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Posts posted by from_the_sidelines007

  1. In a world that spends more time reporting the bad things, it is great to see human interest stories for the good of the cause!

    What a great gesture by both Caston and Culver.  And to see the Culver players right there running along side this young man . . . now that's sportsmanship!


    Life is about more than just sports, but sports can certainly play a huge role in molding a life.


    Congratulations to Hunter, Caston, and Culver!


    Job well done, men!


    as always, the game is better





  2. Unless there is something we don't know about. . .  In this case, Admin has overstepped boundary here.

    You hired a coach to do a job.  Let the coach do his job!


    It is up to the coach to manage the game.  The score falls under game managment.  

    Sounds like coach was managing the game and got his hands tied.


    IMO, an administration that is trying to micromanage.


    as always, the game is better






  3. 52 minutes ago, SteelCurtain88 said:

    I’ve got to apologize Guru for the slight this past week.  Nothing, I mean nothing you could possibly say or do could look worse than the offense against Glenn Friday night!  Did you go to the game and take it in?

    Hold on for a minute Guru and Curtain . . . . TurfToe thinks there is too much HNAC on this thread, like the HNAC thinks they are relevant.

    Maybe we ought to take our ball and go home! After all, he can't wait for Mishawaka to join the NLC for some good natured bantering.


    On the other hand, the last time I checked the HNAC thread had far more views than the NIC thread for Week #7.  

    Not sure what TurfToe means by relevant.?!  I think the HNAC thread is extremely relevant.  Discussion, banter, digs, proud supporter's of their respective team(s).

    In this case, it so happened that Glenn (NIC) was playing LaVille (HNAC) this particular week.


    Both threads alive and well!


    as always, the game is better






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    Culver at Caston = Cavs by more than I can count on my fingers and toes.

    Knox at Pioneer = Have watched Knox and Pioneer .... Gut says this is gonna be a good football game.  The champ is the champ until proven otherwise.  Going with Pioneer.


    LaVille at Glenn This is a big game for both LaVille and Glenn.  Who has the horses?  Who can stick 'em on 'D'? LaVille's defense is solid.  The offense has been inconsistent in big games.  Just not sure how effective Glenn's offense will be.  Glenn has been winning a lot at home against LaVille in recent history.  Gut says LaVille in a close one.

    North Judson at Triton This one has gone back and forth the last several times they crossed paths.  Going with NJSP by a TD.

    Winamac at West Central Warriors might be on the down side now, but the puppies gonna bite on this night.  Winamac


    as always, the game is better


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  5. 13 hours ago, TheWaterBoii said:

    When I Played we had 60-70 guys on the team. If we blew someone out in the old Mid Indiana Conference we would only sub on offensive. We would have the whole Freshmen team out their trying to get a TD. We would never take our starting Defense out. Not saying we wouldn't sub at all on Defense but for the most part number one Defense was always in. A shut out to us was more important than the spread of the scores. We also were rewarded Donuts on Saturday to represent the big 0!


    Man I love Donuts...

    Love Me Some Donuts WaterBoii !!!!

    • Like 1
  6. So if we are letting the BOYS settle the game on the field, let's take a look at some items in the Glenn-LaVille series over the last 15 or so years 

    .Glenn leads 14-4 since Brian Glesing was coach 

    Glenn is 7-1 during that time at JGHS.

    Glenn has allowed LaVille just one score seven times.

    Glenn has also 3 shutouts during that time.

    Coach H is 3-3 during his tenure against his alma mater. 

    IMO, LaVille wins this by 10.

    I'll go with:




    New Prairie - just a gut feeling 

    Benton Harbor




    as always, the game is better 




  7. We got spirit yes we do .... we got spirit how 'bout you?

    Seems there are personal citations here that go down to the roots.

    We talking HNAC Week 7 or about this happened and I know who you are and all the coaches share a code name on this chat.  Pardon us while we reach for a program and history book to attempt at a GID education.

    If you followed that, jump in line for a diploma signed by Coach Nowlin, notarized by WCGrad92 and authorized by the GID board.


    as always,  the game is better 


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Ultimate Warrior said:

    I'm not from LaVille. I have no idea who you are but im sure if I was from there. Id know who you and steel are. 

