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Everything posted by Howe

  1. One man annihilates a bunch of children. Hilarious
  2. Yet Mueller failed to bring a single charge regarding obstruction. Mueller was humiliated by Republicans at that ridiculous Mueller hearing. It was hilarious. That fool has no authority to exonerate anyone. No one in the history of the United States Judicial System has ever been exonerated. Libtards are easily manipulated, gullible fools. They actually believe CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, Washington Post and the mainstream media fake news. Libtards are stupid.
  3. Gun Store Runs "Beto Special" On AR-15's. Sells Out In Less Than 4 Hours. https://pluralist.com/beto-orourke-special-phoenix-ar-15s//44486
  4. Blasey Ford's Father Supported Kavanaugh Confirmation https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/im-glad-brett-was-confirmed-blasey-fords-father-supported-kavanaugh-confirmation
  5. The USC Dornsife Poll is not the Daily Caller Poll. The USC Dornsife Poll had Trump leading nearly the entire 2016 campaign. Unlike the fake polls from mainstream media outlets. Perhaps the Great Robert Mueller is closing in on Donald Trump Jr. Most of the GID democrats assured us of the integrity and intelligence of the Great Mueller during his entire $30,000,000 investigation debacle. His integrity and intelligence was on full display during the Mueller hearing. I haven't seen a single comment posted by the king of GID democrats since the Great Mueller investigation imploded.
  6. One of the only major polls to correctly predict the 2016 presidential election. USC / LA Times Dornsife Poll. Most of the mainstream media produced fake news and fake polls in 2016. The average voter identify closer to Donald Trump more than any democrat, including Joe Biden. https://dailycaller.com/2019/09/12/usc-la-times-voters-donald-trump-democrat-joe-biden/
  7. The Obama administration did far more to artificially influence the 2016 presidential election than any foreign nation. It was the job of the Great Hussein's intelligence agencies to protect the integrity of our elections instead of spying on a candidate.
  8. "Moderator" asks question in a foreign language 64 seconds into the debate. LOL! It is hilarious to laugh at these ridiculous libtards. Trump has no competition.
  9. Democrat presidential candidate Marianne Williamson "I didn't think the left was so mean. I didn't think the left lied like this". https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/marianne-williamson-i-didnt-think-the-left-was-so-mean-i-didnt-think-the-left-lied-like-this
  10. It is pathetic that students cannot express their opinions without fear of retaliation from their libtard professors. Libtards are weak, childish and hateful wimps. They are easily manipulated, gullible fools.
  11. No one in the United States criminal justice system has the power to exonerate.
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