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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2019 in Posts

  1. This seemed to have slipped completely under the radar screen this week ... Trump nominates Cain for the Fed: https://www.npr.org/2019/04/04/710023657/trump-to-recommend-pizza-magnate-herman-cain-for-federal-reserve-post I'm assuming that all of the fiscal conservatives, both on and off this board, will just love this ... well at least the ones who say they are, but actually aren't. Similarly, I'm assuming that the folks with the quick-out-of-the-holster Biden memes will also have some just waiting for Cain too. If the idea of someone like Cain being nominated to the Fed, especially on the heels of the almost nomination of Moore doesn't convince us that we've normalized this kind of recklessness, then we're pretty close to reaching the event horizon of politics and leadership in the country.
    1 point
  2. Those words came from your post, not the articles. So are you now going to try to claim that you posted this article in a thread dealing with liberals alleged overreaction to President Trump simply as a commentary on our judicial system, and not because of the supposed political angle to the story? Muda, come on dude. You will strain something making a stretch like that....
    1 point
  3. Not really. It's just a picture of a slogan on a Chinese hat. I won't need to get around it, I'm not running for President more than once.
    1 point
  4. There is now an article in the Muncie Star Press.
    1 point
  5. Huh? The whole point of your original comment, the precise REASON you posted this here, was to make a comment on the supposed political aspects of the incident -- supposedly tolerant lib SJW warrior assaults some guy because of the guy's differing political views, and (supposedly) only gets a slap on the wrist for it. If you now claim that you "know nothing" about Winder's politics, then how do you know he isn't a white supremist, also, and the reason he hit the other guy had nothing to do with that guy's political views?
    1 point
  6. Perhaps you can ask Mr. Clark himself. Here is a link to his website, contact information may be there: https://www.afain.net/ So by your last sentence it appears that Indiana hate crime legislation really isn't needed at all. Thank you.
    -1 points
  7. Reparations Are More Likely to Divide the Nation Than Heal It: http://reason.com/archives/2019/04/05/reparations-likely-to-divide-not-heal Agreed. As one of the comments to this piece states: "It's just so preposterous, it will never happen. Like the GND it's a distraction from the real existential threat facing the country: our national debt caused by social security and medicare. These are abominations and must be abolished. So why are we creating expensive new problems? Because everyone's scheming to arbitrage the system for personal gain, including Brooks (perhaps he imagines he will be the token white appointed to the reparations board). However here's what you fail to appreciate: there can be only one winner. And it won't be you."
    -1 points
  8. Poorly educated? How so? You don't believe our ballooning national debt is a critical problem? Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid are by far the largest components of federal government spending: https://www.thebalance.com/u-s-federal-budget-breakdown-3305789 A bomb arming itself to explode.
    -1 points
  9. http://reason.com/blog/2019/04/05/arizona-will-be-first-state-to-recognize Kudos to Arizona. The real solution is to get rid of governmental licensing altogether, but this is a welcome step.
    -1 points
  10. https://mises.org/wire/capitalism-aka-self-ownership-only-moral-economic-system Agreed. These "democratic socialists" or just plain socialists want to turn American citizens into unwilling slaves for the state.
    -1 points
  11. Brown v. Board Did Not Start Private Schooling: https://www.cato.org/blog/brown-v-board-did-not-start-private-schooling Kudos to Prof. Wingfield for making clear that many public schools were “strictly racially segregated,” which often seems to be soft pedaled when linking choice to segregation. But her assertion that private schooling didn’t “really” begin to grow until after Brown is not borne out by the data. As the chart below shows, while the share of enrollment in private schools spiked in 1959, the growth in private schooling didn’t suddenly increase right before that. In 1889—the earliest year available— the private school share was 11 percent, dipping to 7 percent in 1919, then pretty steadily rising until the 1959 peak. (Note, the earlier years of the federal data are in ten-year increments. Also, data include pre-K enrollments.) History is clear that private education has long been with us, and while it has certainly at times been used to avoid racial integration, it has also been employed for reasons having nothing to do with that. This remains true even in our relatively modern era in which “free” public schools have crowded out many private options.
    -1 points
  12. It was? I don't recall reading in the linked article that Mr. Winder was a "lib SJW warrior". Where did you get that information? And if Mr. Winder is a white supremacist, how does that any difference to the facts of the case?
    -2 points
  13. You would love that wouldn't you? Too bad there is this little item you would have to get around:
    -2 points
  14. I don't understand this quote. What exactly is meant by "filling up on bread"?
    -2 points
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