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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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    Gibson Southern
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  1. is michigan city still competitive enough to make the top 25?
  2. HH GS NP (the good one) no idea what west lafayette has been up to, nor whiteland/zionsville, but plainfield had a pretty solid season recently as well if i recall.
  3. thats an interesting 26+ I see a few names that I expect to be within the top 25 very quickly.
  4. yeah how far are we going to look back, as i said 'in 2024' where Penn is now the king of beating up a bunch of smaller schools and then getting ran over whenever any real competition shows up. but im game, if we want to look back in the past we could drop into the late 60s or early 70s when penn was dominating with 1-9, 0-9, and 0-10 records.
  5. I'll take cg at carrol + 10.5 No Make your picks rn and double down until you convince even yourself that you're right Is being the new Penn something you would want to advertise in 2024
  6. If someone outside of the mic or HcC Including cg and carmel Wins I'll buy you and temp both 10 But if my guys win I want 10 from each of you
  7. side note I've got an absolute cannon so center grove counts
  8. are we really going to sit here and act like crown point should have been on the same field as ben davis? we could have put together a team of gid members and had the same outcome as that game
  9. there were not 10 teams in the state of Indiana capable of beating ben davis last year for the sake of shooting this right back to enrollment Carmel and Warren
  10. had to go back a little bit for entertainment purposes there are not 10 teams capable of winning 6a this year, or any year in the past 2 decades. there are at most like 4 teams a year in the conversation.
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