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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. https://reason.com/2021/07/14/shaky-social-security-trust-fund-may-run-out-in-11-years/ Scary stuff. This is the future we are leaving for our children and grandchildren. Thanks FDR. Thanks Boomers.
  2. Good questions. I'm of the opinion that covid-19 and it's variants are here to stay, just like the good 'ole seasonal flu. And in the future medical science will develop a seasonal vaccine to handle both.
  3. I also wouldn't call mindlessly approving property tax hike after property tax hike to build football palaces in order to increase my property's value and "net worth" capitalism. More like a socialism shell game.
  4. I choose to live in Frankfort, BTW while making a very good white-collar living (neither "poorly paid" or a "middle manager") and successful career, because my spouse and I frankly came to despise the rat-race, urban sprawl, mentality of the large metropolitan areas in which we used to live. Enjoy the property bubble while you can.
  5. No, Bob, I haven't "pre-determined" my answer. It's an honest question, what funding mechanism is paying for these dedicated strength/conditioning coaches for high school football programs? Also the "gotcha" question "Have you stopped beating your wife" is usually prefaced as being a strict yes/no answer. This is not that, not by a long shot.
  6. Yes DT, by the standards/norms of American society most of them are still defined as children. And IMHO these expense of dedicated strength coaches, turf fields, taj-mahal like stadiums, multiple uniforms, etc. are just extravagances heaped on by adults in a vain attempt to glorify what is really a basic game, a game played by children.
  7. Where does the money come from to pay for such an extravagance in a game played by children?
  8. Key word in that sentence is "If". What if during my yearly check up my physician discovers no issues? Why should government and insurance companies come between that transaction?
  9. And now we have this: Give Reggie Bush His Heisman Back: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/07/ncaa-owes-athletes-reggie-bush-heisman/619361/?utm_campaign=the-atlantic&utm_term=2021-07-03T10%3A30%3A57&utm_content=edit-promo&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook Reparations.
  10. I would rather hear it in your words, the government health care expert.
  11. Insect Experts Will Change The Name Of The 'Gypsy Moth' And 'Gypsy Ant': https://www.npr.org/2021/07/10/1014787096/insect-experts-will-change-the-name-of-the-gypsy-moth-and-gypsy-ant
  12. ? A yearly check-up is a yearly check up, by definition. If my physician discovers something during this checkup then subsequent appointments, medications, a specialist referral, etc. may come into play. You still haven't explained why I just can't pay the physician $50-$100 out of my own pocket for this yearly checkup, keeping insurance companies and government out of the equation.
  13. https://mises.org/wire/government-debt-starting-look-almost-sketchy-payday-loans As one of the comments states, "Not just a race to the bottom, but to oblivion." This is the fiscal future we are leaving for our children and grandchildren.
  14. School Choice Is the Answer to Education Disputes https://reason.com/2021/07/09/school-choice-is-the-answer-to-education-disputes/
  15. I'll just requote it for you: "Tell me Dante, why do insurance companies and government regulations have to insert themselves between myself and a physician for a simple yearly check-up?"
  16. Yep. What is pitiful is you saving previous posts for the express purpose of performing a "gotcha" against an individual who has provided much more content for the GID than you ever have. It's just a game, played by children.
  17. At Least 5 Justices Seem To Think the CDC's Eviction Moratorium Is Illegal. SCOTUS Left It in Place Anyway. https://reason.com/2021/06/30/at-least-5-justices-seem-to-think-the-cdcs-eviction-moratorium-is-illegal-scotus-left-it-in-place-anyway/
  18. Fool me once shame in you. Fool me twice shame on me. Sounds like you have been fooled multiple times in your young life Dante, always expecting nanny government to to protect you from making bad decisions. In the view of any individual who truly values personal freedom and responsibility. And you still haven't answered my question from June 24th. Quite telling..................
  19. I thought the likes of 1A wasn't "real football" and therefore not on your ranking radar, DT?
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