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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by JQWL

  1. We are looking 4th team for 11 on 11 this summer. 11 on 11 to be held at Paoli, Thursday June 29th at 5:30. Other than Paoli, Jeffersonville and Scottsburg would be participating. If interested, you can message me here, email me at reynoldsj@paoli.k12.in.us, or text me at 812-936-3063. You can also email Coach Dittmer at dittmern@paoli.k12.in.us. Thanks!
  2. Pike Central Football or Pike Central Chargers Football. Something like that. Their team page.
  3. JJ Howland I can't pull up the Facebook announcement.
  4. They hired last night. It was on Facebook. Can't remember his name.
  5. North/South rosters came out over the weekend. Griffin McGee from Springs Valley will be a kicker and Aynsley Nance from West Washington will serve as a manager. Pretty awesome opportunity for these two.
  6. Is he getting any interest from colleges?
  7. He told me a few years back that they lived right across from Jeffersonville High School. Maybe his wife was working there at the time. It was something like that. Thought it would be good for his work/home life.
  8. I don't know him really but my first thought was 2 years. Then I was told Glesing and the AD Weedin were college roommates so I'm going to guess 4 years.
  9. I forgot about Ashton Arnold who played RB for them. Good quickness. Hard nosed kid. CC has some skill guys that are pretty solid.
  10. I think their Jr. high really struggled. The current freshmen class has been a pretty solid group for them so they expected they'd get some kids from that group but they need to string together a few good classes. I really like their new AD and I'm hoping he will support the program. People underestimate how important a good AD and a supportive administration/school board is to a football program.
  11. I thought Mitchell was the most improved team in the conference from the start of the season to the finish and once they settled in on Ethan Turned at QB, it made all the difference. Along with Turner, looks like they bring back Kale England at FB, Lumen Ashton at RB and Seth Fountain on the OL, all of who will be seniors. Defensively they bring back Wigley Kyzen at Safety, AJ Sarver at CB, England at LB, Lumen at CB, Turner at S, again all of these are seniors too. All together they had 14 juniors last year so I even though those freshmen are talented and I expect to see some of them in skill positions, they should have several experienced kids on the field. I kinda expect to see Mitchell finish the season with a winning record this upcoming year.
  12. Looking at last year's roster Crawford County has 15 freshmen on last year's team, including QB Quentin Bell, LB Isaac Adams, OL/DL Russ Payne, and OL/LB Conner Morgan, who at least started against us so I assume they got quite a big of experience. This group has some size physically and Bell threw the ball well when he has time. Crawford County only had 3 sophomores and 3 juniors so that group will have to keep playing a lot. Sophomore Aidan Bell was a solid receiver for them last year and they also return their best player in Nash Stroud who played OL/TE/WR/RB/DL/LB for them. Stroud was all-conference and is a real nice player wherever they end up using him. Hopefully they can hang on to some of their young kids and get going in the right direction.
  13. All coaches in attendance get a vote. If you're a bigger school with a large staff, you can out vote smaller schools with smaller staffs. They do require that each class has a representative so 1A and 2A schools will get at least 1 kid.
  14. Reading these and a lot of these are spot on. Some people just don't go, they don't care, whatever. I've been when I've nominated a kid and been when I haven't. Did I go this year, no. I coach basketball during the winter and we had a game that day. That's the only chance we can vote and if an IFCA member can't make it, they're out of luck. I feel like in this age where we can vote using platforms other than in-person, why can't we when voting for a Region team? Also, some Regions hold their meetings on Sundays assuming that would avoid conflicts that happen during the week. Why can't all Regions hold their meeting on Sunday?
  15. I looked at the enrollment numbers when that came out because I wondered the same thing. I would say Paoli will remain one of the smallest 2A schools in the state the next 10 years. I don't think we will drop to 1A and I don't think we will be back up to the middle of 2A.
  16. Currently, they're not competing well but have had good basketball and baseball teams in recent years. Girls basketball has had some good years. Not sure about other sports. Like anything else, if the school and community are not going to be supportive it's hard to be successful.
  17. I like that alot. I think a couple years ago I had combined the conferences and made two divisions and the #1's played each other week 9, and #2's did and so on. Or you could do what PAC did and make a small/big school division. That would be fine too. I just think the schools in Orange, Washington, Crawford fit well geographically than Perry Central who has a different time zone. If they're moved to the small PAC, almost all their opponents are right along the interstate and same time zone. I just get bored. None of it will actually happen. I've always hard WW doesn't want Pekin in the PLAC. I'm sure they wouldn't approve Salem if it were proposed. I'm really hoping someone wants to do a MinerPride style write up on each team to preview the season. Maybe 1 a week. WWFan would be good at this.
  18. They could still play each other. Each conference would have 7 members which would allow for 3 non-conference games in football. Basketball is easy to schedule. With Salem getting smaller, it might be a good fit.
  19. 6 months away from the start of the season! Couple schools with coaching openings still. Hearing they're basically done but not official. I'm going to share my annual idea for conference expansion. https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1bYMTnbetTf6n1WlRqudBX6WJ6X8YGQE&usp=share_link Maybe someone wants to share their early pre-season conference rankings?
  20. This seems like a dumb question so close to February. Does the AP still name a team? Did it already come out and I missed it?
  21. I believe I saw in the digital rendering that it would be turf.
  22. I had never been to Hatchet Hallow until recently over Christmas Break. I was in the area and my son and I got out and walked around. Looked around a little. I'm really glad I got to see it before they started the renovations.
  23. Maybe this is a dumb question. Next year's enrollment, 2023-2024, will set the newest classifications for 2024-2025 and 2025-2026. Do they use 23-24's grade 9-12 enrollment numbers or do they use grade 8-11 since those are the ones that will begin the new cycle?
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