    Just remember coaches read this as do kids. You both obviously have relatives on the team...calling out coaches, calling out certain players can make it really awkward for your player...because people around LaVille probsbly know who you are. 

    How many years has the Doyle kid been QB? This and last? Was he in middle or pop Warner? 

    I think Id like Doyle as a wb/rb more then as a QB but I also don't mind hes the QB. He simply might be the best choice even though it might affect other positions. 

    LaVille has been a winning program and it seems it will be for a few more years.. Once its not. You'll realize you spent those years attacking the coaches instead of just sitting back and enjoying the ride. 


    I didn't always agree with Tim Roth and I don't always agree with Craig Barr but I like watching the game more. Its silly how much time and effort that gets put in to blast coaches. 

    Smell me some pot stirring right here!


    as always,  the game is better 




  9. 6 hours ago, Football Guru 25 said:

    Seems awfully strange right??  Seems like they always want to go to the pass and to be honest other than his running skills the Doyle kid isn't that good as a QB!!!!! He throws the ball very weak and zeros in on who he is throwing to which any good secondary will pick him off a lot!


    If they would settle down on the RUN it would be much better in Lancer Country.... now I know line was young starting the season but seem like they have been improving so not sure what is holding them back from running 40  times a game.   Dill can catch and run and seems like other than this past week they want him to catch the ball....    No chemistry to what the OC is doing!!

    From what I hear, the OC during the summer and at the ND 7-on-7 had to leave due to a job situation.  Therefore, LaVille had to hurry and put in a new OC.  Not sure if they are running the same type of offense as the former OC, or, if the new OC has input on any chnages.  Offense, from what I've seen is very predicatable and very vanilla.  That could be due to new OC.

    Coach H is the DC.  He knows defense, at least IMO.  He would admit he is not an offensive guy.

    I would disagree on Doyle being weak throwing the ball.  When given some time, he has had multiple 20+ yard completions both last year and this year.  His offensive line took a hit with graduation and this new OL needs time.  Lets not throw the towel in just yet.  They only have one returning OL from a year ago.  Coach H has said they want to be playing best ball at the end of the season and into the sectional.

    Watts did suffer an ankle in the second half Saturday.  That kept him out the rest of the game.  The Knox defensive penetration didn't give the LaVille RBs much room to run.  That is an OL issue.  Pound for pound, Knox pushed the LaVille OL back and were in the backfield pretty quickly.  That has be a point of emphasis moving forward.

    Knox was the better team .... no doubt about that.  There were a couple of series in that game that turned the momentum.

    3rd and long with LaVille knocking on the door, Doyle tried to make a play, get the ball out of bounds for an incompletion and the ball went backward.  Knox picked it up and turned that in to points.

    What could have been points for LaVille turned in to points for Knox.  Changed the whole complexion of the game.

    LaVille has stubbed its toe in a couple big games when they could get points and have come up empty.

    There is no rest this week either.  Time for a backyard rivalry against Glenn.  Records don't mean anything here .... Glenn will come at LaVille.


    as always, the game is better







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  10. 8 hours ago, SteelCurtain88 said:

    If you got speed, you’ve got to know how to use it!

    Maybe Coach Hostrawser has room for an assistant coach?

    Seems like you could add something to the braintrust . . . .


    as always, the game is better


    8 hours ago, SteelCurtain88 said:

    Knox beat Laville 13-3.  Defense battle as expected but Lavilles offense looked pathetic!  Chalk up another big game liss!!

    I hear that LaVIlle is too vanilla on offense . . . . not a lot of creativitiy on offense . . .  predictable play-calling on offense . . . .

    Would those be your sentiments, as well?  And, possible a few more insights?


    as always, the game is better


  11. Just curious what feedback Football Guru 25 and SteeleCurtain88 had regarding the Knox at LaVille game?

    On 9/27/2019 at 7:21 AM, Offintheyard said:

    Obviously reading comprehension is not your strong suit. I will try to explain this to you one last time. The entire point I am trying to make is that it doesn't matter how many yards you give up if you are not giving up TDs.  I wasn't comparing last years TDs to this years TDs. You took it upon yourself to do that in order to try and spin this. 

