on the day Mueller was humiliated on national television during that ridiculous Mueller hearing. You were a staunch supporter of the Mueller Investigation. You have not posted much during the past six months however, you are passionate in your support of the establishment. Good luck.
  4. Perhaps the lawyer for Assange never even made such statements. The article posted was from The Daily Beast. Chelsea Clinton is on the Board of Directors. After nearly three years of ridiculous hype and fake news plus the $30,000,000 Mueller Dossier, an article from the Daily Beast is the best you can do?
  5. After the collapse of the failed impeachment trial, Dan Bingino predicted the Democrats would return to their "snuggy" blanket of Russia collusion. The liberal mainstream media is Fake News and are the enemy of the American people.
  6. Normal Democrats, liberals, progressives and socialists are not libtards. A libtard is typically a perfectly intelligent individual who suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome. They refuse to apply common sense to mainstream media narratives and are easily manipulated, gullible fools.
  7. Assange made no statements quoted in the article. Perhaps his lawyer is simply a libtard.
  8. Assange made no statement in the Daily Beast article. More Fake News. The article states Rohrabacher made the offer to pardon Assange a year after the DNC e-mails were published by Wikileaks. Rohrabacher has denied making any such offer. The article also states Rohrabacher was not permitted to speak directly to Trump by Cheif of Staff John Kelly who was appointed July 28, 2017. Assange made these statements on January 28, 2017 which is 6 months prior to the allegations in the Daily Beast article.
  9. Democrats have been humiliated with their failed impeachment and their super hero Robert Mueller. Democrats have returned to their "snuggy" blanket of Russia collusion. Hilarious.
  10. Democrat super hero Michael (I guarantee Trump will resign) Avenatti, who appeared on CNN and MSNBC 254 times in one year, convicted of Extortion in the Nike case and faces up to 42 years in prison. The GID forum had members predicting Avenatti might run for president in 2020.
  11. The Democrat Party is a criminal organization. No one is elected by Democrats. They are appointed by the establishment.
  12. I work in a manufacturing facility represented by the United Steel Workers. One of the group leaders in my department told me last week " I have voted Democrat my whole life but the Democrat party no longer represents the working family. I will never vote Democrat again".
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