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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. Is that what happened in Venezuela? Old men quit politics and let the young folks decide their future?
  2. “your party”???? Use of blackface isn’t a political issue. It’s a human issue. In my opinion and the opinion of many others, it shouldn’t be used. Period. Nor should it be excused or condoned.
  3. If everyone is so concerned about their children and grandchildren’s future, shouldn’t all of these old codgers step out of the way and let them decide their OWN future?
  4. I fail to see how that translates to your interpretation. Try again. Or better yet, don’t.
  5. No. Very few can. As evidenced by turnover rate of new hires recently.
  6. Is this on a phone or computer? I haven't seen this on a computer, not sure I've tried it on my phone.
  7. 1. Healthcare that's at fair market value. Not inflated by a third party administrator. 2. Mine. I already have one. 3. They count, they just don't mean anything. Our government is controlled by Corporations 5. flat tax
  8. It's a great survival tip in case of apocalypse, shipwreck or stranded in a Moscow hotel room with a hooker, but I'm not sure I'd practice it every day.
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