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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. https://www.smithsonianchannel.com/shows/the-green-book-guide-to-freedom/0/3467847?fbclid=IwAR1719kMGVBMgdJVAgfLYtgobxMbv1fSI5uDGVwLUNglwJHZRf2E3_HCEDI
  2. The "real" Green Book story is a documentary on the Smithsonian Channel tonight.
  3. Scratching my head as to how it got incorporated into the AOC thread. And doesn't seem to be a discussion, either. Two guys "answering" questions without answering, but asking a different question.
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theroot.com/white-lies-a-brief-history-of-white-people-lying-about-1790856437/amp
  5. That isn’t the case in Illinois. Reporting any crime that you know has not been committed is a felony. Doesn’t matter if the crime being reported is a felony or not.
  6. I have no rage regarding this matter. I don't understand why you and @Muda69 have that impression. Thanks for taking the time to look up the Illinois statute. Why didn't you explain this earlier in the discussion? You initially called it an 'upcharge', a false statement as it turns out.
  7. Not a song, but a great picture taken during recording sessions for a song. Guess which one?
  8. What rage? No. I haven't defended his actions once in this entire thread. Do you feel the charge merits felony status? Please explain why, if you do.
  9. My claim is backed up with evidence that a black man was charged with felony false reporting. (against imaginary white people) You have presented zero evidence that the white people shown in @foxbat 's meme have been charged with felony false reporting.(against innocent black people) Case closed. Has your 40 years of experience in the legal system involved extensive defense work of people charged with false reporting of a crime? Please enlighten us.
  10. Never heard that version before. Totally agree. The better ones can back their opinion up with evidence.
  11. Do you have statistics regarding how many false reporting charges are filed, what percentage of false reports are prosecuted, the severity of the charges(felony or misdemeanor), and the outcome? I'd be interested in seeing them. About all I can find after a quick search is the statutes of some States where it is a misdemeanor unless someone was injured in responding to the false report, then it can be charged as a felony.
  12. I hope the Bernie Sanders knock the door down event is on Pay-per-view. And available for offline betting.
  13. Sorry, but I didn't know that. I don't really make it a habit to check SAT requirements of a school unless I am interested in sending one of my children there or I just want to find fault with someone who did get into that school. Nor am I in the habit of researching SAT scores of kids I see in the news. What possible relevance does this have to the comparison between Sandmann and Hogg? Was Sandmann rejected by Harvard?
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