    Also, while we are at it, the 2 "TD passes" you are crediting Knox for were actually PATs. You might want to look stuff up yourself. Again, I never said anything about PATs.

    I hope your team does well. I obviously know coaches on both teams and don't really care who wins. So go ahead and spin this however you want to make yourself look better, I'm done commenting on this. 


    Just curious Offintheyard  . . .

    Has Culver Academy been approached in the lst 5-10 years re: joining a conference?

    Seems like when the NIC expanded and the NSC was looking Culver Academy could make for an interesting additon.


    as always, the game is better




  12. Great conversation! Sounds like some personal and some projections . . . .


    Here goes:

    Caston @ North White: Going with the Comets here.

    Culver @ Winamac: Grind it out Cavs.

    Knox @ LaVille: My gut says one thing and, but my brain says another.  Knox to win this one.

    Triton @ Pioneer: Panthers continue their HNAC roll.

    WC @ North Judson: NJSP in a shutout


    Try to stay dry out there . . . .


    as always, the game is better


  13. 1 hour ago, TheWaterBoii said:

    Bombers by 28

    Reason: BOMBERS beat (4A) WESTERN. (4A) WESTERN also beat the defending state champs (2A) #2 WEBO. LAVILLE was handled by  (2A) #5 PIONEER

    There isn't a top 10 team in (2A) LAVILLE would beat. I dont even believe they could beat ANDREAN or TIPTON.


    No I don't hate Laville. They are a tough ball club and have much respect for them. All I am saying is BOMBERS Vs. PIONEER way better topic.

    I don't know that I would say that Pioneer 'handled' LaVille.

    I would say that Pioneer 'executed' better than LaVille.  ... Execution and turnovers the difference in that ball game.


    I would also say that LaVille has not shown that they could win the big game.

    I'd be curious to know what LaVille's record has been against teams with a winning record?  0-1 so far in 2019.  They will get a big challenge against 5-0 Knox Friday.  Can they win the big game against a team with a winning record?  In 2018, LaVille was 1-3 against teams with a winning record ... lost to Culver Academy, beat Triton, lost to Pioneer, lost to Knox .... NJSP had a .500 record and LaVille was 1-1 against them. Won in regular season and lost in sectional first round.

    Along those lines, does LaVille beat any team in the Class 2A Top 10 from this weeks rankings? I don't think so either.

    Therefore, the question is, how does LaVille win a big game? Against a team with a winning record?  That's something the football coaching staff must approach with the Lancer Football team.


    as always, the game is better,


    • Like 1
  14. 11 hours ago, SteelCurtain88 said:

    Not much to see I was told at Caston tonight.  Laville tuning up for a huge showdown next weekend at home with the Tribe!!  I am hearing good things about a freshman running back from Laville to that looks to be the real deal!  Maybe they should of played him against Pioneer if that is the case.  Anyone at Caston tonight to see the kid play?

    Hats off to all to the young men at Caston. They play hard and show a tremendous amount of heart.  Last night was August hot and humid. Heard there were 17 dressed for Caston.  LaVille simply outmanned Comets.


    I've seen the young man on internet you are referring to.  He plays defense mostly.   Is probably #5 back. According to article in Pilot News,  young man carried ball 2 times, 80+ yards and 2 TDs v. Caston. Heard kid is pretty quick and runs hard.  Lots of kids are quick and run hard. According to scoring summary, kid got in game late when game decided.   


    Bottom line is: Pioneer defense. Is no Winamac defense,  is no Knox defense,  is no NJSP defense,  is no Caston defense.  Let's see what the kid does in time.


    as always,  the game is better 



    Don't know about y'all, but this season is going by way too quickly!
    Here we are getting ready to start WEEK #5 of HNAC Football

    Thanks to everyone that has made our little part of the state and big success..... We have been high on the 'views' counter much of the season.

    Here are the HNAC games for this week ..... What Say You?

    Friday, Sep. 20
    Crispus Attucks at Pioneer, 7:30 pm
    Glenn at Knox, 7:30 pm
    LaVille at Caston ©, 7 pm
    Triton at Culver ©, 7 pm
    Winamac at North Judson ©, 7:30 pm


    as always, the game is better


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