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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. Still wrapping my head around a bunch of Trump Groupies believing a drug that's been on the market for 65 years to treat malaria and diabetes is effective against a new Virus strain even though there is no other evidence to support this claim. If Trump had said heroin has shown to be effective against Covid-19, they'd all be junkies now. Orange Man Golden Calf.
  2. You see, the way links work, you click on that link and then go read the articles. The studies are described in the story. I realize it's not a video, but you might try reading for a change.
  3. From a friend: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/21/health/hydroxychloroquine-veterans-study/index.html https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/04/21/840341224/nih-panel-recommends-against-drug-combination-trump-has-promoted-for-covid-19 https://www.foxnews.com/science/covid-19-hydroxychloroquine-showed-no-benefit-more-deaths-va-virus-study https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/15/health/new-french-study-hydroxychloroquine/index.html
  4. Not a meme, but what the heck is going on in Seymour @Impartial_Observer? "Sometimes you just don't ask questions 🤔 This modern art masterpiece 🎨 was spotted during a security check at Seymour Middle School by Officer Schapson. What should we name it??"
  5. Nanny Government will get to the bottom of things now. You can't even make this stuff up!: Former Labradoodle breeder tapped to lead U.S. pandemic task force https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-hhschief-speci/special-report-hhs-chief-azar-had-aide-former-dog-breeder-steer-pandemic-task-force-idUSKCN2243CE?fbclid=IwAR1MrXREWeNrhbKAdPSlYqxK7rBfhvM8POvIgR75u9pUeZhm11ChUYbYD7c
  6. It doesn't. You don't have to discuss it at all. You can just ignore any mention of Trump in the thread without telling other members what can and cannot be discussed. You know, same way you ignore any discussion about products your employer is involved in manufacturing.This isn't the meme thread, where each comment should be a meme. How many members adhere to that?
  7. How in the world can you have a discussion about a "Trump-beater" without also discussing Trump? Trump's name is in the title of the thread, as I've pointed out before. SF hasn't changed it yet, nor has he told members what can or cannot be discussed. Until then, Trump should certainly be a part of the discussion.
  8. Is Gerber represented by the USW? I never realized that. I quoted the wrong sentence in your original post. My apologies.
  9. I paid $1.01 yesterday just south of Louisville. Too bad it wasn't my personal vehicle. Although I haven't driven that one in about a month.
  10. “Not much research has been done on the subject” Cow farts, now that’s a different story.
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