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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. Why do you say that? Alleged victims don't get any credence. Remember? Republican rules, Democrats didn't make 'em. Hopefully Stormy Daniels can put in a cameo appearance as well beside Ivanka.
  2. Is that still standing? Sounds like it would be a great place for a large wrestling tourney. Do they ever host those there?
  3. That's too bad. You could have met Muda and his buddy Fada when you were there at Camp Granada.
  4. Didn't see Muda's. If it's dishonesty, own up to the one you stole from me. Man up.
  5. That would be the ones touting the anecdotal evidence that the drug works. One person recovered who happened to use it, doesn't mean that's what "cured" her. No clinical evidence is available to prove it's effectiveness. Next we'll be hearing about those who were cured by injecting Lysol.
  6. I dreamed about basketball last night. Kids couldn't play unless the parents had paid their property taxes. I'm supposed to be headed to Milwaukee for a tournament right now, but planning a virtual trip instead. It was the "Windy City Classic". In Milwaukee. Doesn't make sense.
  7. Still wrapping my head around a bunch of Trump Groupies believing a drug that's been on the market for 65 years to treat malaria and diabetes is effective against a new Virus strain even though there is no other evidence to support this claim. If Trump had said heroin has shown to be effective against Covid-19, they'd all be junkies now. Orange Man Golden Calf.
  8. You see, the way links work, you click on that link and then go read the articles. The studies are described in the story. I realize it's not a video, but you might try reading for a change.
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